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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
I951] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 55I Professor William C. Rose, for a period of one year beginning September 1, 1950 (No. RG-1386-C2). f. $9,646 for studies of the inositol lipids of plant and animal tissues, in the Department of Chemistry, under the supervision of Professor Herbert E. Carter, for a period of one year beginning September 16, 1950 (No. RG-2031C). g. $8,977 for a study to determine the nitrification phase of the biochemical oxygen demand test, in the State Water Survey and Department of Chemistry, under the supervision of Professor Arthur M. Buswell, for a period of one year beginning September I, 1950 (No. RG-2141-C). h. $10,800 for a study of the nature, cause, and control of housefly resistance to insecticides, in the Department of Entomology, under the supervision of Professor George C. Decker, for one year beginning September I, 1950 (No. RG2623). i. $4,924 for a study to determine factors affecting the concentrations of free amino acids in animal tissues, in the Department of Chemistry, under the supervision of Dr. L. M. Henderson, for one year beginning September 1, 1950 (No. RG-2674); 75. VioBin Corporation, Monticello, Illinois, $200 for an investigation of the value of wheat germ oil in the development of resistance to disease by the Department of Bacteriology, under the supervision of Professor George I. Wallace. Total, Funds for Graduate Fellowships, Scholarships, and Research $247,681.21 C. Gifts of Equipment, Works of Art, and Library Materials 76. Judge and Mrs. John H. Armstrong, Champaign, Illinois, a Baldwin grand piano for the School of Music. yy. Mr. Seward Brisbane, New York, N.Y., the papers of Albert Brisbane. (Albert Brisbane was a writer on the staff of the New York Tribune during the days of Horace Greeley. For twenty years he wrote a column dealing with social reforms. The collection includes some of his original manuscripts and other notes.) 78. Hotpoint Company, an automatic dish washer for the Home Economics Department. (Estimated value, $225.) 79. Miss Nola B. Harper, Washington, D.C., eighty-one volumes of architectural works in memory of her brother, the late Edward Clarke Harper, Class of 1914. 80. Mr. and Mrs. Earle Ludgin, Chicago, prints and drawings to the Department of Art. 81. University of Illinois Band Association, a portrait of Director Emeritus A. A. Harding by Professor C. E. Bradbury. (A public presentation will be made at the Annual Band Concert in March, 1951.) Total, Gifts of Equipment, Works of Art, and Library Materials.. .$ 225.00 Total, Urbana-Champaign $284,264.46 For the Chicago Professional Colleges A. Funds Received from Private Industry, Foundations, Other Organisations and Government Agencies for Research and Graduate Study 82. Abbott Laboratories, North Chicago, Illinois: a. $2,000 for continuation of research on dietary therapy in liver disease, in the Department of Medicine, under the supervision of Dr. Robert M. Kark, for one year beginning July 1, 1950. b. $500 to be added to the Anonymous Renal Research Fund, in the Department of Pharmacology, College of Medicine, under the supervision of Doctor Carl C Pfeiffer. c. $400 for research on Bisulfite, in the Department of Clinical Science, College of Medicine, under the supervision of Dr. Morton I. Grossman. d. $16,000 for research on studies on the toxicity and metabolism of sucaryl, in the Department of Medicine, under the supervision of Dr. Robert M. Kark, for a period of one year beginning November I, 1950. (The first quarterly payment °f $4i0O0 has been received.) 83. American Hospital Supply Corporation, $500, the Burdick Corporation, ?5oo, and the Scientific Manufacturing Company, $500 for continued research on value of ultraviolet irradiation of blood and plasma, in the Department of Bac-
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