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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
550 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [February 15 for the renewal of a fellowship in electrical engineering for the academic years 1949-1950 and 1950-1951. 58. Mary E. Baker scholarship, supported by the University of Tennessee Library, $300 for graduate study in the University of Illinois Library School. 59. American Cancer Society, Inc., New York City: a. $1,554.47 for research on the influence of carcinogenic agents on fat metabolism, by Professor Fred A. Kummerow, Department of Food Technology. b. $865 for research on induced limb regeneration and the control of abnormal growth in regenerating tissue, by Professor S. Meryl Rose, Department of Zoology. 60. American Gas Association, $9,000 for warm air furnace research in the Engineering Experiment Station. 61. $2,700 for research on bovine brucellosis immunization: M. J. Boyle and Company, $500; Curtiss Candy Company, $700; Mill Rose Farm, $500; Midlane Farm, $500; Quaker Oats Company, $500. 62. John B runner Memorial Endowment for Research and Advancement in Engineering Education, $1,509.17 to supplement previous grants for research and advancement in engineering education in the College of Engineering. (The amount received to date is $22,799.17.) 63. Illinois Coal Strippers Association, Chicago, $500 to supplement funds previously received for a cooperative study of the potentialities of revegetating and utilizing agronomic species on the strip mined areas in Illinois, by the Department of Agronomy. (The amount of the contract was $5,800.) 64. Illinois Grain Corporation, Chicago, $2,250 to supplement previous grants for research and educational programs to improve the operating efficiency and the services of county grain dealers in Illinois. 65. Illinois Home Bureau Federation, $2,000 for a research project on school equipment for instruction in home economics to be done cooperatively by the College of Education and the Departments of Home Economics and Agricultural Engineering. 66. Illinois Seed Producers Association, Inc., $3,591-55 for corn research in the Department of Agronomy. 67. Eli Lilly and Company, Indianapolis, Indiana, $4,000 for research on insulin in the Department of Chemistry. 68. Lumber Dealers Research Council, $1,200 for time and material studies by the Small Homes Council. 69. Midwest Barley Improvement Association, $100 for research on barley variety fertilizer tests at Woodstock, Illinois. 70. Mrs. C. Phillip Miller, Chicago, $4,853.77 to be added to the Sinnissippi Forest Trust Fund in support of forestry research. 71. $292.25 for the development of the Northern Illinois Experimental Field in DeKalb County: Nelson Duvick, $42.25, and Moews Seed Company, $250. 72. Public Service Company of Northern Illinois, $5,000 to supplement previous grants for studies of the application of electricity to field operations. 73. Swift & Company, Chicago, $18,000 for a study of bacterial spores responsible for food spoilage, under the supervision of Professor H. O. Halvorson of the Department of Bacteriology, for a period of three years. 74. United States Public Health Service: a. $14,063 for training in clinical psychology, in the Department of Psychology, under the supervision of Professor Herbert Woodrow, for one year beginning July 1, 1950 (No. 2M-5089C3 and C3S). b. $15,091 for extension of personality structure investigation in terms of objective test factor measures to children, in the Department of Psychology, under the supervision of Professor Raymond B. Cattell, for one year beginning September i, 1950 (No. MH-80C-2). c. $28,914 for a preschool project for young mentally handicapped children, in the College of Education, under the supervision of Professor Samuel A. Kirk, for one year beginning October I, 1950 (No. MH-274-R). d. $9,900 for a study to determine the synthesis and maintenance of intracellular enzymes, under the supervision of Professor Sol Spiegelman, Department of Bacteriology, for a period of one year beginning July I, 1950 (No. C-1094-C). e._ $16,200 for a study to determine the origin and interconversions of the nonessential amino acids, in the Department of Chemistry, under the supervision of
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