Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
516 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [January 23 MEETING O F T H E EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE On call of the Chairman, a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois was held in the Chicago Illini Union Building, in Chicago, on Tuesday, January 23, 1951, beginning at 11:00 a.m. The following, constituting all of the members of the Executive Committee, were present: Mr. Williamson, Chairman, Mr. Livingston, and Mr. McLaughlin. Mr. Fornof and Mrs. Watkins of the Board of Trustees were also present and took part in the discussions of the business considered by the Committee. Others present at the meeting were: Messrs. Harold E. Grange and Herbert B. Megran, Trustees-elect; President George D. Stoddard, Provost C. R. Griffith, Vice-President A. C. Ivy, Comptroller Lloyd Morey, Mr. C. W. Weldon, Treasurer of the University, Mr. Howard A. Hazleton, Business Manager of the Chicago Colleges, Mr. J. F. Wright, Director of Public Information, Mr. C. Lincoln Williston, Manager of Public Information for the Chicago Professional Colleges, and Mr. A. J. Janata, Secretary of the Board. MINUTES APPROVED The Secretary presented the minutes of the meeting of November 24, 1950, press proof copies of which had previously been sent to all members of the Board. On motion of Mr. Livingston, these minutes were approved as printed on pages 457-480, inclusive. BUSINESS PRESENTED BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNIVERSITY The Executive Committee considered the following recommendations and reports presented by President Stoddard. MEMORANDUM TO THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES ON THE STUDY OF THE STRUCTURE OF THE STATE TAX-SUPPORTED SYSTEM OF HIGHER EDUCATION IN ILLINOIS (1) This report was presented for the information of the Board and was discussed by President Stoddard. A copy was filed with the Secretary of the Board for record. A copy of the "Report of the Study of the Structure of the State Tax-Supported System of Higher Education in Illinois," made for the Governor of Illinois by a staff under the direction of the Division of Higher Education, Office of Education, Federal Security Agency, had previously been sent by the Secretary of the Board of Trustees to each member of the Board. PRELIMINARY REPORT TO T H E BOARD OF TRUSTEES ON THE EMERGENCY MANPOWER PROBLEMS AS THEY AFFECT HIGHER EDUCATION (2) This report was presented for the information of the Board and was discussed by President Stoddard. A copy was filed with the Secretary of the Board for record. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES OF T H E BOARD At this point, the Executive Committee took up consideration of the following reports of Board Committees. REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON CIVIL SERVICE AND EMPLOYEES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES Mr. Livingston presented the following report: The Committee on Civil Service and Employees at a meeting held on January 11, 1951, in the Illini Union Building at Urbana, Illinois, considered a proposal for