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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

504 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [December 28 able and effective service t o it as its Treasurer. It directs t h a t this resolution be spread upon t h e Minutes as a public record of the Board's tribute and t h a t a copy be sent t o Mr. Porter's family. This resolution was adopted. UNIVERSITY TREASURER Mr. Fornof, on behalf of the Finance Committee, offered the following resolution: WHEREAS, Illinois Revised Statutes, 1949, Chapter 144, Section 26 provides: "At the first, and at each biennial meeting thereafter, it shall be t h e duty of the board to appoint a treasurer, who shall not be a member of the board, and who shall give bonds, with such security as the board of trustees shall deem amply sufficient t o guard the University from danger of loss or diminution of t h e funds intrusted to his care . . . " and WHEREAS, the office of Treasurer of the University of Illinois has become vacant through t h e death of Irvin L. Porter, the previous Treasurer, on December 24, 1950: Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved, T h a t Clarence W. Weldon of t h e City of Chicago, County of Cook, and State of Illinois be and hereby is appointed Treasurer of the University of Illinois, to hold office for the remainder of this biennial term and until his successor shall have been duly appointed and qualified. Be It Further Resolved, T h a t prior to entering upon the duties of said office said Treasurer shall furnish a bond in the penal sum of Five Million Dollars ($5,000,000.00) in such form and with such security as the Finance Committee of this Board shall deem amply sufficient to guard the University from danger of loss or diminution of the funds intrusted to his care. Be It Further Resolved, T h a t said Treasurer be and hereby is authorized and directed to assume possession and control of any and all funds or assets of the University of Illinois t h a t were in the possession or under the control of the previous Treasurer. Be It Further Resolved, T h a t said Treasurer be and hereby is authorized and directed to perform the duties and assume the responsibilities of Treasurer of the University of Illinois and that said Treasurer shall have and has any and all powers and privileges that now or may hereafter in anywise appertain to t h e said office of Treasurer of the University of Illinois. This resolution was adopted and Clarence W. Weldon was declared the duly appointed Treasurer of the University to serve for the balance of the unexpired term of the late Irvin L. Porter, or until the next annual meeting of the Board of Trustees and until his successor shall have been elected and qualified. REPORT OF THE COMMITTEES O N BUILDINGS A N D GROUNDS AND O N AGRICULTURE ON HEARING OF DELEGATIONS FROM ORGANIZATIONS REQUESTING A NEW HOME ECONOMICS BUILDING AT THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Messrs. Fornof and McLaughlin presented the following report: I n t h e discussion of t h e University's building program for 1951-1953 at the meeting of the Board of Trustees on October 26, 1950, the Board directed the Committee on Buildings and Grounds and the Committee on Agriculture to hear individuals and delegations who wished t o appear before the Board in support of a new home economics building. The Building and Grounds Committee was also requested t o hear any parties desiring to appear in support of other building projects. Your Committees report t h a t at a joint meeting held at Urbana, Illinois, on November 30, delegations from the Illinois Agricultural Association, t h e Illinois Home Bureau Federation, and the Illinois Federation of Women's Clubs were heard. Representatives of these delegations asked the Board of Trustees to include in its building program a new building for home economics at t h e earliest feasible time. The sentiment of these delegations may be summed up in t h e statement made by
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