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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
195°] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 503 ADMINISTRATION BUILDING ALTERATIONS (29) On September 29, 1950 (Minutes, page 368), the Board of Trustees approved the award of cost-plus contracts, on a basis of competitive bids, for minor alterations during the fiscal year 1950-1951. Contracts for general work of this character were awarded to E. N. DeAtley, Champaign, and Clarence Siems Co., Urbana. The Board of Trustees authorized such contracts not to exceed £5,000 for any one job. As a part of the program for relocation of administrative offices, it is necessary to make certain alterations in and additions to Rooms 302, 303, and 304 of Administration Building (East) to provide small cubicles or offices required for the occupancy of this area by the Student Counseling Bureau. T h e main work involves providing partitions, plastering, and millwork. Since this work is of a remodeling character it is not feasible to prepare detailed specifications and secure competitive bids. The Director of the Physical Plant and the Comptroller recommend t h a t this work be allocated to Mr. E. N. DeAtley under his cost-plus contract since his fees for work in this bracket are slightly lower than those in the bid of Mr. Siems. Total cost of this work is estimated at $7,790.66. Funds are available in t h e appropriation made by the Board of Trustees on September 29, 1950 (Minutes, page 366) for relocation of administrative offices. I concur and recommend t h a t t h e Comptroller be authorized to execute this contract addition. On motion of Mr. Livingston, authority was given as recommended. RESIGNATION O F PROFESSOR J O H N M. KUYPERS AS DIRECTOR OF THE SCHOOL OF MUSIC (30) Professor John M. Kuypers was granted leave of absence from the Directorship of the School of Music for one year beginning September 1, 1950. He is to continue his professorship during the current academic year. Professor Kuypers now submits his resignation as Director of the School of Music, to be effective at t h e end of the current academic year 1950-1951. I recommend that (a) his resignation as Director be accepted, effective August 31, 1951; (b) he be continued as Professor of Music on indefinite tenure; (c) his present on-leave-of-absence-as-Director status be continued for the balance of the current academic year as previously authorized. Professor Kuypers' letter of resignation is attached. In the meantime, Professor Duane Branigan, who was appointed Acting Director for one year from September 1, 1950, will continue serving in t h a t capacity. A faculty committee will be appointed to search for a qualified candidate for the directorship and a recommendation for such an appointment will be made following the lines of established practice in due course of time. On motion of Mrs. Holt, the resignation of Professor Kuypers as Director of the School of Music was accepted and the other recommendations of the President of the University were approved. IRVIN L. PORTER Mr. Fornof offered the following resolution: Mr. Irvin L. Porter, Treasurer of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, died on December 24, 1950, after an illness of several weeks. Mr. Porter was first elected Treasurer of this Board on March 20, 1943, and served continuously until his death. At the time of his passing he was in the fourth two-year term of service. As an alumnus and trustee of Knox College, he had a keen interest in educational affairs, and t h a t interest was made constantly evident in his service as Treasurer of the University of Illinois. His experience as an executive officer of the First National Bank of Chicago made it possible for him to render valuable assistance and advice to the University in its financial problems which he did unstintingly and continuously. He handled all duties of the treasurership with efficiency and thoroughness, and at all times extended the fullest possible cooperation with the Board and its officers in the handling of University business. He was also instrumental in securing cooperation and excellent service for the University from the First National Bank of Chicago, the depository of funds in his custody. The Board of Trustees in regular meeting assembled this 28th day of December, !95°» hereby records its sorrow a t his passing and its deep appreciation of his valu-
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