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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
i95o] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 479 LINDSAY, JAMES E., JR., Assistant, Radiology (Medicine) —termination effective 9-1-50. MALKUS, WILLEM V. R., Instructor, Physics (Undergraduate Division in Chicago) — resignation effective 10-6-50. OINK, ETHEL G., Serials Librarian, with the rank of Assistant (Undergraduate Division in Chicago) —resignation effective 10-1-50. PRUZANSKY, SAMUEL, Research Associate, Orthodontia (Dentistry) — resignation effective 10-1-50. REDDEN, H U G H F., Instructor, Physical Education for Men — cancellation effective 9-1-50. SHEARER, CHARLES E., Assistant, Anatomy (Medicine)—resignation effective 10-15-50. SILVERMAN, BERNARD, Instructor, Electrical Engineering ( C ) —declination effective 9-1-50. VENEMA, HARRY J., Research Assistant, Electrical Engineering ( S ) — d e c l i nation effective 9-1-50. WHITAKER, ROBERT W., Instructor, Farm Structures (Agricultural Engineering) (C & S ) —resignation effective 12-7-50. WILSON, CHARLES M., Assistant Professor, Bacteriology — resignation effective 2-28-51. LEAVES O F ABSENCE BRONFENBRENNER, M R S . JEAN A., Research Associate, Bureau of Economic and Business Research — leave of absence, without salary, September I, 1950January 31, 1951. BURNETTE, PAUL J., Education, Philosophy, and Psychology Librarian, with the rank of Assistant Professor — leave of absence, without salary, November 16, 1950-Fcbruary 15, 1951. DAY, MAHLON M., Professor, Mathematics — leave of absence, with full pay, September i-October 29, 1950. HECK, CHARLES V., Instructor, Orthopaedic Surgery (Medicine)—leave of absence for war service, without salary, November I, 1950, and continuing until the end of the academic year, or until prior release from the Army. KRAUSZ, NORMAN G. P., Research Associate, Institute of Government and Public Affairs, and First Assistant in Agricultural Law (Agricultural Economics) ( S ) •—leave of absence, without salary, October 9-December 9, 1950. MARKS, RACHEL, Assistant Professor, Social Welfare Administration — leave of absence, with full pay for not exceeding 45 days beginning September 28, 1950, and, if necessary, leave without pay thereafter. T h e Board recessed. DISCUSSION O F MATTERS IN T H E COLLEGE O F COMMERCE A N D BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION W h e n the B o a r d convened after recess, the following m e m b e r s were present: P r e s i d e n t Williamson, M r . Fornof, M r . H e r r i c k , M r . H i c k man, M r s . Holt, M r . Livingston, M r . McLaughlin, M r . Nickell, M r s . W a t k i n s ; also present were P r e s i d e n t S t o d d a r d , P r o v o s t Griffith, VicePresident Ivy, Comptroller Morey, M r . W r i g h t , Director of Public Information, and M r . J a n a t a , S e c r e t a r y of t h e Board. M e s s r s . H . E . Grange, W a y n e A. Johnston, a n d H . B. M e g r a n , Trustees-Elect, who had been invited by P r e s i d e n t Williamson to attend, were present d u r i n g this session. T h e S e c r e t a r y of the B o a r d presented lists of all m e m b e r s of the faculty w h o had indicated their desire to appear at this h e a r i n g a n d of those who h a d asked to be h e a r d . Copies of these lists a r e in t h e files of the Secretary as a m a t t e r of record. F r o m this point on, the proceedings of the h e a r i n g w e r e recorded
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