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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
462 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [November 24 3. ROBERT GLASEH, Research Assistant Professor of Education in the Bureau of Research and Service, College of Education, beginning January I, 1951, at an annual salary of $6,500 (DY). 4. STANLEY D. MUSGRAVE, Assistant Professor of Dairy Science, College of Agriculture and Agricultural Experiment Station, beginning October 27, 1950, at an annual salary of $4,75° (D25; DY75). On motion of Mr. Livingston, these appointments were confirmed. SERVICES O F PROFESSOR THOMAS E. BENNER A N D ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR KENNETH B. HENDERSON TO THE DEPARTMENT O F STATE (2) The United States Department of State has requested the University of Illinois to loan the State Department two members of the University's staff for a period of two months during the current academic year to help advance work and planning in the field of teaching about the United Nations. Specifically, the services of Professor Thomas E. Benner and Associate Professor Kenneth B. Henderson of the College of Education have been requested. I have authorized the services of these men to the Department of State as a loan from the University and request confirmation of my action. . On motion of Mr. McLaughlin, the action of the President was confirmed. NAMES O F A E R O N A U T I C A L E N G I N E E R I N G B U I L D I N G S (3) The Head of the Department of Aeronautical Engineering and the Dean of the College of Engineering request that definite names be given to two buildings used by the Department as follows: Aeronautical Laboratory A (formerly the Locomotive Testing Laboratory on the north end of the campus) and Aeronautical Laboratory B (formerly the Machine Tool Laboratory of the Department of Mechanical Engineering). I concur. On motion of Mr. Herrick, these buildings were named as designated, Mr. Livingston voting "no." GRADUATE COLLEGE FEES (4) The Dean of the Graduate College and the Committee on Fees and Scholarships recommend that all graduate students in absentia pay a tuition fee assessed on the same basis as if they were in residence. I concur. On motion of Mr. Herrick, this recommendation was approved. RELEASE O F F U N D S FOR B U I L D I N G S A N D OTHER CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS (5) The Governor has approved the following release of funds from appropriations made to the University of Illinois for 1949-1951 for buildings and other capital improvements: Release No. 47 "For Equipment for buildings enumerated above at Urbana-Champaign"..$l75 000 This is a final release from an appropriation of $365,000. The Governor has previously released (Release No. 25) $190,000 from this appropriation. The funds now released are for the purchase of movable equipment for the new Veterinary Medicine unit at UrbanaChampaign. I recommend that the funds released be appropriated for the purpose specified. On motion of Mr. Livingston, these funds were appropriated, as recommended, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Fornof, Mr. Herrick, Mrs. Holt, Mr. Livingston, Mr. McLaughlin, Mr. Nickell, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Hickman, Doctor Meyer, Mr. Stevenson.
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