Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
454 BOARD OF TRUSTEES In Physics [October 26 P A U L H E N R Y LATIMER, B.S., Northwestern University, 1949 In Physiology MYRON GILBERT, B.S., Kent State University, 1949 BRUCE W A Y N E P I N C , B.S., Northwestern University, 1949 In the Teaching of Biological Sciences and General GROVER JACKSON NORWOOD, A.B., Washington University, 1934 Science In the Teaching of In Theoretical Mathematics Mechanics GEORGE CLAY RAGLAND, B.S., Southern Illinois University, 1046 and Applied In Zoology W I L L I A M ROBERT STAPLES, B.S., University of Saskatchewan, 1942 BERNARD BERNE, B.S., 1949 LAWRENCE EDWARD FEIGHTNER, B.S., North Central College, 1949 STANLEY EDWARD LELAND, J R . , B.S., 1949 ALFRED SOY CHOU L I N G , A.B., Princeton University, 1948 BERTRAM HERBERT M A R X , A.B., New York University, 1949 DOMENICO JOSEPH NERI, B.S., 1949 W I L L I A M FRANKLIN PRATT, A.B., Ohio Wesleyan University, 1948 Degree of Master of Music MARY ELIZABETH M A Y H E W , B . M U S . , 1946 COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS A N D SCIENCES D e g r e e of Bachelor of Arts In Liberal Arts and Sciences JACKSON IRVING COPE IRENE LEOPOLDINE KRENN J O H N GOULD RAFFENSPERGER DONALD F R A N K SANDNER FRANCIS W I L L I A M SULLIVAN ANITA EDWINA THURMAN Degree of Bachelor of Science In Liberal Arts and Sciences RICHARD W I L L I A M STUTE In Speech ELMA LASSITER MILLER Correction Science In the Teaching of Biological Sciences and General W I L L I A M JOSEPH DEMBSKI, J R . COLLEGE O F EDUCATION D e g r e e of Bachelor of Science In MARY J A N E HARRINGTON SAUNDERS Education COLLEGE OF COMMERCE A N D BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Degree of Bachelor of Science In Banking and Finance P A U L JOSEPH DOEBEL, J R . , with High Honors