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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
i95°] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 445 DOUGHERTY, DORA, Research Assistant, Psychology (Graduate College), nine months beginning October I, 1950, $4000 a year (10-6-50). DUBRUL, E. LLOYD, Assistant Professor, Oral Anatomy and Oral Surgery ( H i s tology) ( J 4 ) , Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery [}/\), and in Postgraduate Studies (%) (Dentistry), September 15, 1950-August 31, 1951, $6200 a year, supersedes (9-30-50). F E I N , GLORIA B., Research Assistant, Physiology (Medicine), one year beginning September 16, 1950, $2930, supersedes (10-16-50). FORBES, JOHN L., Assistant, English (full time), September 16, 1950-January 31, 1951, $1200, and (.Yi), February l-June 15, 1951, $800, superesedes (10-17-50). FRANZBLAU, SANFORD A., Clinical Instructor, Medicine (Medicine) (I/2), eleven months beginning August I, 1950, $3600 a year, supersedes (10-16-50). FROMM, ARNO H., Assistant Professor, Hygiene, and Medical Adviser for Men (Health Service), eleven months beginning October 1, 1950, $7000 a year (9-22-50). FUCHS, JACOB, Research Assistant, Chemistry (Graduate College), September 16, 1950-January 31, 1951, $1462.50 (10-3-50). FUKUTO, TETSUO R., Research Assistant, Chemistry (Graduate College), nine months beginning October 1, 1950, $2925 (10-6-50). FULTZ, M R S . SARAH M., Reserve House Director, ten months beginning September 1, 1950, $1250 (9-28-50). GANNON, NORMAN, Research Assistant, Economic Entomology (Agriculture) and (Natural History Survey) (full time), September, 1950, and for three months beginning June 1, 1951, $250 a month, and (H), eight months beginning October 1, 1950, $125 a month (10-12-50). GASUL, BENJAMIN M., Assistant Professor, Pediatrics (Medicine) (14), eleven months beginning October I, 1950, $1800 a year, supersedes (10-6-50). GOLDWASSER, MOSES, Associate, Medicine (Medicine), and Consultant to Illinois Eye and Ear Infirmary (*/•), one year beginning September I, 1950, $1975, supersedes (10-16-50). GOODMAN, LAWRENCE E., Research Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering ( S ) , and (Graduate College), one year beginning September 1, 1950, $5400, supersedes (9-22-50). HALL, B. VINCENT, Associate Professor, Zoology (yi), one year beginning September 1, 1950, $2500, and (full time), indefinite tenure beginning September l < 195I1 to render service during each academic year, $5000 a year, supersedes (10-4-50). HOWARD, JACK A., Assistant Professor, Marketing (Business Organization and Operation), two years beginning September I, 1951, to render service during each academic year, $4500 a year (10-14-50). HUMAN, MARY L., Research Assistant, Bacteriology (Graduate College), September 16, 1950-June 30, 1951, $2660 (9-27-50). IVENS, M R S . J. LOREENA W., Assistant, Institute of Aviation, September 18, 1950August 31, 1951, $3000 a year (9-22-50). JAQUES, BENJAMIN M., Instructor, Clinical Speech (Otolaryngology) (Medicine), one year beginning September 1, 1950, $4000 (9-27-50). KEANE, M R S . MARGARET B., Assistant, Animal Science ( S ) , eleven months beginning October 1, 1950, $3200 a year (10-17-50). KELLER, SEYMOUR P., Instructor, Physical Sciences (Undergraduate Division in Chicago), five months beginning September 1, 1950, $320 a month (9-28-50). KINTNER, P A U L M., Instructor, Electrical Engineering ( C ) i}/i), academic year beginning September 1, 1950, $1700, supersedes (10-11-50). KNOCK, FRANCES E., Research Associate, Pharmacology (Medicine) (J/i), three months beginning September 1, 1950, $250 a month (0-28-50). KNODELL, JOHN D., JR., Instructor, Business Law (Business Organization and Operation), academic year beginning September 1, 1950, $3300, supersedes (9-28-50). KOCH, F A I T H C , Instructor, Occupational Therapy (Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation) (Medicine), one year beginning September 1, 1950, $3600 (9-28-50). KOKEN, JOHN C , Research Assistant, Mathematics (Graduate College), one year beginning September 1, 1950, $4800 (10-17-50).
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