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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
430 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [October 26 Following extended discussion by members of the Board, on motion of Mr. Livingston, the President of the Board and the President of the University were authorized and directed to present this capital budget to the State Department of Finance, the Illinois Budgetary Commission, and other state officials and legislative leaders as representing the needs of the University for funds for buildings and other permanent improvements for the biennium of 1951-1953Mr. Livingston also offered a motion expressing the appreciation of the Trustees to the Building Program Committee and its representatives who appeared before the Board for their fine work in presenting a comprehensive, informative report, and this motion was adopted. At this point, Doctor Meyer withdrew from the meeting. AWARD OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT CERTIFICATES (2) T h e Committee on Accountancy recommends that t h e certificate of Certified Public Accountant be awarded, under Section 5 of the Accountancy Act of 1943, to the following candidates who have presented evidence that they are holders of valid and unrevoked Certified Public Accountant certificates obtained by passing a standard written examination in another state or territory of the United States and who qualify in all other respects under this provision of the law: IVAN O L E BULL ( I o w a ) ROBERT M A R T I N BURLINGAME ( T e n n . ) A L PATRICK CHATTERTON ( M O . ) T H O M A S JOSEPH MCGARRY ( M O . ) CONNELL ISIDORE SALTZMAN ( N . Y . ) JACK H . TERRY ( N e b r . ) ROBERT S. TORGERSON ( W i s . ) GEORGE H . W I N C H E L L (Minn.) I concur. On motion of Mr. Hickman, these certificates were awarded, as recommended. APPOINTMENTS TO THE FACULTY (3) T h e following new appointments to the faculty of the rank of Assistant P r o fessor and above, and involving tenure, have been approved since the previous meeting of the Board of Trustees: 1. ROBERT LEIGHTON CARMIN, Assistant Professor of Geography, beginning February 1, 1951, at an annual salary of $5,000 ( D ) . 2. BUEL ROREX PATTERSON, Assistant Professor of Physical Education for Men, beginning September I, 1950, at an annual salary of $1,200 (B20), and Head Wrestling Coach for the Athletic Association, at an annual salary of $4,000 (DY80). 3. M R S . DOROTHY E. SHELLEY, Assistant Professor of Hygiene and Medical Adviser for Women in the Health Service, beginning October 1, 1950, at an annual salary of $6,000 ( D Y ) . 4. BENSON MATES, Visiting Associate Professor of Philosophy, second semester, 1950-1951, at a salary of $3,500 ( G ) . 5. MONTGOMERIE CHRISTIE STEELE, Research Assistant Professor of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Engineering Experiment Station, beginning October 1, 1950, at an annual salary of $5,400 ( D Y ) . On motion of Mr. Fornof, these appointments were confirmed. APPOINTMENTS TO ADVISORY COMMITTEE O F T H E COLLEGE OF PHARMACY (4) T h e Dean of the College of Pharmacy recommends the following appointments to the Advisory Committee of that College: R A L P H A. CARPENTER, Villa Park, for five years (July 1, 1950, through June 30, 1955) THOMAS G. CRAWFORD, Director of Personnel, Walgreen D r u g Company, Chicago, for one year (July 1, 1950, through June 30, 1951) Mr. Carpenter is being appointed to succeed Mr. Charles R. Walgreen, Jr., whose term has expired. Mr. Crawford's appointment is to fill the vacancy brought
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