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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1950] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 401 WINCHESTER, MARY E., Engineering Library Assistant, one year beginning September 1, 1950, 53150 (8-20-50). W I N T E R , D E A N W., Assistant, Agricultural Engineering (S), three months beginning June i, 1950, $300 a month, supersedes (7-27-50). W I N T E R , D E A N W., Assistant, Agricultural Engineering (S), one year beginning September 1, 1950, $3600 (7-27-50). WOHLER, WILMA, Instructor, Education (University High School) {%), academic year beginning September I, 1950, J1600 (9-8-50). WOOD, M R S . CORDILL H., Instructor, Mental Hygiene and Clinical Psychotherapist (Health Service) {yi), September 15, 1950-August 31, 1951, J2100 a year (9-18-50). WRIGHT, M R S . ELIZABETH V., English (Undergraduate Division in Chicago), Summer Session of 1950 (}4), eight weeks beginning June 26, 1950, #456 (7-15-50). W Y N N , BONNIE J., Assistant Head Resident, Lincoln Avenue Residence (North Half), ten months beginning September 1, 1950, $2400; for the convenience of the University, she will also be provided three meals daily valued at $21 a month (8-3-50). YOTHERS, L E E W., Administrative Resident, Research and Educational Hospitals, one year beginning July 1, 1950, $1500 (8-3-50). YOUNG, NORMAN, Instructor, Education; academic year beginning September 1, 1950, J3600 (9-8-50). ZIMRING, ALLAN J., Instructor, Anatomy (Medicine) (12/100), academic year beginning September 1, 1950, S400 (8-28-50). GRADUATE FELLOWS (The following appointments were made by the Dean of the Graduate College on the dates indicated in parenthesis.) ADAMS, JOHN G., Bristol Research Fellow, Pharmacology (Medicine), one year beginning September I, 1950, J1800, supersedes (9-18-50). BEARDSLEY, DANIEL W., Harry G. and Harriett A. Wright Fellow, Animal Nutrition, nine months beginning September 16, 1950, $700 (7-26-50). BHASKAR, SURINDAR N., United States Public Health Service Research Fellow, Histology (Dentistry), one year beginning September 1, 1950, J3600 (9-11-50). BIRCH, HOMER J., Lauhoff Grain Company Fellow, Chemistry, nine months beginning September 16, 1950, J1500 (9-20-50). BIRD, ROBERT B., American Heart Association Research Fellow, Physiology (Medicine), three months beginning July 1, 1950, J i o o a month, supersedes (7-24-50). COHEN, HYMAN L., Roche Research Fellow, Pharmacology (Medicine), three months beginning July 1, 1950, #125 a month (7-24-50). COMESS, MORTON S., United States Air Force Research Fellow, Aeromedical and Physical Environment Laboratory, July 10-September 30, 1950, #185 a month (8-3-50). DELORENZO, WILLIAM, Standard Brands Postdoctoral Fellow, Bacteriology, one year beginning September 1, 1950, J3000 (8-14-50). FEFFER, M E L V I N H., United States Public Health Service Fellow, Psychology (Psychiatry) (Medicine), one year beginning July 1, 1950, $2000 (8-5-50). FRIEDBERG, ARTHUR L., Fellow, Ceramic Engineering, ten months beginning September 1, 1950, J1700 (7-11-50). FUNDERBURK, WILLIAM H., Smith, Kline and French Laboratories Research Fellow, Pharmacology (Medicine), eight months beginning September 1, 1950, J3600 a year (9-12-50). INSKIP, LOIS W., Postdoctoral Fellow, Biochemistry, nine months beginning September 16, 1950, #2400 (9-19-50). KJELLBERG, RAYMOND N., Mallinkrodt Chemical Works Research Fellow, Pharmacology (Medicine), three months beginning July I, 1950, #125 a month (7-24-50). KOBRIN, H E N R Y , National Institute of Health Research Fellow, Clinical Science (Medicine), four months beginning June I, 1950, S125 a month (7-24-50). LANDE, MILTON J., Research Fellow, Orthodontia (Dentistry), two months beginning July 1, 1950, J i o o a month (8-3-50). MARSHALL, WILLIAM H., Bristol Laboratory Research Fellow, Pharmacology (Medicine), three months beginning July I, 1950, $125 a month (7-24-50). MARTIN, WILLIAM R., Squibb Research Fellow, Pharmacology (Medicine), three months beginning July I, 1950, J125 a month (7-24-50).
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