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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
400 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [September 29 TAYLOR, WELTON I., Instructor, Bacteriology (Medicine), two months beginning July 15, 1950, 8337.50 a month, this is in addition to present appointment, (9-15-50). TEFLITZ, ZELDA, Instructor, Psychiatry (Medicine), three months beginning June 1, 1950, without salary (8-5-50). ERRILL, WILLIAM A., Instructor, Accountancy (Business Organization and Operation) ($4), academic year beginning September 1, 1950, #2400, supersedes (9-8-50). THACKRAY, SHIRLEY MAY, Assistant Head Resident, Lincoln Avenue Residence (North Half), ten months beginning September I, 1950, 82400; for the convenience of the University, she will also be provided three meals daily valued at 821 a month (9-18-50). THOM, KATHLEEN J., Instructor, Biological Sciences (Undergraduate Division in Chicago), academic year beginning September 1, 1950, 83200 (7-24-50). TIENHOVEN, A R I V., Assistant, Dairy Science (S), one year beginning September 1, 1950, 83000, supersedes (9-19-50). TOLBERT, MARIAN E., Assistant Professor, Home Economics (S), one year beginning September I, 1950, 85000 (8-18-50). TOMAN, KURT, Research Assistant, Electrical Engineering (S), one year beginning September 1, 1950, 83300 (8-28-50). TONKIN, WILLIAM M., Counselor, Division of Special Services for W a r Veterans ($4), one year beginning September 1, 1950, 82300, supersedes (7-8-50). TORCH, M R S . BERNICE L., Assistant, Horticulture (S), one year beginning September 1, 1950, 83200 (9-11-50). TURNER, M R S . H E L E N D., Assistant State Leader, and Instructor, Home Economics (E), one year beginning September I, 1950, 84200, supersedes (9-15-50). TWIST, JANE E., Research Assistant, Chemistry (Graduate College), September 16, 1950-August 31, 1951, 83066.67 (7-21-50). UTLEY, JEAN L., Assistant Professor, Audiology (Otolaryngology) (Medicine), academic year beginning September 1, 1950, without salary (7-24-50). VAN DAM, THOMAS E., J R . , Instructor, Physical Sciences (Undergraduate Division in Chicago), academic year beginning September I, 1950, 83300 (9-12-50). VAN DOREN, CORNELIUS A., Assistant Professor, Soil Conservation (Agronomy) (S), one year beginning September 1, 1950, without salary (8-8-50). VAN NORDEN, M R S . FLORENCE J., Instructor, Home Economics (C), one year beginning September 1, 1950, 84000, supersedes (8-29-50). VAN SICKLE, JAMES W., Adjutant of the Air Force, August 1, 1950-August 31, 1951, 8500 a year (9-18-50). VAWTER, GORDON F., Experimental Pathologist, Aeromedical and Physical Environment Laboratory, one year beginning July 1, 1950, 85500 (8-12-50). VERNIER, VERNON G., Research Associate, Pharmacology (Medicine), one year beginning July 1, 1950, 83600 (8-29-50). WADDINGTON, HARRY K., Instructor, Obstetrics and Gynecology (Medicine) (45/100), one year beginning September I, 1950, 81700 (8-17-50). WADE, LAURENCE J., JR., Assistant, Accountancy (Business Organization and Operation), nine months beginning September 16, 1950, 82600 (9-18-50). WAGY, LOUIS C , Assistant, English, nine months beginning September 16, 1950, 82400 (8-11-50). WALLING, MARY LOU, Research Assistant, Bureau of Economics and Business Research, one year beginning September I, 1950, 83200, supersedes (8-29-50). WALTER, LOWELL M., Instructor, Education (University High School) (2/3), academic year beginning September I, 1950, 82667 (9-11-50). WETENKAMP, HARRY R., Research Assistant Professor, Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (S), one year beginning September 1, 1950, 85000, supersedes (7-25-50). WETZEL, H U B E R T J., Instructor, Agricultural 4-H Club Work (E), one year beginning September 1, 1950, 84500, supersedes (7-21-50). W H I T E , WALTER L., Assistant, Applied Materia Medica and Therapeutics (Dentistry) (1/5), one year beginning September I, 1950, without salary (8-20-50). WIEGAND, RICHARD, Assistant, Business English, nine months beginning September 16, 1950, 83100 (8-17-50). WILLIAMS, DONALD B., Assistant, Agricultural Economics (Graduate College), eight months beginning July 1, 1950, 8270 a month (8-8-50).
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