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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
382 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [September 29 Total for the Biennium Summary General Revenue Tax University's Funds Income The Sixty-sixth General Assembly appropriated to the University of Illinois for operation for the biennium beginning July 1, 1949 (excluding special appropriations of $2,064,114 for Services for Crippled Children and $143,000' for the Institution for Tuberculosis Research), the sum of $52271742 $15000000 For the biennium starting July I, 1951, I recommend that the University of Illinois request increases as follows: I. Statutory and Contractual Increases: A. Increased employer contributions to the University Retirement System 406 600 B. Payments for the new steam plant at the Chicago Professional Campus 1 107 864 II. Increases necessary to put new facilities into operation: A. Chicago (Hospital Addition) 3 284 515 B. Urbana-Champaign 430 856 I I I . Increases essential to staff and departmental development: A. Salary and wage rate increases... 2 400 000 B. Increases to promote growth and development 2 200 000 IV. Estimated savings due to lower enrollments in 1951-1953: - I 000 000 Net increase requested, from tax funds ( 8 829 835) V. Revolving increases, covered by additional income: A. Increases resulting from increase in dollar volume of auxiliary enterprises I 500 000 Total increase requested, all funds $ 8 829 835 $ 1 500 000 Total biennial appropriation requested $6i 101 577 $16 500 000 $67271742 406 600 1 107 864 3 284 515 430 856 2 400 000 2 200 000 - I 000 000 ( 8 829 835) 1 500 000 $10 329 835 $77 601 577 The funds appropriated in 1949-1951 are being used for the comprehensive educational, research, and public services reported to the General Assembly. T h e University of Illinois has continued to fulfill its promises to veterans. Large areas of teaching and research have been brought abreast of world advances in science and technology. T h e services of the University have been expanded in order to meet the needs of the State. In the spring of 1950, the deans, directors, and general administrative officers were asked to submit preliminary requests for the 1951-1953 biennium. These requests were presented to the University Council in July. They called for an increase of $18,202,105 over the present biennial appropriation. After extensive discussion, the officers concerned were asked to give further study to the proposed programs and to revise their original decisions substantially downward. T h e revised requests as submitted to the President's office came to a total increase of $13,660,475 for the biennium. F o r reasons to be cited in this report, I am not recommending such an
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