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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1950] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 373 Section Six ( 6 ) , Township Fifteen (15) North,' Range Seven ( 7 ) , East of the Third Principal Meridian; Also, the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section Five ( 5 ) , Township Fifteen (15) North, Range Seven ( 7 ) , East of the Third Principal Meridian; Also, commencing Forty-eight and 72/100 (48.72) poles North of the Southwest corner of Section Six ( 6 ) , Township Five (5) North, Range Seven (7) East of the Third Principal Meridian, thence East 288 poles parallel with Section line to the West line of the East Half of the Southeast Quarter of said Section Six ( 6 ) , thence N o r t h with said line 48 poles and 25 links; thence West 288 poles to range line, thence South 48 poles and 25 links to place of beginning, containing Eighty-seven and 19/100 (87.19) acres, more or less; All of the above described real estate located in Douglas County, Illinois. Also, Lot One (1) of the Northeast Quarter, and the North Half of the Southeast Q u a r t e r ; all in Section One ( 1 ) , Township Fifteen (15) North, Range Six ( 6 ) , East of the Third Principal Meridian, Moultrie County, Illinois. S E V E N T H : I give the real estate described in the foregoing paragraph to the Trustees of the University of Illinois without restriction, except as hereinafter set forth. Said Trustees may sell said real estate, or operate the same as in their discretion shall seem best, for the uses and purposes hereinafter set forth. In case said land is sold, the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, may invest and reinvest the funds derived from such sale in such securities as in their best judgment shall combine safety of principal and satisfactory income without regard to any law of this state concerning the investment of trust funds, now or hereafter in effect. In any event, the real estate itself, or the funds derived from the sale thereof, shall be kept intact and only the income therefrom shall be used. Such income will be placed in a fund to be known as the "Jessie Ellars Hackett Scholarship Fund," and shall be used for scientific research work in the College of Agriculture, or any other College in the University of Illinois, at Urbana, Illinois, where such research will especially benefit agriculture; such scholarships shall be granted to students of either sex on the basis of high scholastic standing, with preference given to those in actual need of assistance. They shall be restricted to unmarried citizens of the United States, of good, moral character, and sound physical health, preference to be given to students from Douglas County, Illinois, if any are eligible. The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, or their duly authorized agent, or officer, shall determine the eligibility of all applicants for scholarships. Nichols and Jones, Attorneys at Law of Tuscola, are attorneys for the estate. I recommend that this bequest be accepted. On motion of Mr. McLaughlin, this bequest was accepted. BEQUEST OF DR. A N D MRS. SAMUEL M. WYLIE (23) The joint will of the late Dr. Samuel M. Wylie and his wife, Mrs. Emily J. Wylie, of Paxton, makes the University of Illinois the beneficiary of certain property in the event the Carnegie Public Library at Paxton, named as prior legatee, fails to provide facilities for proper housing of the property. Since the Carnegie Public Library at P a x t o n was unable to provide such facilities, the University has accepted the library, the cases in which the books are housed, an oil portrait of Napoleon, two framed bronze plaques, three swords, and two guns. T h e selection of the property was made by Professor R. B. Downs, Director of the University Library. I have authorized the acceptance of this property and request confirmation of my action. I also recommend that suitable recognition of the gift be made by identifying each display of the articles composing this bequest with a notation that it is the gift of Dr. Samuel M. Wylie, of Paxton. A letter expressing the thanks of the University for the gift has been sent to Mrs. Frances Wylie Condit, of Rantoul, Illinois, heir of the estate, with the request that she extend the appreciation of the Universiy to the other heirs. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, this bequest was accepted.
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