Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
i95°] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS CONTRACT FOR UTILITIES DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM 347 (19) One bid has been received for the construction of concrete duct runs as a part of the expansion of the Utilities Distribution System. Only one bid was received although nine contractors were specifically invited to bid and advertisements appeared in the Chicago Tribune and the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. The bid was submitted by E. N. DeAtley, Champaign, in the amount of $41,000. The Director of the Physical Plant and the Comptroller recommend the award of a contract to E. N. DeAtley in the amount of $41,000 since the contract must be awarded soon "in order to insure completion before the end of the biennium, the bid has been reviewed and appears reasonable, there is no assurance. that additional bidders will be interested if new bids are requested, and the Physical Plant Department is unable to undertake the work with its present staff and facilities. Funds are available in the state appropriation for buildings subject to the release by the Governor. I concur and recommend that the Comptroller and the Secretary of the Board be authorized to execute a contract with E. N. DeAtley in the amount of $41,000 subject to the release of funds by the Governor. O n motion of M r . Livingston, this contract was awarded and authority was given as recommended. T h e Executive Committee adjourned. H. O. FARBER K E N N E Y E. WILLIAMSON Clerk Chairman BUSINESS PRESENTED BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNIVERSITY The Board considered the following recommendations and reports presented by President Stoddard. PATENT COVERING PRODUCTS OF STREPTOMYCIN (1) In his research work on antibiotic substances, Professor Herbert E. Carter of the Department of Chemistry developed certain degradation products of streptomycin known as streptidine and streptamine. This research program has been financed for many years by grants from Abbott Laboratories, Eli Lilly and Company, Parke Davis and Company, and the Upjohn Company. The University is the assignee of an application for a patent by Professor Carter covering streptidine and streptamine. The patent application has been handled by the attorneys for Parke Davis and Company which has paid the costs. Attorneys for Parke Davis and Company report there is interference with this patent by applications on discoveries in the same field by Merck and Company and E. R. Squibb and Sons. The chemists for these firms were working in the same field and at the same time as Professor Carter and his associates. The two groups, working independently, made the same discoveries. Professor Carter reports that it is now obvious that Merck and Company was ahead of him by several months and he is willing to concede priority. Since his application has been assigned to the University, it is necessary that the Board of Trustees consent to the concession of priority. Professor Carter recommends that this be done and I concur. On motion of Dr. Meyer, the Board consented to this concession of priority. PATENT APPLICATION ON INSTRUMENT FOR MEASUREMENT AND CONTROL OF MAGNETIC FIELDS (2) Dr. E. L. Hahn, Research Associate in the Department of Physics, has devised what seems to be a novel instrument for the precise measurement and control of magnetic fields. It is based on the so-called principle of nuclear magnetic