Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
346 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [September 29 The estimates for these phases of the remodeling work indicate that the total project cost will exceed the funds appropriated by the Board on July 25 by $4,000. An additional appropriation of this amount is required. I recommend that the Board of Trustees appropriate an additional $4,000 for remodeling in Noyes Laboratory for the Department of Bacteriology and that the Comptroller be authorized to execute these changes in the contracts. On motion of Mr. Livingston, this additional appropriation was made and authority was given, as recommended, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Livingston, Mr. Williamson; absent, Mr. McLaughlin. APPROPRIATION FOR FIRE LOSS IN VETERINARY PATHOLOGY LABORATORY (17) A fire occurred in the Veterinary Pathology Laboratory on August 18 which resulted in damage to the building and equipment. The University does not budget funds for fire losses, and it is necessary that an appropriation be made from the General Reserve Fund of the University to replace the equipment and repair the building. I recommend an appropriation of $5,750 for this purpose. O n motion of Mr. Livingston, this appropriation was made, as recommended, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Livingston, Mr. Williamson; absent, M r . McLaughlin. REVISED CATTLE FEEDING PROGRAM FOR WRIGHT FARMS, 1 9 5 0 - 1 9 5 1 (18) The Board of Trustees on June 22, 1950 (Minutes) page 1185) approved a program for the purchase of feeding cattle for Wright Farm No. 4 in DeKalb County for the year 1950-1951. This program provided for the feeding of light calves. The hay and grass silage available is greater than had been expected and is more than would be required under the program as approved. Also, the uncertainties of the market make the longer feeding periods necessary for lighter calves less desirable than shorter feeding periods with cattle of heavier initial weights. Because of these factors, a revised program has been drawn up which provides for cattle of heavier initial weight and for more cattle. The initial cost will be greater but the feeding period will be materially shorter for each lot making a more rapid turnover of the money invested. The amount of grain will be about the same with the two programs but more roughage will be used under the revised program. Revised Program Price per Average HundredTotal Kind Weight weight Cost Yearling heifers 647 ?28 25 $ 8 014 Yearling steers 625 26 50 6 625 Heavy calves 550 30 00 6 600 $21 239 Baying Period AugustSeptember October DecemberJanuary Total Number 44 40 40 124 University Share 07 J 4 007 04 00 3 312 50 00 3 300 00 07 J i o 619 54 The Director of Purchases, the Comptroller, and Professor J. B, Andrews of the College of Agriculture, request authority to purchase feeding cattle substantially in accordance with the above revised schedule. All said purchases will be reported to the Board of Trustees and will be paid from Wright Farms Opera• tion Income, purchases to be made on the basis of current market prices when suitable stock is available. I concur. On motion of Mr. Livingston, authority was given, as recommended, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Livingston, Mr. Williamson; absent, Mr. McLaughlin.