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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
196 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [July 25 COMPARATIVE S U M M A R Y (CONCLUDED) Educational and General Salaries Other Instruction and Departmental Research and Wages Expense Total Colleges, Schools, and Departments Medicine 1 565 788 263 764 1 829 552 Dentistry 393 466 73 500 466 966 Pharmacy 207 226 32 750 239 976 Graduate College 2 645 400 3 045 School of Nursing 22 508 35 400 57 908 Social Welfare Administration 55 450 3 500 58 950 Physical Education 9 468 2 700 12 168 Total, Colleges, Schools, and Departments (2 256 551) (412 014) (2 668 565) Organized Activities Relating to Instructional Departments Research and Educational Hospitals 1 301 199 493 562 1 794 761 Illinois Eye and Ear Infirmary 180 670 5 200 185 870 Total, Organized Activities (1 481 869) (498 762) (1 980 631) Total, Instruction and Departmental Research (3 738 420) (910 776)(4 649 196) Organized Research Graduate College 5 500 5 500 Aeromedical and Physical Environment Laboratory 45 500 14 750 60 250 Institution for Tuberculosis Research 32 500 3 500 36 000 Total, Organized Research (83 500) (18 250) (101 750) Extension and Public Service Dentistry Postgraduate Telephone Revolving 7 050 92 950 100 000 Libraries 44 278 24 000 68 278 Physical Plant 807 722 363 512 I 171 234 Endowment Income, Gift Funds, and United States Government Contracts 467 150 218 050 685 200 Total, Educational and General (5 442 501) (1 679 413) (7 121 914) Auxiliary Enterprises 81 402 112 981 194 383 Student Aid Scholarships, Fellowships, and Prizes 38 000 38 000 Total, Appropriations $5 523 903 $1 830 394 $7 354 2971 SUMMARY O F EXPENDABLE E N D O W M E N T I N C O M E , GIFTS, UNITED STATES G O V E R N M E N T C O N T R A C T S , A N D OTHER TRUST FUNDS Salaries Other and Educational and General Wages Expense Total Administration and General $10 000 J i o 000 Instruction and Departmental Research Medicine 9 000 9 000 Organized Activities Relating to Instructional Departments Research and Educational Hospitals $12 000 6 000 18 000 Organized Research Medicine 400 000 175 000 575 000 Dentistry 48 500 15 500 64 000 Pharmacy... 1 250 250 1 500 Graduate College 4 500 500 5 000 Aeromedical and Physical Environment Laboratory 900 300 1 200 Total, Organized Research (455 150) (191 550) (646 700) 1 Sources of funds: *7,354,Z97. General Income, $6,271,014; Restricted Income, $1,083,283; total,
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