Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
I90 Expense and Expense Renewals and Total, Total, Equipment BOARD OF TRUSTEES [Juty 2 S Replacements Expense and Equipment Water Station S p e c i a l I t e m S 47 444 1 250 (48 694) $ 70 359 ILLINI UNION BUILMNC Expense and Equipment Operation — Exemptions from Student Building Service Charge (Graduate and Undergraduate Students) Rental from University functions Rental for space occupied by University offices Building service charge of $12.50 for all faculty and staff members Reservations Office University Telephone Service Information Office Lost and Found Total, Illini Union Building M I N O R IMPROVEMENTS $ 5000 5 000 1 200 750 900 5°° 520 75° (85 620) 55 4 7 5 Expense and Unassigned Equipment 50 000 PREVAILING W A G E R A T E INCREASES Salaries and Wages Unassigned Total, Special Items 127 369 $262 989 Architectural Division ( E n t i r e b u d g e t from c h a r g e s to capital or o p e r a t i n g a p p r o p r i a t i o n s o n basis of w o r k p e r f o r m e d ) Salaries and Wages 1. Nonacademic Salaries H $(124 389) Wages (4 000) Total, Salaries and Wages (128 389) Expense and Equipment General Department Expense (3 700) Total, Architectural Division $(132 089) Auxiliary Enterprises Illini U n i o n — General Building Salaries and Wages 1. V. L. Kretschmer, Director Illini Union 2. Irene D, Pierson. Social Director 3. Nonacademic Salaries Total, Salaries Wages Total, Salaries and Wages Expense and Equipment Expense Debt Service Total, Expense and Equipment Total, Illini Union — General Building Illini U n i o n — F o o d Service Salaries and Wages 1. Nonacademic Salaries 1 DY DY H $ 8 200 5 2261 69 426 (82 852) 116 317 (199 l 6 9 ) 157 572 53 639 (211 211) $410380 H $ 35 241 Also furnished one meal a day while on duty, valued at $84 a year, for the convenience of the employee.