Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
I950] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 173 Expense and Equipment Expense Equipment Total, Expense and Equipment Total, Summer Session DIVISION O F UNIVERSITY EXTENSION Summary Extension and Public Service Administration Extramural Courses and Conferences Field Staff Music Extension Visual Aids Service Total Visual Aids Revolving Total Instruction Correspondence Courses Total, Division of University Extension... Expendable Gift Funds Extension: Estimated new projects and renewals United States Government Contracts and Indirect Overhead Recovered Extension: Estimated new projects and renewals Total, Trust Funds . Other Salaries Expense and Wages $ 36 575 J 3 ico 129 675 54 700 22 600 5 000 26 991 13 000 6 582 5 200 (222 423) (81 000) 29 666 20 520 (252 089) (101 520) 18 341 $270 430 5 600 $107 120 8 000 500 (8 500) $573 566 Total $ 39 675 184 375 27 600 39 11 (303 50 (353 991 782 423) 186 609) 23 94i $377 550 $S 000 $2 000 J i o 000 I 500 $9 500 500 $2 500 2 000 ?I2 000 Salaries and Wages Administration 1. R. B. Browne, Dean Professor of Education (See Summer Session) (Total Salary) 2. S. C. Robinson, Assistant Dean Associate Professor of Management 3- G. C. Carter, Assistant Professor of Psychology 4. Nonacademic Salaries Total, Salaries Wages Total, Salaries and Wages Expense and Equipment Expense Equipment Total, Expense and Equipment Total, Administration BY70 $ 7 000 AY BY30 (3 000) (10 000) D Y) AYJ DY H 6 800 5 700 12 215 (31 7i5) 4 860 (36 575) 2 500 600 (3 100) $ 39 675 Extramural Courses and Conferences Salaries and Wages i- S. B. York, Supervisor of E x t r a m u r a l Classes, with rank of Assistant Professor DY 2. R. K. Newton, Supervisor of Engineering Extension, with rank of Assistant Professor DY INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF I N EDUCATION $ 5 500 5 500 3- J. H . Shores, Professor of Education (See Education) (Total Salary) A29 A71 1 752 (4 248) (6 000).