UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 [PAGE 1684]

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Weinstock, Rochelle, degree, 808 W e i n t r u b , S. H., degree, 422 W e i n z i e r l , Mrs. Margaret M., appointment, 305, 1141 W e i n z i m m e r , L., appointment, 322, 1164 W e i r , E . C , appointment, 447, 1230, 1529 W e i r , J. W . , degree, 596 Weir,- Jean L., appointment, 1100 W e i r , Mrs. Rita C , appointment, 1140 Weirick, R. B . , appointment, 75, 6 9 3 , 908, 1449 W e i s , Mrs. Jane P., appointment, 278 W e i s , T . J., certificate, 489 W e i s b e r g , I. H . , degree, 1577 Weisberger, T., degree, 814 Weisbrod, B. A . , degree, 815 Weisbrod, Shirley L., degree, 1560 Weisdorf, W . , appointment, 362, 1190 W e i s e , C. M . , degree, 584 W e i s e , E . K., appointment, 127, 962 discovery, patent rights, release, 1259 W e i s g a l , S. A . , certificate, 1330 W e i s i g e r , G. B . , appointment, 164, 695, 1000 Weiskopf, D . C , degree, 596 W e i s m a n , Earl, degree, 1577 W e i s m a n , Edward, appointment, 360, 1188 W e i s s , B., certificate, 603 W e i s s , Mrs. Bonnie J., appointment, 1093 W e i s s , E . , appointment, 356, 1184 W e i s s , J. H . , degree, 817 W e i s s , J. N . , appointment, 144, 147, 149, 979 W e i s s , K. E., degree, 418 W e i s s , K._ S., appointment, 364 resignation, 573 W e i s s , Lya, degree, 807 W e i s s , Marion D . , degree, 593 W e i s s , R., degree, 827 W e i s s , R. B., appointment, 1125 degree, 595 W e i s s , S. B., degree, 1565 W e i s s m a n , I., appointment, 1230, 1478 W e i s s m a n , R., degree, 424 W e i t z m a n , B. L „ certificate, 1330 W e l c h , H e l e n M., appointment, 183, 730, 1018 W e l c h , L. R., degree, 811 W e l c h , Martha H . , degree, 794 W e l c h , M r s . Mary A . , appointment, 1107 W e l c h , M r s . Orlena M., appointment, 1121 W e l c h , W . C , degree, 584 W e l c h , W . M., Manufacturing Co., purchase, 3 1 , 838, 1263 W e l c h a n s , R. A., degree, 1566 Welded joints, research, contract, 378 W e l d i n g Research Council, contract, 713 change, 1495 W e l d o n , C. W . , appointment, 504 bond, 518, 6 0 1 , 868 elected Treasurer, 601 signature, delegation for withdrawals from Dentistry, Medicine, and Pharmacy Construction F u n d Account, 666 W e l d o n , H . P . , Jr., degree, 598 W e l d o n , R. H . , degree, 818 W e l f o r d , N . T., appointment, 361, 1189 W e l g e , E. A . , degree, 1401 W e l k , M r s . Joanne F . , appointment, 255, 1092 W e l k , R. O., degree, 807 W e l k e r , Irma L., appointment, 258 W e l k e r , N a n c y A . , appointment, 1149 W e l k e r , W . H . , appointment, 202, 1038 Welkowitz, Mrs. Joan, appointment, 917 Welkowitz, W . , appointment, 730, 96' W e l l , Robert Allerton Park, drilling, 500 Wellek, B . R., degree, 1556 W e l l e r , A. S., appointment, 154. 9° 8 > '445 W e l l e r , Harriet V . , degree, 808 W e l l e r , R. D . , degree, 1550 W e l l e r , S. A . , degree, 584 W e l l e r , M r s . Viola M., appointment, 1098 Welles, H e l e n L., degree, 791 Wellinger, R. P., appointment, 127 discovery, patent rights, release, 1259 Wellpott, Alice E., degree, 413 Wells, C. M., Jr., fellowship, 676, 1334 Wells, G. N . , appointment, 1277 Wells, H . O., degree, 419 Wells, Irma J., appointment, 276, 1112 Wells, M. R., appointment, 269, 1105 W e l l s , R. L., degree, 797 Wells, T. E., appointment, 2 8 1 , 1117 Wells, W . E., appointment, 2 9 2 , 1129 Welsch, F. D . , degree, 1548 Welsch, R. T., degree, 423 Welsh, D . R., appointment, 357, 1185 Welsh, Phyllis D . , degree, 807 Welter, G. W . , degree, 587 Welter, K. F., degree, 1395 Weltzien, A n n M., degree, 1562 Wendel, A. P., degree, 1575 Wendelborg, D . O,, degree, 419 Wendt, Evelyn, appointment, 331 Wendt, H . , degree, 423 W e n d t , R. E . , appointment, 127, 961


declination, 1280 Wendzel, Marion, appointment, 314, 1151 W e n g , Lorraine, appointment, 1230 W e n i g , Natalie E . , degree, 1399 W e n i g , P. W . , appointment, 84, 876, 917 degree, 1387 Wennstrom, A. E . , fellowship, 679 declination, 684 Wentland, R. D . , degree, 816 W e n t z , F. M., appointment, 215, 218, 1052, 1054 Wenzel, Patricia, degree, 807 Wenzelman, L. H . , degree, 784 Wenzlau, Mrs. Nancy J., appointment, 1123 Wenzlau, T . E . , degree, 785 fellowship, 679, 1482 Wenzler, Mrs. Dolores R., appointment, 1130 Wenzler, W . P., degree, 1400 Werbel, L. M., fellowship, 1501 W e r e l i u s , C. Y., appointment, 364, 1192 Werner, Mary A., degree, 807 Werner, N . H . , degree, 1391 W e r n e r , R. C , appointment, 79, 912 leave of absence, 1408 W e r n e r , S. G., degree, 825, 1575 Werner, W . K., degree, 1247 Wernowsky, Mairiam R., degree, 800 Wert, C. A., appointment, 131, 965 Wert, Mrs. Lucille M., appointment, 512 Werts, Mrs. Inez R., appointment, 2 6 3 , 1099 Wertz, C. E., appointment, 301, 1137 Wesenberg, C., degree, 1252 W e s l e y , C. D . , degree, 589 Wesley, Nellie O. H „ degree, 421 W e s s e l , E . T., degree, 1560 Wessel, Mrs. Margaret, appointment, 1097 W e s s e l s , H . P., member of advisory committee, 365, 1'95 W e s s e l s , L. S., degree, 1393 W e s s e l s , R. M . , degree, 413 W e s s e l s , W . K., degree, 799 W e s s e r , Helena J., degree, 413 W e s t , Barbara J., degree, 1556 West, C. A . , fellowship, 679 W e s t , E v e l y n N . , appointment, 294, 1130 W e s t , I. M-, degree, 823 W e s t , L. A . , fellowship, 1479 resignation, 1502 W e s t , R. A., degree, 807 W e s t , V. I . , appointment, 9 6 , 115, 929, 949 degree, 780 W e s t , W . W . , degree, 138.5 Westcott, Mary J., degree, 827 W e s t e n , Grace L. A., degree, 1385 Westenskow, C. L., certificate, 489