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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1776 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Vigonj M . M . , degree, 816 V i l , C. S., appointment, 512, 1184 Vilaro, A u d r e y G., appointment, 1449 Villacorta, Conchita V . , degree, 830 Villarreal, R., fellowship, 646 Vincitore, M . A . , degree, 1246 Vinck, J. E . , certificate, 1357 V i n e y a r d , M . L . , degree, 579 V i n e y a r d , M r s . N o r m a L., appointment, 257 V i n g r e n , J. C , degree, 819 V i n n e d g e , M r s . Ruth, appointment, 1121 V i n s o n , D . A . , appointment, 100, 934 V i n s o n , E . B . , appointment, 1478 degree, 1385 fellowship, 680 resignation, 1353 V i n y a r d , C. W . , degree, 453 V i o B i n Corp., contract, change, 1208, 1417 gift, 5 5 1 , 5 5 3 . 1216 purchase, 615 Vipond, J. E . , degree, 791 V i r e n e , R. O., degree, 1553 Virgilio, N . R., degree, 8 0 2 Virgilio, T„, Jr., degree, 1552 V i r u s growth, research, gift, 1213 V i r z i , D. R., degree, 1559 V i s h n y , S. D . , degree, 807 Visitor's fee, regulations, 1492 V i s k a s , V . L., certificate, 1329 V i s k i n g Corp., gift, 549* 1469 Visual A i d s , budget, 175, 292, i o n , 1128 revolving account, 176, 2 9 2 , 1011, 1128 sound films, purchase, 375 Visual A i d s Center, equipment, appropriation, 470 _ _ Visual Communications, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 1197 budget, 170, 290, 1006, 1126 V i t a m i n B T , study, contract, 1305 V i t a m i n capsules, Hospital P h a r m a c y , purchase, 6 7 0 , 1466 Vitek, Mildred A . , degree, 8 n Vitsotsky, H . M., degree, 827 V i v a r i u m , remodeling, appropriations, 1339 balances reappropriated, 39 V i v i a n o , Catherine, Gallery, purchase, 1466 Vizek, J. E-, degree, 811 V i z g i r d a s , J. J., degree, 1556 V l a s i s , G. P . , appointment, 1185 Vliet, R. G., degree, 1567 Vocational A g r i c u l t u r e , budget, 9 3 , 2 6 8 , 9 2 6 , 1104 d e g r e e s , 1255 Vock, L. G., Jr., degree, 589 Vockeroth, J. R., fellowship, 1483 declination, 1487 __ _ Vodick, M . A . , degree, 587 Voelkers, Jo A n n H . , degree, 828 Vogel, J. A . , certificate, 1329 Vogel, R. A . , degree, 802 V o g e l , R. F . , appointment, n 35 Vogel, W . , appointment, 330, 1172 Vogele, R. E . t appointment, 290 degree, 1543 Vogenthaler, Elizabeth T . , degree, 1544 V o g l e r , C. W . , degree, 422 V o g t , Charlotte E . f degree, 800 V o g t , F , J., appointment, 3 2 6 , 1167 V o g t , J. A . , degree, 1553 V o g t , L. R., degree, 1561 Vonaska, W . J., degree, 820 V o i g t , H . B . , degree, 1566 Voigt, R. F . , appointment, 2 2 1 , 1057 V o i g t , Ruth A . , appointment, 3 3 1 , n 73 V o j t a , C. J., Jr., certificate, 4 2 Vokary, J . F . , certificate, 1329 Volini, J. J., appointment, z27* 1168 Volk, J. W . , degree, 1399 Volland Studies, purchase, 439 V e t e r i n a r y Clinical Medicine, budget, 163 revolving account, 163 Veterinary Clinic Building, name, 1493 V e t e r i n a r y Medicine, College of, advisory committee, 365, 1195 appropriations, balances reappropriated, 38, 1197 budget, 162, 287, 996, 1124 degrees conferred, 822, 1568 funds, purchase of journals, gift, 1216 purchase, autoclave, 612 autopsy tables, 558, 670 furniture, 469 incubating room, 712 microscopes, 525, 612 monokymograph, 613 operating tables, 1520 sterilizer equipment, 525 water still, 613 research laboratory, sale, 539 V e t e r i n a r y Medicine Building, a n n e x , construction, contracts, 493 construction, additional, release of funds, contract, g a s service, 463 general work, addition, 3 7 1 , 4 3 8 , 715 change, 28 heating, addition, 438 laboratory equipment, change, 529 landscaping, 1203, 1517 site development, 608, 864 utilities distribution s y s t e m , 26, ventilating, addition, 438 movable equipment, release of f u n d s , 462 operation, appropriations, request, 384 purchase, bookcases, 853 chairs, 524, 557 furniture, 469 library book shelving, 611 library tables, 557 lockers, 50 r V e n e t i a n blinds, 671 Veterinary Pathology and H y g i e n e , appropriations, balance reappropriated, 38 budget, 163, 998 V e t e r i n a r y Pathology Laboratory, fire loss, appropriation, 346 n a m e , change, 1493 remodeling, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 30 V e t e r i n a r y Physiology and Pharmacology, appropriations, balances reappropriated, 38 budget, 164 V e t e r i n a r y Research, appropriations, balances reappropriated, 37 budget, 113, 2 7 4 , 9 4 6 , m i income, appropriation, 856 Veterinary science unit, contract, 379 Vial, C. C., degree, 799 Vial, D . W \ , degree, 1553 V i a r , D . L . , degree, 1343 Vice-President's Office, budget, 197, 3 0 5 , 1032, 1141 Vicher, E . E . , appointment, 2 0 2 , 1037 V i c k , G. K., degree, 1396 Vick, M a r y E . , appointment, n o , 943 Vick, R. E . , degree, 1251 Vickroy, H . C , degree, 1550 Victor, A . H . ; Jr., degree, 1540 Victor, S., appointment, 362, 1190 Victor Chemical W o r k s , gift, 549, 1213 V i e n s , C. P . , appointment, 77. 910, 145° Viere, A. J., degree, 588 V i e s t , I. M., appointment, 572, 970 degree, 1383 V i e t z , H . , degree, 8 2 5 , 1575 V i e t z , M r s . Joyce R., appointment, 1164 V i e t z e n , Rose, appointment, 250, 1089 Vigdorth, E . R., degree, 1240
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