UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 [PAGE 1672]

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Theis, Geneva M., appointment, 328, 1169 Theis, Susie L., appointment, 1381 degree, 1300 Theiss, E. L., appointment, 139, 689, 974, •35i Thelen, R. J., degree, 588 Theobald, A. D., member of advisory committee, 36 Theobald, Georgiana D., appointment, 357, 1186 Theobald, P. G., degree, 827 Theobald, W. H., appointment, 359, 1187 Theodorou, N. S., degree, 1400 Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, appropriations, balances reappropriated, 38, 1197 budget, 133, 282, 968, 1118 summer session, 701, 1456 centrifugal pump, purchase, 672 creep testing machine, purchase, 852 equipment, appropriation, 1493 fellows, 682, i486 remodeling, appropriation, 706 revolving account, 969 Therapeutic Research Foundation, gift, 554 Thermocouple, Zoology, purchase, 853 Thesis deposit, graduate students, refund, 473 requirement, change, 1496 Theurer, Carolyn J., degree, 800 Thiebaud, Barbara A., degree, 1550 Thiegs, F. J., degree, 1544 Thiemann, D. C , degree, 815 Thien, A. W., degree, 807 Thiessen, A. D., degree, 827 Thimos, Nancy C , degree, 1398 Thing, R. L., degree, 792 Thistlethwaite, D. L., appointment, 1277 Thoeming, Lea C , degree, 808 Thom, Kathleen J., appointment, 400, 1080 Thorn, W. J., appointment, 257, 1093 Thoman, J. E., degree, 1245 Thomas, C. R., appointment, 1446 Thomas, C. W., degree, 1286 Thomas, Carol H., degree, 811 Thomas, Carol O., degree, 1250 Thomas, Doris Y., diploma, 1575 Thomas, E. E., degree, 419 Thomas, E. R., degree, 788 Thomas, Mrs. Frances S., appointment, 1116 Thomas, G. D., appointment, 1119 Thomas, G. N., appointment, 76 resignation, 405 Thomas, H. B., appointment, 206, 1043

gift, 1219


Thomas, W. F., appointment, 237, 244, 1076, 1083 resignation, 1280 Thomas, W. H., degree, 816 Thometz, Mary F., appointment, 645 Thompson, Albert E., degree, 804 Thompson, Anson E., appointment, 1230, 1528 Thompson, Mrs. Alice J., appointment, 286 Thompson, C. L., Jr., degree, 587 Thompson, C. M., appointment, 137, 140, 973, 975 Thompson, C. W., appointment, 1453 Thompson, D. E„ degree, 822 Thompson, D. L., degree, 590 Thompson, E. L., degree, 413 Thompson, Eleanor J., degree, 1243 Thompson, Estelle N., degree, 413 Thompson, G., appointment, 298, 1135 Thompson, Genevieve B., degree, 800 Thompson, Geraldine, degree, 1562 Thompson, H. H., degree, 423 Thompson, H. M., degree, 822 Thompson, H. R., degree, 1389 Thompson, Mrs. Helen S., appointment, 286 Thompson, Ida, appointment, 1100 Thompson, J. A., degree, 803 Thompson, J. H., degree, 813 Thompson, James R., appointment, 360, 1175, 1188 Thompson, John R,, member of advisory committee, 562 Thompson, J. T., degree, 1568 Thompson, J. W-, appointment, 140 Thompson, L. D., degree, 803 Thompson, L. E., appointment, 270, 1106 Thompson, L. J., degree, 1556 Thompson, Mary B., degree, 593 Thompson, Mildred J „ degree, 1245 Thompson, O. G., appointment, 692 Thompson, P. I., degree, 829 Thompson, R. A., member of advisory committee, 365, 1195 Thompson, R. C., degree, 422 Thompson, Robert E., degree, 822 Thompson, Roy E., degree, 801 Thompson, R. R., appointment, 279, 1116 Thompson, R. S., degree, 818 Thompson, Ruth H., degree, 414 Thompson, S. E., appointment, 66, 191, 899, Thompson, V. E., degree, 797 Thompson, W. F., degree, 799 Thompson, W. H„ appointment, 287, 1123 degree, 1553 Thompson, W. J., degree, 1393 fellowship, 1352 declination, 1353 Thompson, W. L., degree, 1401 Thompson, Wayne N., appointment, 241, 702, Thompson, William N., appointment, 95, 929, 1444 degree, 1532 Thompson, W. O., appointment,, 353, 1181 Thompson Lumber Co., purchase, 501, 838 Thomson, Mrs. Dorothy S., appointment, 321 Thomson, J. H., degree, 823 Thomson, J. M., degree, 820 Thomson, P. B., degree, 1398 Thor, A. U., appointment, 99, 117, 933, 950 Thorek, P., appointment, 363, 1192 Thorgerson, H. A., degree, 811 Thornberry, H. H., appointment, m , 945 leave of absence, 532 Thornburn, T. H., appointment, 124, 958, 1529 Thorne, C. R., certificate, 842 Thome, Mrs. Margaret G., appointment, 316, "53 . „ , Thornes, H. F., appointment, 258, 365, 1094 Thornton, Gloria T., degree, 1238 Thornton, J. D., degree, 422

1081 1027

Thomas, J, E., degree, 811 Thomas, T. G., appointment, 164, 1000 Thomas, J. H., degree, 788 Thomas, J. J., degree, 1555 Thomas, J. T., appointment, 1147 Thomas, T. W., degree, 1251 Thomas, Joan L., degree, 811 Thomas, L. T., appointment, 87, 921 Thomas, L. W., degree, 1397 Thomas, M. D., degree, 1238 Thomas, Margaret, appointment, 319, 1158 Thomas, Marilyn J., degree, 1543 Thomas, Marlene H., degree, 807 Thomas, N. W., appointment, 690 fellowship, 678 declination, 684 Thomas, O. D., degree, 1577 Thomas, Patricia J., degree, 420 Thomas, Robert Earl, appointment, 1528 Thomas, Robert Eugene, degree, 1553 Thomas, R. W., degree, 1239 Thomas, Ruth, appointment, 60, 893 Thomas, Ruth E., degree, 1400 Thomas, Shirley J., appointment, 1158 Thomas, Mrs. Sylvia A., appointment, 258, 1095 Thomas, T. L., degree, 1243 Thomas, W. A., appointment, 353, « 8 i Thomas, W. E., appointment, 139, 974, '446