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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1758 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Snydacker, D., appointment, 358, 1186 Snyder, Chadwell, and Fagerburg, legal services, Blackburn case, payment, 435 Kenny Case, payment, 1258 Snyder, D. F., degree, 595 Snyder, Doris J., degree, 1546 Snyder, E. H., degree, 1548 Snyder, H. R., appointment, 72, 690, 905 research, funds, gift, 1469 Snyder, J. M., degree, 1388 Snyder, J. N., appointment, 132, 69 s . 967> 1453 Snyder, Marilyn J., degree, 807 Snyder, R., degree, 582 Snyder, R. A., degree, 423, 795 Snyder, R. E., appointment; 247, 1086 leave of absence, 647 Soap, Chicago General Stores, purchase, 670 Sobel, J. H., degree, 814 Soble, R. N., degree, 808 Soboroff, B. J., appointment, 359. 875, 1043 Sobota, C. F., degree, 592 Sobota, T. J., degree, 1399 Sobotka, F. J., Jr., certificate, 1329 Sobotka, Mrs. Frances F„ appointment, 77, 910 Smith, S. C , appointment, 61, 894 Smith, S. E., degree, 584 Smith, Sigal L., appointment, 282, 1118 Smith, Steven L., degree, 822 Smith, Shirley J., degree, 1555 Smith, Suzanne M., degree, 1398 Smith, Mrs. Sybil A,, appointment, 297, 1133 Smith, T., appointment, 1187 Smith, T. E., degree, 808 Smith, T. K., degree, 1287 Smith, T. P., degree, 413 Smith, Mrs. Thelma G\, appointment, 317, "55 Smith, V. H., appointment, 1191 resignation, 1353 Smith, Virginia A., appointment, 308, 1144 Smith, William Charming, fellowship, 1501 2 Smith, William Coulbourn, degree, 803, 1SS Smith, William E., appointment, 690 Smith, Willis E., degree, 583 Smith, W. G., fellowship, 1481 declination, 1487 Smith, W. Hayden, appointment, 280, 1116 Smith, W. Horn, degree, 453 Smith, W. J., degree, 1243 Smith, W. K„ Jr., degree, 598 Smith, Warren R., appointment, 272, 1108 Smith, Willie R., Jr., degree, 583 Smith, Mrs. Wanda M., appointment, 303 Smith, Kline, & French Laboratories, contract, 1264 gift. SS3. 1472 Smitha, R. C , degree, 595 Smithers, P. L., I l l , appointment, 399, 1079 Smith-Lever Fund, budget, 118, 276, 951 Smith Music Hall, acoustical treatment, contract, 658 remodeling, appropriations, balances reappropriated, 38 Smittle, Mrs. Betty J., appointment, 1096 Smock, Mrs. Pauline S., appointment, 257 Smolenski, S. J., fellowship, 1352 Smoot, R. L., degree, 1553 Smoot, Ruth L., degree, 1551 Smotherman, Dolly J. G., degree, 590 Smotrys, Irene, appointment, 307, 1144 Smucker, A. A., degree, 580 Smutney, R. R., degree, 808 Smyth, C. J., degree, 1286 Smythe, D. W., appointment, 140, 166, 976, 1001 leave of absence, 779 Smythe, J. E., degree, 408 Snack bar, Airport, lease, 1464 Snader, D. W., appointment, 148, 985 leave of absence, 879 Snapp, K. M,, degree, 792 Snapp, R. R., appointment, 102, 935 Snarr, J. W„ degree, 805 Snavley, J. B., degree, 1549 Snedeker, Mrs. Amelia, appointment, 320 Sneed, H. E., degree, 414 Sneen, R. A., fellowship, 1501 Snell, L. J., appointment, 696 degree, 1282 Snellenberg, Ruth H., appointment, 330, 1172 Snetsinger, D. C , degree, 1549 Snetsinger, R. J., degree, 1393 Sneyd, J. M., degree, 1245 Snider, C. F., appointment, 82, 698, 915 Snider, C. J., degree, 1569 Snider, H. J., appointment, 99, 933 Snitman, M. F., appointment, 207, 1043 Snitovsky, Jean, degree, 592 Snodgrass, D. B., degree, 1390 Snodgrass, Mrs. Peggy R., appointment, 1133 Snoke, Barbara J., appointment, 11, 1308 Snow, B. C , Jr., degree, 1540 Snow, Jane N., degree, 793 Snowden, J. R., appointment, 134, 701, 969 degree, 410 Snowden, M. S,, appointment, 1276 Social Sciences, Chicago Undergraduate Division, budget, 244, 332, 1083, 1174 summer session, 703, 1458 Social Science Studies, printing, 468 Social Service, Research and Educational Hospitals, budget, 230, 323, 1069, 1166 Social Studies, fellows, i486 Social Welfare Administration, Division of, appropriations, balances reappropriated, 38 budget, Chicago Professional Colleges, 324, 315 Urbana, 181, 294 summer session, 698 fellows, 682 name, change, 844 See also Social Work, School of. Social Work, School of, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 1197 budget, 1016, 1061, 1131, 1153 summer session, 1454 building at 1204 West Oregon Street, remodeling, appropriation, 1339 name, 844 See also Social Welfare Administration. Sociology and Anthropology, appropriations, balances reappropriated, 37, 1197 budget, 84, 267, 918, 1103 summer session, 699, 1454 fellows, 682, i486 Socol, J., certificate, 489 Socony-Vacuum Laboratories, gift, 1212, 1469 Soderstrum, W. K., degree, 1551 Soe, M., degree, 1536 Soellner, R., degree, 1238 fellowship, 679, 1483 Soelzer, R. F., degree, 1556 Soffin, A. L„ degree, 1555 Soffin, Leila B., degree, 1560 Sohl, Mrs. Dorothy J., appointment, 261, 1098 Sohl, N. F., appointment, 1450 declination, 1530 degree, 1244 Soil, use of chemical nitrogen, study, contract, change, 1344 Soil and water engineering equipment, Agriculture, appropriation, 521 Soil exploration and mapping, study, contract, 1207 Soil maps, Menard County, purchase, 1305 Soils, advisory committee, 1194 Soil Testing Revolving Account, budget, 101, 935 Sokatch, J. T., degree, 1539 Sokol, A., degree, 1401 Sokoloff, B. A., appointment, 1381
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