UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 [PAGE 1659]

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TRUSTEES Sladek, W . R., appointment, 355 Slakis, A. J., degree, 424 Slaney, D. K., degree, 1553 Slater, C. P., appointment, 359, 1095 Slaughter, D. P., appointment, 212, 213, 227,

1049, 1064

Sirvatka, M. F., degree, 1561 Sisko, G., degree, 413 Sisney, Mrs. Josephine L., appointment, 284,


Sisson, K. P., degree, 593 Sisson, R. D., degree, 416 Sister Madeleine Sophie Goldkamp, degree, 417 Sister Mary Agnes Burke, degree, 1238 Sister Mary Aimee Haulard, degree, 408 Sister Mary Alphonsa Carpenter, degree, 451 Sister Mary Basil Hamberry, degree, 407 Sister Mary Bernard Friess, degree, 415 Sister Mary Clarice Kappes, degree, 1245 Sister Mary Cletus Mooney, degree, 1238 Sister Mary Domitilla Whalen, degree, 1238 Sister Mary Emma Cleary, degree, 1547 Sister Mary Gilberta Kennedy, degree, 1541 Sister Mary Monica Ross, degree, 415 Sister Mary Ricarda Mahoney, degree, 413 Sister Rosina Clare Schmidt, degree, 1238 Sister Thomas Aquinas Winterbauer, degree, 413 Sistler, D. E., degree, 417 Sitzler, J. D., degree, 1551 Sitzler, Jo Ann R., degree, 813 Siu, M. C. I., degree, 809 Sivertsen, J. M., appointment, 1499 degree, 1391 S m i l e , W. F., degree, 813 Siwy, W . J., certificate, 42 Sizer, Mrs. Wylma K., appointment, 1124 Sjunnesson, Rita, degree, 813 Skadden, D. H., appointment, 399, 690, 975 certificate, 42 Skadeland, H. M., appointment, 45, 247, 399,

702, 1086, 1424, 1457

Slaughter, Mrs. Melba M., appointment, 275 Slavens, Mrs. Harriet D., appointment, 258,


Slavens, Mrs. Lillian A., appointment, 290,


Slavik, J. J., Jr., degree, 815 Slaymaker, Beverly, appointment, 1165 Sledd, Carolyn, degree, 807 Slepicka, Bertha, appointment, 10, 1308 Slepyan, A. H., appointment, 352, 1180 Slezak, J., member of advisory committee, 36 Slichter, C. P., appointment, 132, 967 Slife, F. W., appointment, 100, 933 degree, 1533 Slifer, D. E., degree, 585 Slifkin, L. M., appointment, 133, 968 Slivnick, M., degree, 823 Sloan, G. H., degree, 1548 Sloan, G. R., appointment, 281 Sloan, L. H., appointment, 353, 1181 Sloan, Marian, appointment, 309, 1145 Sloan, R. W., degree, 583 Slobodin, H., appointment, 362, 1191 Slocum, R. B., appointment, 1229 Slocum, W. M., certificate, 1329 Sloman, R. M., degree, 799 Sloman, Sophie S„ appointment, 203, 361, 511,


Skallerup, H. R., degree, 1397 Skarda, J. J. J., Jr., degree, 589 Skarda, R. E., degree, 822, 1571 Skeen, J. R., degree, 1387 Skeen, Nancy N., degree, 408 Skidmore, D. R., degree, 579 Skidmore, Owings, and Merrill, architectural services, residence halls expansion, 367, 379, 54i additional services, payment, 1301 gift, 548, 1211 Skiles, D. O., degree, 1555 Skin heater, patent rights, release, 458 Skinner, Laila, appointment, 9, 1307 Skizas, G., degree, 1236 Sklansky, M. A., appointment, 1315 Skoff, F . J., degree, 452 Skogen, Mrs. Clara S., appointment, 242, 1081, 1457 Skogsberg, R. E., degree, 1552 Skok, J., appointment, 112 resignation, 405 Skoll, J. A., certificate, 842 Skolly, M. H., degree, 1562 Skolnick, Ruth, degree, 1559 Skolnick, S. L., degree, 594 Skolnik, £ . M., appointment, 207, 447, 571,

1043, 1074

Skom, J. H., degree, 1570 fellowship, 731 Skomajsa, J. W., degree, 588 Skoner, R. C , certificate, 1329 Skoniecke, L. J., degree, 1577 Skorupa, Emily A., appointment, n , 1308 Skoulund, Q. F., degree, 829 Skroder, C. E., appointment, 126, 693, 960, „ 1449 Slabodkin, A., certificate, 842 Slack, Mrs. Harriett H. D., appointment,


Slack, J., Jr., degree, 820 Slack, N. L., degree, 1549, 1551 Sladek, Mrs. Adeline, appointment, 334, 1169 Sladek, T. E., degree, 15 53

Slomanski, Mimi D., appointment, 1189 Sloss, J. H., appointment, 399 Slota, E., appointment, 326, 1167 Slothower, W. R., appointment, 399, 981 Slott, I., appointment, 355, 1183 Slotvick, I. E., certificate, 1329 Slow, Christina A., degree, 590 Sluder, E. E., degree, 413 Sluder, Hazel I., degree, 413 Sluka, Dorothy, appointment, 309 Slusser, G. D., degree, 808 Slutsky, H., degree, 1243 Sly, T. S., degree, 797 Smagacz, E. J-, degree, 1556 Smajd, C. F., degree, 1393 Small, E. L., degree, 1560 Small, Helen D., appointment, 296, 1132 Small, Jessie, appointment, 10, 1307 Small, Leta J., degree, 1560 Smalley, J. G., degree, 1239 Smalley, W. L., appointment, 399 Small Homes Council, appropriations, balances reappropriated, 38, 39 budget, 180, 294, 1015, 1130 director, appointment, 843 field trial laboratory, contract, 1518 flexible laboratory dwelling, construction, contract, 863 housing research project, drives, surfacing, contract, 26 flues and chimneys, contract, 1344 inclusion in Urbana Park District, 1419 sidewalks, construction, contract, 436 publications revolving account, 180, 294, 1016, 1130 research projects, basement and foundation structures, construction, contract, 475 concrete floor slabs, construction, contract, 437 time and material studies, funds, gift, 550 unit-planned houses, pamphlet, printing, 467, 558 Smallman, J. E., degree, 815 Smart, S. I., degree, 827 Smarzo, Marjorie M., appointment, 65, 898 Smason, E. A., degree, 1251 Smedley, Vivian, appointment, 10, 1308