UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 [PAGE 1658]

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UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Sigler, E. A., certificate, 489 Siglin, I. S., appointment, 355, 1183 Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity, property at 805 West Pennsylvania Avenue, sale, 539 Sigma Delta Chi, gift, 1468 Sigma Xi, Illinois Chapter, gift, 1212 Sigmund, E. W., appointment, 695 degree, 452 Signatures, delegation of, Board officers, 601,



Simon, A. B., appointment, 1478 degree, 1533 Simon, Mrs. Charlotte L., appointment, 289,


Secretary of Board, 4 Signor, Nelle M., appointment,

1004, 1021



Sigwalt, Jane L., degree, 592 Sih, Kwang-Chi, degree, 1532 Siira, R. R., degree, 799 Silarski, Lorraine, appointment, 322, 1164 Silberg, S. S., appointment, 45, 246, 447, 1085 resignation, 1316 Silbergeld, S., appointment, 243, 730, 1082, 1380 resignation, 1502 Siler, J., degree, 590 Siler, L. D., appointment, 284, 1120 Siler, M. E., appointment, 299, 1135 Silk, H. W., Jr., degree, 821 Silk, N. M., degree, 821 Silkett, A. F., appointment, 238, 247, 702, 1077, 1086, 1276, 1457 Sills, R., appointment, 1188 Silos, Dairy Science, purchase, 767 Silva J., appointment, 311, 1148 Silva, P. C , appointment, 1499 Silver, Ester G., degree, 590 Silver, K. June, appointment, 1096 Silver, L. M., degree, 829 Silver Creek Coal Co., contract, 1205, 1423 Silverman, Anne, appointment, 311, 1149 Silverman, B., appointment, 126, 961, 1381 declination, 479 Silverman, Leo, certificate, 1329 Silverman, Leonard, degree, 1240 Silverman, M. I., degree, 807 Silverman, R. J., appointment, 1452, 1528 degree, 1534 Silverstein, S., degree, 1396 Silvertrust, D. A., certificate, 842 Silvestrini, T. C , degree, 585 Simandl, R. J., degree, 588 Sime, J. T., degree, 1239 Simek, Beverly R., degree, 577 Simer, P. H., appointment, 201, 1037 Simerl, L. H., appointment, 95, 118, 928, 95i Siminoff, P., degree, 781 Simkin, M., appointment, 354, " 8 2 Simkin, Marian, appointment, 10, 1307 Simkin, W., appointment, 354, 1182 Simmel, Marianne L., appointment, 211, 1047 Simmen, D. E., degree, 1549 Simmons, B. G., degree, 584 Simmons, Mrs. Betty A., appointment, 1147 Simmons, Delia C , degree, 1238 Simmons, E. Dolores, appointment, 1112 Simmons, Earldean V., appointment, 294, Ir 3* Simmons, Emily S., appointment, 66, 135, 399 Simmons, Ida H., appointment, 1381 degree, 1238 Simmons, J. R., degree, 807 Simmons, J. W., appointment, 399 Simmons, Maxine A., degree, 1249 Simmons, R. O., fellowship, 1485 Simmons, W. D., degree, 795 Simms, H. W., Jr., degree, 584, 1392 Simms, J. L., fellowship, 1483 Simms, R. C , degree, 799 Simms, R. M., degree, 818 Simoff, A., degree, 1248

Simon, D. M., certificate, 535, 1330 withheld, 664 Simon, F. V., degree, 1245 Simon, Georgia A., degree, 813 Simon, H. L., degree, 803 Simon, I. D., degree, 1555 Simon, J., degree, 824, 1575 Simon, M., certificate, 1338 Simon, Robert, degree, 1572 Simon, Ronald, degree, 818 Simon, S. S.,. degree, 590 Simon, W. P., appointment, 181, 698, 1016, 1454 cancellation, 1530 Simonaitis, R. A., degree, 1557 Simonetti, R. E., degree, 596 Simonian, M. K., degree, 815 Simons, Mrs. Barbara, appointment, 1136,


Simons, R. K., appointment, 511, 946 Simons, S. S., certificate, 489 Simonson, E. R., degree, 802 Simonson, Joan M., degree, 807 Simonton, W - fellowship, 1484 Simpson, C. E., degree, 788 Simpson, Mrs. Elaine C , appointment, 168,


resignation, 684 Simpson, Elizabeth J,, appointment, 399, 531, 692, 982, 985 Simpson, Frances, appointment, 167, 1003 Simpson, H. B., degree, 4x5 Simpson, J., degree, 1251 Simpson, J. C , degree, 1248 Simpson, Margaret A., degree, 1560 Simpson, R. D., degree, 824, 1575 Simpson, R. H., appointment, 144, 692, 980, 1447 Simpson, R. M., certificate, 527 Simpson, R. R., appointment, 1181 Simpson, W., certificate, 42 Simpson, W. S., degree, 581 Sims, H. J., degree, 1385 Sims, Mrs. Joyce, appointment, 316, 1153 Sims, L. C , degree, 799 Sims, T. E., degree, 407 Sims, Thelma, appointment, 322, 1164 Sinai Temple Congregation of ChampaignUrbana, gift, 548, 1211, 1468 Sinclair, G. M., appointment, 135, 399, 969,


Sinclair, H. K., degree, 1396 Sinclair, Mary C , degree, 1550 Sinclair Refining Co., gift, 549, 1469 Sineni, R., degree, 598 Sinex, C. H., degree, 792 Singbusch, Elsa L., appointment, 294, 1130 Singbusch, J. R., degree, 810 Singer, C. E., degree, 1570 Singer, J. D., appointment, 355, 1183 Singer, J. R., degree, 821 Singer, M. B., appointment, 129, 964 Singer, S., degree, 1391 Singer, W., degree, 1572 Singh, H., appointment, 359, 1188 Singwi, K. S., appointment, 1424 Sinkiawic, J. F., degree, 1243 Sinnamon, G. K., appointment, 125, 675, 959 Sinnissippi Forest Trust Fund, gift, 550,

1213, 1469

Sinnott, J. W„ appointment, 297, 1134 Sio, Mrs. Dorothy C , appointment, 267 Sirich, J. B., appointment, 79, 912, 1450 Siros, B. K., degree, 1393 Siron, F. K., degree, 815 Siron, Lois M.p degree, 813 Sirotek, Mary J., fellowship, 1481