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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1752 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Seten, Mary H., lease, 1306 Setinz, Verna B., degree, 1246 Seto, J., appointment, 1148 Setterdahl, F., certificate, 1330 Setzekorn, Anna M., degree, 1243 Severance, Rosemary, degree, 794 Severns, j . E., degree, 1539 Severns, W. H., appointment, 129, 964 Sevy, Mrs. Barbara, appointment, 324, 1166 Sevy, R. W., appointment, 1276 degree, 1569 Sewage plant research, appropriations, balances reappropriated, 1197 Sewage Research, budget, 125, 278 Sewage treatment and disposal system, Robert Allerton Park, contracts, 1200 wage rates, objections by Twin City Federation of Labor, 1201 Seward, L., appointment, 272 Sewers, Dentistry-Medicine-Pharmacy Building, contract, 543 Goodwin and Pennsylvania Avenues, contract, 708 Illini Hall area, contract, 528 release of funds, 519 Lincoln and Florida Avenue intersection, extension, 1464 Lincoln Avenue, maintenance, agreement, 845 Springfield Avenue at Harvey Street to the Boneyard, extension, 1464 Sexauer, C. E., degree, 814 Sexauer, L. D., Jr., certificate, 42 Sexauer, N. E., degree, 1544 Sexton, Audrey M., appointment, 295, 1132 Sexton, H. O., appointment, 156, 157, 697, 991, 992, 1452 Sexton, Meta M., appointment, 184, 1019 Seybolt, R. F., appointment, 136 Seyfarth, F., appointment, 129, 696, 964 Seyler, E. C., appointment, 62, 894 Seyler, J. W., appointment, 125 degree, 410 Seymour, E. R., degree, 818 Seymour, F. P., Jr., degree, 582 Seymour, J. H., degree, 589 Seymour, R. G., appointment, 142, 978 Shackelford, Mrs. Wanda J., appointment, 259 Shaddock, R. E., degree, 586 Shadensack, Joan M., degree, 812 Shaefer, Mrs. Anita L., appointment, 1424 ^ degree, 829 Shafer, P. R., appointment, 775, 1229 Shaffer, J. N., degree, 815 Shaffer, P. R., appointment, 78, 911 Shatter, H. A., degree, 1572 Shahani, K. M., appointment, 106, 775, 1229 leave of absence, 1235 resignation, 1383 Shahbender, R. A., degree, 1282 Shakespeare collection, gift, 466 Shakow, D., appointment, 211, 1047 Shalaby, A. S. M., degree, 792 Shalla, L. S., appointment, 202 Shalon, J., degree, 590 Shambaugh,,'"^l A-i Jr., member of advisory committee, 562 Shambaugh, P., appointment, 363, 1192 Shambaugh, T.' -J., Jr., member of advisory committee, 1x94, 1195 Shames, Mrs. Nora, appointment, 318, 1156 Shanafelt, D. E., degree, 807 Shanafelt, D. K., degree, 824, 1575 Shanafelt, Mrs. ray, appointment, 305, 1141 Shane, M., degree, 1572 Shane, O. S., certificate, 1329 Shaner, D. R., degree, 794 Shank, M. C , appointment, 1080, 1457 Shanker, Pearl R. S., degree, 452 Shankland, D. L., degree, 792 Shanks, S. G., degree, 1559 Shann, B. L., degree, 1549 Seil, M. D., appointment, 166, 1002 Seller, F., appointment, 272, 1108 Seils, G. W., certificate, 488 Seith, Nancy L., degree, 1566 Seitz, A. M., degree, 1565 Seitz, F., appointment, 131, 874, 1276 leave of absence, 1280 Seitz, P. G., appointment, 966 Seitzinger, G. L., degree, 824, '575 Seitzinger, H. O., degree, 814 Seitzinger, M. V., degree, 799 Seiwert, H. C , appointment, 1276 Sek, F. W., degree, 824 Selander, R. B., fellowship, 680, 1483 declination, 1487 Selegmann, K., painting, purchase, 711 Seles, Mrs. Genevieve P., appointment, 331, 1172 Selesner, E., fellowship, 681 Selesnick, S., appointment, 1190 Seligmann, J., & Co., purchase, 711 Selin, C. W., degree, 416 Selkirk, W. J., degree, 419 Selkregg, F. M., Jr., degree, 797 Sell, A. E., degree, 799 Sells, Charlotte, appointment, 311, 1148 Selmer, Ruth, appointment, 1308 Selmeyer, F. D., degree, 413 Selsor, A. C , degree, 1564 Selstad, R. H., degree, 586 Seltzer, H. D., certificate, 1330 Seltzer, Harriett A., appointment, 1229 fellowship, 46 Selverstone, L. A., appointment, 355, 1183 Semantics, experimental, research, gift, 1471 Semenchuk, A., degree, 1399 Semiat, Paula B., degree, 807 Semi-conduction, fundamental nature of, research, contract, 378 Semones, Mrs. Myra L., appointment, 267, 1103 Semple, J. G., degree, 585 Sen, A. K„ appointment, 364, 1193 fellowship, 646, 1232 Senate, State, legislation, appropriation bill for 1951-1953, 772 East Dentistry-Medicine-Pharmacy Building, construction, 772 state board of higher education, proposed, 716 Senate, University, resolution, use of University premises for addresses by candidates for public office, 1326 Sendziak, S. J., Jr., degree, 592 Senear, F. E., appointment, 203, 1038 Seneco, W. W., certificate, 1338 Seng, C. N., degree, 1544 Seng, O. A., degree, 416 Senger, F. B., Jr., appointment, 167, 1002 Senger, J. D., appointment, 139 declination, 405 Seniority, nonacademic employees, regulations, 1440 Senn, M. B., degree, 598 Senneff, J. M., degree, 450 Sennett, A. L., degree, 1561 Senton, Mary A., appointment, 320, 1164 Sentz, R. C , degree, 1385 Sepmeyer, C. F., degree, 421 Serdar, S. R., degree, 821 Sereb, J., certificate, 1338 Sered, H., appointment, 356, 1185 Sered, Shirley J., degree, 1564 Sereda, S. J., degree, 588 Seremak, M. A., degree, 588 Sergeant, Lois M., degree, 1550 Series, E. R.t administrative officer of Chicago Professional Colleges, 1320 appointment, 220, 1057 Serrett, J. B., degree, 795 Serven, Mary E., degree, 800 Sestak, A. A., degree, 424, 1390
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