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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Schmitt, N. E., degree, 1550 Schmitt, R. A., appointment, 1276, 1380, 1478 Schmitt, V. A., degree, 1389 Schmitt, W. C , degree, 1389 Schmitt, W. F., degree, 1250 Schmittle, S. C., appointment, 45, 113, 163, 511, 947, 999 Schmitz, Virginia L., appointment, 281, 1116 Schmulbach, C. D., degree, 812 Schnaer, I. L., appointment, 355, 1183 Schnauber, Enid, appointment, 148, 161, 984, 996 Schnayer, I., degree, 580 Schnebly, M. I., appointment, 164, 1000, 1451 Schneck, Virginia M., degree, 1556 Schneewind, J. B., fellowship, 681 declination, 684 Schneider, A. F., degree, 824, 1575 Schneider, A. J., appointment, 248, 1087, 1457 Schneider, Mrs. Aleta O., appointment, 331, 1173 Schneider, F. E., degree, 1576 Schneider, G. H., degree., 1561 Schneider, H., degree, 1247 Schneider, H. C , degree, 1562 Schneider, M. I., degree, 807 Schneider, P. E., certificate, 488 Schneider, Ruby M., degree, 807 Schneider, Ruth M., degree, 807 Schneider, W. C , degree, 813 Schneider, W. H., degree, 823 Schnepper, D. H., appointment, 1380 degree, 587 Schnepper, R. L., appointment, 1124 Schniepp, J. C , degree, 1251 Schnier, N. A., degree, 821 Schnirring, Marilyn F., degree, 1564 Schnittke, G., appointment, 1452 Schnitzler, A. D., degree, 1391 Schnurr, P. E., degree, 810 Schoch, H. H., I l l , degree, 815 Schoen, A. H., degree, 795, 1555 Schoen, Mrs. Elizabeth E., appointment, 447, 904, 1380 resignation, 1316 Schoenberger, J. A., appointment, 398, 1039 Schoenberger, Ruth A., appointment, 270 Schoene, R. B., appointment, 1107 degree, 799 Schoeneberg, E. L., degree, 1242 Schoenfeld, L., appointment, 80, 696, 914 Schoenfeld, M. R., fellowship, 1232, 1278 Schoenfeld, Rachelle B., degree, 408 Schoenrock, D. H., degree, 818 Schoenwetter, H. K., appointment, 281, 1118 Schoepfer, A. E., degree, ISS7 Schofield, H. S., degree, 1565 Scholarly publications, appropriations, balances reappropriated, 38 Scholarships, Ceramic Engineering, regulations, revisions, 1359 funds, budget, 194, 234, 1029, 1073 gift, Advertising Executives Club of Chicago, z2io, 1467 Air Foundation, Inc., 1467 Allerton, R., iaio, 1467 Alpha Phi Omega, Alpha Alpha Chapter, 1210 1749 Scholarships, cont'd Gulf, Mobile, & Ohio Railroad Co., 1210, 1467 Hackett, Mrs. Jessie E., 372 Haeger Potteries, 547 Harnischfeger Corp., 556, 1474 Hunter, Jeannette E. and B. F., 662 Illini Achievement Fund, 547, 548, 1467 Illinois Association for the Crippled, Inc., Illinois Congress of Parents and Teachers, 547, 1210 Illinois Federation of Women's Clubs, 547, 1210, 1216, 1467 Illinois Mining Institute, 547, 1467 Junior Women's Advertising Club of Chicago, 1468 Kroger Co., 547, 1210 Lincoln Arc Welding Foundation, 547, Markle, J. and Mary R., Foundation, 553, Mohr, A., Jr., J. S., and L., 1211 Morse, J., Memorial Foundation, 548, 1467 National Association of Thoroughbred Breeders, 1211 Old Ben Coal Co., 548, 1211, 1468 Panhellenic Council, 548, 1211 Peabody Coal Co., 547, 1468 Petter, H. A., Supply Co., 1211 Pickard, A. £., Coal Co., 547, i a i l Pierce, Mrs. Kittie B., 548, 1211 Pi Kappa Lambda, 1211 Praetorians of Illinois, 1211 Presser Foundation, 1211 Reardon, N. D., 1467 Ruettinger, J. W., 1211 Ruhm Phosphate & Chemical Co., 548 Rusher, F. E. and Dorette J., 607 Sears-Roebuck Foundation, 548 Sigma Delta Chi, 1468 Sinai Temple Congregation of ChampaignUrbana, 548, 1211, 1468 Skidmore, Owings, and Merrill, 548, 1211 Student Organization Fund, 1211 Tennessee, University of, Library, 550, University 1213 1216 1211 547, 1210, 1467 Concert and Entertainment Yarros, V. S., 556, 1474 Law, established, 1220 referred to Committee on General Policy, 843 medical social workers, 1358 Scholl, Estelle M., degree, 581 Scholomiti, N. C., appointment, 243, 398, 1082, 1458 Scholz, Joyce E., degree, 1539 Scholz, J. J., fellowship, 646, 1382 Schoneberg, S., degree, 827 Schooley, F. E., appointment, 166, 169, 511, Schoolman, H. M., degree, 825 Schoolman, J. G., appointment, 207, 675, 1044, 1478 School Music Service, purchase, 671 School programs, study, contract, 1207, 1305, 1327. Mi7 Schoonmaker, S., appointment, 155, 99<> Schoper, C. A., degree, 1388 Schopp, R. T., degree, 796 Schorr, H., appointment, 203, 1038 Schott, E. W., degree, 410 Schottenhamel, G. C , degree, 78} Schottenhamel, Mrs. Lillian, appointment, 1113 Schour, I., appointment, 215, 218, 511, 1051, 1054 Schowalter, K. A., degree, 781 Schowengerdt, H. A., Jr., degree, 1248, 1543 fellowship, 776 1002, 1004 Board, 1211 American Legion Auxiliary, Department of Illinois, 1467 Anderson, Mrs. Margaret, 547 Bellamy, A., 766 Berkelhamer family, 556, 1473 Borden Company Foundation, Inc., 1216, 1467 Boudreau Trust Fund, 547 Brook Hill Farms, Inc., 547. '407 Campus Chest, 547, 1467 Ceco Steel Products Corp., 1407 Chicago Farmers, 547, 1210 Class of 1950, 547 . Foundation, University, 1211, 1408
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