UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 [PAGE 1651]

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i 7 48


Schick, A. F., appointment, 354, 1182 Schickedanz, Irma M., degree, 1564 Schierman, L. W., degree, 799 Schiffer, J. T., degree, 1252 Schiffrin, M. J., appointment, 361, 1189 Schildberg, Josephine, appointment, 8 Schildein, Clara, appointment, 306, 1143 Schiller, A., & Son, purchase, 342 Schiller, A. A., appointment, 210, 1046, 1350 Schiller, A. G., appointment, 1528 Schiller, F., appointment, 359, 1188 Schiller, N. C , degree, 596 Schillerstrom, Alice G., appointment, 478 resignation, 684 Schilling, W. M., appointment, 45 Schiltz, F. A., degree, 8.27 Schimberg, A. L., degree, 1563 Schimmel, D. W., degree, 1562 Schimmel, Mrs. Harriet K., appointment, 317, "55 Schimmelpfeng, R. H., degree, 812 Schindler, D. R., degree, 808 Schindler, Joan L., degree, 1557 Schirmer, E. H., Jr., degree, 1248 Schizophrenia, research, gift, 1218 Schlabach, F. E., certificate, 842 Schlacks, Jeanne M., degree, 1566 Schlageter, C , appointment, 1190 Schlageter, R. W., degree, 590 Schlapp, J. D., degree, 1568 Schlarman, Cecele E. ( appointment, 270, 1106 Schlatter, C. F., appointment, 138, 974 Schleef, E. M., degree, 799 Schlegel, Arlene R-, appointment, 1276 Schleichert, Barbara A., degree, 1560 Schleifer, D. M., degree, 1572 Schlenz, H. E., director of Athletic Association, 604, 1409 Schlesinger, Joan, appointment, 317 Schlessinger, N., appointment, 571 Schlichting, W. J., degree, 799 Schloss, H., appointment, 316 Schlosser, Dorothy J-, degree, 812 Schlosser, R. E., appointment, 975 degree, 1239 Schlueter, M. L., degree, 1548 Schmalhausen, Jo C , appointment, 284, 1131 Schmaling, J. F., degree, 422 Schmaling, L. G., degree, 799 Schmeckpeper, D. E., degree, 598 Schmeckpeper, Georgene M-, degree, 1238 Schmidt, A. E., appointment, 1184 Schmidt, C. E., degree, 1562 Schmidt, Claire L., degree, 807 Schmidt, E. C , appointment, 299, 1136 Schmidt, E. R., degree, 1552 fellowship, 1482 declination, 1487 Schmidt, Freda K., degree, 413 Schmidt, Mrs. Helen B. f appointment, 250 resignation, 646 Schmidt, J., appointment, 359 Schmidt, J. C , degree, 810 Schmidt, J. W., degree, 815 Schmidt, M. O., appointment, 124, 691, 958, 1447 degree, 450 Schmidt, R. R., degree, 803 Schmidt, Rosalya, appointment, 1007 Schmidt, Shirley M., appointment, 322 Schmidt, Suzanne L., degree, 1555 Schmidt, W., appointment, 32s, 1167 Schmidt, W. E. M., degree, 1552 Schmiedeskamp, C. W., degree, 1549 Schmit, R. J., degree, 598 Schmit, R. P., degree, 598 Schmitt, D. M., degree, 591 Schmitt, H. C. C , appointment, 156, 696, 990,


Schaefer, Mrs. Jacqueline, appointment, 318, "57 Schaefer, R. L., appointment, 292, 1128 Schaefer, Ruth L., appointment, 874, 1020 degree, 794 Schacffer, Mrs. Esther M., appointment, 1164 SchaeSein, Mary L., degree, 1555 Schaer, R. W., degree, 801 Schaeve, C. M., degree, 788 Schaeve, Mrs. Marjorie J., appointment, 150, 168, 186 resignation, 879 Schafer, D. L., degree, 799 Schafer, J. E., degree, 802 Schafer, R. G., certificate, 1329 Schaffer, Barbara J., degree, 807 Schaffer, J. K., degree, 827 Schaffer, O. G., appointment, 155, 989 Schaffner, C. P., fellowship, 678, 1481 Schaffner, J., degree, 422 Schaffner, J. S-, appointment, 127 termination, 879 Schaffrath, W. B., appointment, 174, 179 resignation, 684 Schaid, M. A., appointment, 305, 1141 Schalk, Mrs. Evelyn M., appointment, 260,


Schalk, J. J., degree, 1365 Schall, S. M., appointment, 358, 1186 Schaller, J. W., degree, 827 Schallman, G. C., certificate, 13.29 Schalter, R. G., degree, 821 Schaner, B. E., degree, 1553 Schank, M. C , appointment, 241 Schar, C. F., appointment, 325, 334, u6>,


Scharafin, C. E., degree, 1564 Scharf, F., degree, 1246 Scharfenberg, Henrietta, degree, 1250 Scharfenberg, P. J., degree, 819 Scharre, W. F., Jr., degree, 154-2 Schaub, Mrs. Edna L ^ appointment, 310, 1147 Schaumberger, Caryl F., degree, 1555 Schechtman, E., certificate, 488 Scheck, D. E., degree, 1553 Scheckel, P. F., degree, 1399 Scheef, Martha M., appointment, 10, 1308 Scheeler, J. A., appointment, 1276 degree, 596 Scheerer, Rosemarie M., fellowship, 1484 Schemer, H. G., degree, 413 Schemer, M. M., appointment, 357, 1186 Scheflow, Mrs. Helen, appointment, 1104 Scheibe, J. R., appointment, 364 Scheibel, R. G., degree, 807 Scheibenreif, R., degree, 596 Scheick, W. H., appointment, 153, 180 leave of absence, 336 resignation, 843, 879 Scheinin, Haydee, degTee, 1238 Schell, C. A., degree, 824, 1575 Schell, J. A., degree, 823 Schelter, J. G., appointment, 300, 1137 Schenck, Eleanor M., degree, 1560 Schenck, N. C , decree, 811 Schencker, H., certificate, 1330 Scherbartb, Lydia C , appointment, 323, 1165 Scheribel, K. J., appointment, 337, 1186 Schermeister, L. J., resignation, 40s Schermerhorn, J. R., resignation, 46 Schersten, H. E., degree, 1565 Schersten, Mrs. Helen F., appointment, 1104 Schertz, A. H., degree, 807 Schertz, C. E., appointment, 1103 Schertz, G. B., degree, 58s Schertz, K. F., degree, 409 Schertz, L. P., appointment, .267, 1103 Schertz, R. L., degree, 422 Scherwat, D. H., degree, 1286 Scheuer, Helen E., degree, 828 Scheuler, A. P., resignation, 405 Schicht, Anna M., appointment, 1460

Schmitt, J. A. E., degree, 799 Schmitt, J. E., degree, 700 Schmitt, L. J., certificate, 1338