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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Pierson, Barbara A., degree, 1555 Pierson, Irene D., appointment, 190, 1025 Pierson, W. E., Jr., degree, 1561 Pierzynski, Marcia G., appointment, 1148 degree, 592 Pietka, R. J., degree, 419 Pietrangeli, Angelina R., appointment, 77, 85, 910, 919, 1454 Piette, R. J., degree, 810 Pifer, Rosalie, appointment, 1123 Pigage, L. C., appointment, i2g, 174, 178, 964, joog, ro r4 Pigott, M. T., appointment, 645 resignation, 778 Pigozzi, R. A., degree, 818 Pigs, nutrition, study, contract, 130s Pih, Mrs. Katherine D., appointment, 774, 906 Piip, Ants-Tonis, fellowship, 679 declination, 732 Pijahn, H. L., degree, 1250 Pikaar, R. J., degree, 1557 Pi Kappa Lambda, gift, 1211 Pike, G. I., appointment, n 18 Pikna, R. J., degree, 579 Pikramenou, Marika, degree, 789 Pilch, A. J., degree, 1393 Pilchard, E. I., appointment, 119, 952 Pildes, Evelyn, degree, 808 Pildes, R. B., degree, 807, 1572 Pile, O. W ^ appointment, 270, n 06 Pilkenton, G. K., degree, 797 Pilkenton, W . H., degree, 409 Pill, M. P., degree, 1572 Pille, A. G., degree, 798 Pillowcases, M e l " " McKinley Hospital, purchase, 1416 Pilot, I., appointment, 446, 1181 Pilot, M. L., resignation, 404 Pimstein, U., degree, 586, 1539 Pine, B. W., degree, 454 Pinckney, N. J., degree, 789 Pinder, D. R., degree, 581 Pine, Juanita, appointment, 1x43 Pines, M. D., degree, 1555 Pines, S. H., degree, 781 Pinger, E. F., degree, 1392 Pingry, R. E., appointment, 81, 148, 149, 692, 914, 981, 984, 1448 Pinkelman, H. F., degree, 1242 Pinkston, Mrs. Helen P., appointment, 262 Pinska, Elizabeth J., appointment, 397 Pinsky, Sylvia, appointment, 242, 702, 1081 Pintak, F. J., degree, 804 Pinto, P. S., degree, 1574 Piotrowski, D. P., degree, 590 Pipe, purchase, Aeronautical Engineering, 524 Physical Plant, 46S, 501, 1264 stainless steel, use for conducting milk, study, contract, 1207 Pipe covering, East Dentistry-Medicine-Pharmacy Building, contract, 1414 Physical Plant, purchase, 767 Research and Educational Hospitals Addition, contract, addition, 640 Pipe fittings, Physical Plant, purchase, 557 Pipenhagen, C. A., Jr., degree, 803 Piper, E. L., degree, 583 Piper, R. J., degree, 818 Piping, contract, Abbott Power Plant, Diesel engine house, 658 Abbott Power Plant Addition, 25, 495 steam tunnel, 658 Pirani, C. L., appointment, 360, 1188, 1350 Pires, E. G., degree, 1393 Pirouzbakht, Javad, fellowship, 1501 Pirtle, H. C-, degree, 417 Pisano, J. J., degree, 1577 Pisha, E. F., degree, 1396 Piskun, B. A., degree, 1248 Pisoni, D. C , degree, 815 Pissarro painting, gift, 483 Pister, K. S., appointment, 134, 970 degree, 1535 1731 Pistrui, W. M., degree, 595 Pjszczek, E. A., appointment, 361, 1191 Piszkiewicz, F., appointment, 359, 1x87 Pitesky, I., degree, 827, 830 Pitman, P. E., degree, 585 Pitschke, H. F., degree, 1401 Pitt, C. A., appointment, 397, xo8x Pittendrigh, C. S., appointment, 873 Pittenger, Mrs. Betty D., appointment, 271, 1108 Pittenger, O. E., degree, 581 Pittman, C. P., appointment, 282, 1117 Pittman, D. C , degree, 596 Pittman, G, A., appointment, 265, ixox Pittman, H. W., appointment, 356, 1185 Pittman, Norma R. M., degree, 1250 Pittman, V. H., appointment, 293, 1129 Pitts, Pauline D., degree, 794 Pitts, W., appointment, 212 Pittsburgh Consolidation Coal Co., gift, 549, 1468 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., purchase, 712 Piunti, O. J., degree, 422 Pixley, Patricia, appointment, 1099 Place, V. A., appointment, 355, 1184 leave of absence, 647 Placek, C , appointment, 446 resignation, 573 Placek, S., degree, 1387 Placement and Follow-Up, Education, budget, 146, 285, 983, 1121 Placement Bureau, budget, 67, 264, 899, 1100 Plagge, J. C , appointment, 201, 510, 1037, 1275 Plaisance, S. F., degree, 587 Plaisted, Mrs. Florence, appointment, 1097 Plambeck, Jean, degree, 423 Planck, Barbara S., degree, 817 Planey, J. A., degree, 1248 Plankenhorn, Mary R., appointment, 276, 111a Plankenhorn, W. J., appointment, 123, 957 discovery, patent' rights, release, 854 Plant breeding greenhouse, heating system, improvements, appropriation, 520 Plant disease control, experimental program, funds, gift, 1213 Plant growth, study, contract, change, 668 Plant Pathology, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 1197 Plapp, C. W., degree, 784 Plasma substitutes, research, gift, 1215 Plastering, maintenance and minor improvements, contract, 1203, X493 prevailing wage rates, schedule, X204 Plastic deformations, research, contract, 560 Piatt, D. R., degree, 1572 Piatt, M., degree, 823 Plattis, Pauline, appointment, 321, 1160 Plattner, P . A., appointment, 691 Piatt Trailer Co., Inc., purchase, 766 Player, Lora L., degree, 1550 Player, Virginia L., degree, 819 Playground, Student and Staff Apartments, construction, contract, 666 Pleasants, Sarah, degree, 1559 Plechaty, E. F., degree, 1558 Plein, E. M., appointment, 1491 Pliskin, I., degree, 1577 Plotkin, N., degree, 1555 Plotkin, Nancy B. G., degree, 1555 Plumbing, contract, Agricultural Engineering Annex, 847 Animal Sciences Laboratory, addition, 370 Busey Hall, 763 dairy barns, 544. East Dentistry-Medicine-Pharmacy Building, 1414 Huff Gymnasium, 340 IUini Grove, 639 Men's Residence Hall, 763, 1290 minor alterations and remodeling, 368, 848, 1518 Noyes Laboratory, 345, 5*7» " ° 3
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