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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Parker, R. E., degree, 597 Parker, R. L., degree, 1571 Parker, R. W., degree, 801 Parker, W. E., degree, 1548 Parkerson, Lauralynn, appointment, 301 Parkhurst, Hilda A., appointment, 1097 Parking facilities, appropriations, balances reappropriated, 39, 1198 contract, adjustment, 1345 Parking lot, Chicago Professional Colleges, appropriation, 845 Green Street, 1108 West, contract, 29, 847 addition, 464 Goodwin Avenue, 202 South, appropriation, 521 1725 contract, addition, 76s John Street, 601 East, contract, 29 Polk Street and Hermitage Avenue, resurfacing, contract, 707 South Campus, appropriation, 655 contract, 659 Parkins, L. E., degree, 422 Parkinson, M. E., certificate, 527 Parks, Augustine, appointment, 11, 1308 Parks, Barbara J., degree, 819 Parks, F. A., appointment, 299, 1135 Parks, Gracye M., appointment, 265, 1101 Parks, J. S., degree, 1577 Parks, L. W., degree, 1558 Parks, Marian L., degree, 810 Parks, R. A., degree, 422 Parks, T. E., degree, 1543 Parmacek, L., appointment, 360, 1188 Parmenter, H. M., degree, 1399 Parmuth, R. S., degree, 597 Parnell Iron Works, Inc., contract, 543 Parr, Rosalie M., appointment, 72, 905 Parr, S. W., East Chemistry Building dedicated to memory of, 496 Parrill, R. F., degree, 139s Parrish, Mrs. Bertha, appointment, 331, 1172 Parrish, J. B., appointment, 141, 976 Parrish, L. D., Jr., degree, 577 Parrish, W. M., appointment, 86, 919 Parrott, Delores L., degree, 800 Parrott, J. C , degree, 1572 Parry, E. J., degree, 815 Parry, J. J., appointment, 75, 908 Parry, Mrs. Linnetta M„ appointment, 270, 1107 Parry, Virginia L., degree, 417 Parshall, G. W., fellowship, 678, 1481 declination, 1487 Parsons, Betty, Gallery, purchase, 1466 Parsons, G. F., degree, 804 Parsons, Harriett A., degree, 817 Parsons, M. B., appointment, 730 declination, 778 Parsons, R. C , degree, 824, 1574 Parsons, T. E., appointment, 280, 1116 Partekel, Delores E., degree, 1397 Partenheimer, Hilda M., appointment, 297 Partridge, Miriam J., appointment, 323, 1165 Paschkes, E., appointment, 361, "90 resignation, 1353 Pascuzzo, G. A., degree, 590 Pasek, A. T., certificate, 842 Pasel, Gladys L., degree, 784 Pash, Olga, appointment, 322 Pashek, R. D., appointment, 691 Paskind, J., appointment, 361, J190 Paspy, S. F., appointment, 123 degree, 789 Pass, J. C , degree, 810, 1545 Passer, M., appointment, 1528 Pastel, R., appointment, 675 Pasti, G., Jr., degree, 451 . Pastor, Mrs. Garnita, appointment, 1158 Pastron, H„ degree, 815 Pastva, Mrs. Eloise C , resignation, 46 Pasvogel, M. W., degree, 1533 Patch, R. H., degree, 801 Patchak, R. G., certificate, 842 Patchett, R. E., degree, 593 Pate, W. W., certificate, 1329 Patek, D„ degree, 590 Patelski, K. J„ Jr., degree, 1393 Patelski, Sally, degree, 806 Patents, electronic digital computer, magnetic core device, application, 2 government research contracts, policy, 665 Aldrich, P. H., release, 337 Audrieth, L. F., negotiations, 1514 release, 1514 Baram, P., release, 1341 Bennett, D. G., release, 854 Caesar, P. D., release, 337 Carter, H. E., concession of priority, 347 Chafaris, G., release, 709 Clark, G. B„ release, 1325 Cook, R. L., application, 337 Danhof, I., release, 458 Dunn, F., release, 1259 Fairbanks, G., application, 1463 Fett, G. H., release, 709 Forth, M. W., release, 458 Fowler, V. J., negotiations, 1513 Fry, F. J., release, 1513, 1514 Fry, Mrs. Ruth B., negotiations, 1513 Fry, W. J., negotiations, 1513 release, 1259, 1513, 1514 Gher, R., Jr., negotiations, 1514 Guillemin, V., Jr., release, 458 Gunsalus, I. C., release, 1196 Hahn, E. L., application, 347 release, 1259 Hindsley, M. H„ release, 765 Jaeger, R. P., application, 1463 Johnson, V. K., application, 2 Johnstone, H. F., release, 1463 Jordan, E. C , release, 1463 Kempe, L. L., release, 1340 Kerst, D. W., assignment, 710 Miles, J. C , 1270 Moore, E. F., release, 1340 Nordsieck, A., release, 1300 O'Meara, T. R., release, 1418, 1463 Orcutt, J., release, 1513 Pelletier, S. W., release, 1418 Plankenhorn, W. J., release, 854 Scott, E. S., release, 1514 Shapin, T., Jr., release, 1340 Sherwin, C. W., release, 1418 Sheuring, J. J., release, 1258 Steggerda, F. R., release, 458 Tracy, P. H., release, 1258 Wakerlin, G. E., release, 518 Webb, H. D., release, 1418, 1463 Weise, E. K., release, 1259 Wellinger, R. P., release, 1259 Witt, F. E., release, 665 Patents Committee, members, 603, 1405 Paterson, H. C , appointment, 160, 994 Paterson, Mabel C , fellowship, i486 Paterson, R. W., degree, 814 Patheal, L. L., appointment, 1228 Pathology, appropriations, balances reappropriated, 40 budget, Dentistry, 220, 314, 1056, 1151 Medicine, 207, 310, 1044, 1147 Research and Educational Hospitals, 229, 322, 1068, 1164 clinical faculty, 360, 1188 gift, fellowship, Bristol Laboratories, 552 research, 554, 1216, 1218 sonic vibrator, purchase, 501 Pathology and Hygiene, Veterinary, budget, 998 Patient Drugs, Research and Educational Hospitals, budget, 229, 1068 Patinkin, D., appointment, 691 Patinkin, N. J., certificate, 1329 Patka, Rita M., appointment, 397 Patlak, E. M., degree, 824, 1574
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