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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1724 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Palmer, R. A., degree, 804 Palmer, Virginia W., degree, 794 Palmer, W. S., certificate, 1357 Palmgren, J. S., degree, 1577 Palubinskas, F. S., appointment, 446, 1228 Pampel, Harriet F., degree, 595 Pan, Sai-lung, degree, 782 Pan-American Refining Corp., gift, 1212, 1468 Pan-American scholarship, gift, 1467 Pana Oil Refining Co., purchase, 501 Panelboards, Physical Plant, purchase, 557 Panhellenic Council, gift, S48, 1211 Pankau, R. J., degree, 829 Pankau, Mrs. Rita P., appointment, 1058 resignation, 1280 Pann, Loretta, appointment, 276 Pannebaker, M. R., degree, 577 Pannone, F. E., degree, 595 Pannuto, H., Jr., degree, 786 Panozzo, W. A., degree, 1251 Pantagraph Printing & Stationery Co., purchase, 377, 468, 670, 672, 1206, 1305, 1466 Pantarotto, P. L., degree, 422 Panter, E. G,, appointment, 206 resignation, 879 Pantke, Joan K., degree, 1559 Pantone, A. M., appointment, 362, 1191 Pantone, D. A., degree, 592 Panzica, A. J., degree, 1400 Pao, R. H. F., degree, 580 fellowship, 513, 679, 1482 Paper, purchase, Agriculture, 31 Alumni Association, 340, 440, 710, 767, 1344 Office Supply Store, 342, 343, 526, 557, 614, 768, 1263, 1305, 1466 Papermaster, Judith, appointment, 1152 Paper supplies, purchase, Chicago Undergraduate Division, 1263 Physical Plant, 341, 711, '344 Papierniak, F. B„ appointment, 510, 1192 Pappas, Georgia A., degree, 580 Pappas, Marjorie, appointment, 320 Pappas, W. J., degree, 587 Paprock, Mrs. Lillian, appointment, 311 Parade Ground area, streets, resurfacing, contract, 26 Parade Ground Dormitories, budget, 192, 304, 1028, 1140 Pachter, I. J., appointment, 1228 Pachtman, E. A., fellowship, 877 Pacific Flush Tank Co., purchase, 768 Pacific Gas & Electric Co., stock, sale, 835 Package tying machine, Mailing Service, gift, 1471 Packard, Bessie, appointment, 1109 Packard, D. K., appointment, 730 degree, 831 fellowship, 448 Packard, G. C , degree, 814 Packard, R. K„ gift, 1219 Packer, D. M., degree, 1566 Paddock, W. C., degree, 139s Padella, A. M., degree, 584 Paden, D. W., appointment, 141, 873, 976 leave of absence, 1407 Paden, Mrs. Elaine P., appointment, 289, 1126 Padgitt, H. R., degree, 803 Padgitt, R. D., degree, 803, 1545 Paeltz, E. H., appointment, 1127 Pagakis, C. N., degree, 821 Page, A. C , Jr., fellowship, 678 Page, J. L., appointment, 78, 911, 1450 Page, Mrs. Janet L., appointment, 103, l i s , 936, 949 leave of absence, 47 resignation, 1487 Page, K. G., degree, 590 Page, Raymond H., degree, 791 Page, Robert H., degree, 794, 964 Page, R. R., appointment, 244, 703, 1083, 1275, 1380, 1458, 1459 Page, T., appointment, 675, 916, 1013 Page, V. L., degree, 1563 Pagels, W. D., degree, 412 Pailleron, A. J., degree, 1248 Paine, E. B., appointment, 126, 960 Paine, J. W., degree, 1577 Paine, R. C , certificate, 1329 degree, 814 Paint, purchase, Physical Plant, 32 Residence Halls, 468 Paint brushes, Physical Plant, purchase, 525, 1264, 1360 Painter, J. P., appointment, 155, 175, 990, 1010 Painter, J. W., degree, 422 Painter-Marcus, Elizabeth, appointment, 210, 1046 Painting, Illinois Neuropsychiatric Institute, contract, 770 Painting and graphics, master's degree, change, 1509 Paintings, Art Institute of Chicago, agreement for custodianship, 350, 483 gift, 1214, 1471 cancelled, 1269 purchase, 711, 1466 storage facilities, appropriation, 483 Trees collection, gift, 483, 529 Palacek, Noraldean M., degree, 810 Palandech, J. R., degree, 815 Palello, Mrs. Bella, appointment, 1163 Palluck, R. E., certificate, 42 Palm, K. J., degree, 810 Palm, K. R., degree, 810 Palm, L. J., degree, 1393 Palmberg, E. L., appointment, 262, 1098 Palmer, C. E., appointment, 152, 153, 987, 988 Palmer, D. E., degree, 597 Palmer, D. J., degree, 590 Palmer, I., degree, 419 Palmer, J. F., degree, 822 Palmer, J. R-, resignation, 404 Palmer, Jane G., fellowship, 682 Palmer, K. R., degree, 1547 Palmer, Mary J., appointment, 1160 Palmer, P. C , degree, 1563 Paradise, M., appointment, 315, 1152 Paradoski, E. A., certificate, 1178 Paralysis agitans, research gift, 1215, 1472 Pardue, D. R., appointment, 177 resignation, 448 Paredes, J. E., degree, 810 Parent, J. A., degree, 1552 Parenti, G. A., degree, 1565 Parenti, T., degree, 1398 Parenti, Thelma, degree, 416 Paris, M., appointment, 292, 1128 Paris, Nancy A., appointment, 1120 Parise, D. L., degree, 424 Parish, J. W., degree, 801 Parisot, P. E., degree, 1557 Park, Martha, appointment, 8 Parke, W. K., degree, 822, 1571 Parker, Mrs. Claudine, appointment, 1175 Parker, F. D., appointment, 397 degree, 415, 783 Parker, H. S., appointment, 397, 1189, 1228 Parker, J. A., degree, 579 Parker, J. S., degree, 815 Parker, Kathryn, appointment, 321, 1159 Parker, M. L., appointment, 363, 1191 Parker, Mabel A., degree, 1556 Parker, Mrs. Margaret C., appointment, 258, 1094 Parker, Marian, appointment, 1160 Parker, N. A., appointment, 128, 963 Parker, R. C , degree, 424
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