UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 [PAGE 1625]

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Optical goods, Illinois Eye and Ear Infirmary, contract, 1261 purchase, 1521 Optron Laboratory, purchase, 344 Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, budget, 219, 314, 1055, 1151 research, gift, 1217 Oral Pathology, budget, 220, 314, 1036, U S ' research, gift, 555 Oral surgery, postgraduate curriculum, 1322 Oram, R. W., degree, 415 Oram, Virginia W., degree, 452 Orcutt, Charlotte E., degree, 1550 Orcutt, J. D., degree, 1549 discovery, patent rights, release, I5J3 Orcutt, Mrs. Joan L., appointment, 276, 1112 Ordal, Z. J., appointment, 106, 939 Ordemann, Mrs. Lillian M., appointment, 286 Ore, Mrs. Alice R., appointment, 260 Ore, F. R., degree, 803 Oregon Street, property at 1204 West, purchase, 459 appropriation, 459 remodeling, appropriation, 1339 contract, adjustment, 1417 Organ console, Auditorium, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 365 Organic acid metabolism, research, contract, 560 Organizations, University membership, budget, 68, 901 Oriatti, M. D., degree, 810 Orkild, P. P., degree, 1558 Orloff, M. J., degree, 826, 830 Orman, Doris B., degree, 1237 Orman, J. N., degree, 1242 Onniston, E. E., appointment, 104, 938 Ormsbee, A. I., appointment, 122, 956 Ormsbee, E. E., degree, 1242 Ormsby, O. S., appointment, 352, 1180 Ornamental Metalworks Co., purchase, 614 Orndorff, J. R., appointment, 774, 1192 Ornellos, Leta A., degree, 1564 O'Rourke, J. D., degree, 580 fellowship, 1481 O'Rourke, Margaret A., diploma, 1575 O'Rourke, Mrs. Maxine G., appointment, 257, 1094 Orphan, C. D., appointment, 1173 Orr, Greta N., degree, 1555 Orr, P., degree, 412 Orr, W. H., appointment, 278 Orrico, J., appointment, 359, 1188 Orsborn, Vera M., degree, 1558 Orseske, A. J., degree, 1394 Orthodontics, budget, 220, 314, 1056, H 5 ' ā€ž postgraduate curriculum, 1321 research, gift, 555 Orthopaedic Brace Shop, budget, 229, 322, 1067, 1164 revolving account, 229, 1068, 1164 Orthopaedic fund for children, gift, 1217 Orthopaedic Surgery, budget, 206, 309, 1043, 1147 ā€” clinical faculty, 358, 1187 fund for children, addition, 556, 1472, 1473 juvenile crib and mattress, 1219 research, 1219 travel fund for residents, 556, 1219 gift, awards for junior medical students, 556 Chandler Research Fund, addition, 1219, 1474 fellowship, Evanston Drama Club, 554, 1472 fracture table, 1474 lathe, purchase, 526 Ortho Research Foundation, gift, 1213, 1469 Orton, E., Jr., Ceramic Foundation, gift, 549, 1468 Orton, W. R., Jr., degree, 783

O'Loughlin, R. W., Jr., degree, 1562 Olschansky, Harriet, degree, 811 Olsen, Mrs. Alice, appointment, 325, 1167 Olsen, C. E., appointment, 243, 1082, 1314, 1380, 1457 Olsen, J. R., degree, 424 Olsen, M. R., degree, 1248 Olsen, N. L., degree, 590 Olsen, R. E., degree, 1568 Olsen, Mrs. Violet, appointment, 322, 1164 Olson, A. H., degree, 1237 Olson, A. L., degree, 581 Olson, B. E., degree, 422 Olson, B. P., certificate, 42 Olson, D. N., degree, 593 Olson, E. T., certificate, 843 Olson, H. G., degree, 1533 Olson, Helen V., degree, 818 Olson, lean A., degree, 1559 Olson, L., appointment, 117s Olson, L. E., certificate, 842 Olson, L. W., appointment, 86, 700, 920, 1456 Olson, Lois M., appointment, 268, 1104 Olson, R. A., degree, 824, 1574 Olson, R. C , appointment, 257, 1093 Olson, R. E., degree, 823 Olson, R. G., degree, 824, 1574 Olson, R. S., degree, 590 Olson, S. W., appointment, 200, 204, 226, 230, 231, 1036, 1039, 1061, 1063, 1065 Olson, T. F., Jr., certificate, 1338 Olson, Virginia J., degree, 1566 Olson Designers, contract, 1346 Olwin, J., appointment, 363, 1192 Oman, M. C., fellowship, 513, i486 Oman, Mary L., degree, 1555 Omarzu, J. H., degree, 1251 O'Meara, T. R., appointment, 571, 962 discovery, patent rights, release, 1418, 1463 O'Meara, W. L., certificate, 1329 Omens, D. V., appointment, 352 Omens, H., appointment, 352, 1180 Ondrak, T. B., appointment, 243, 702, 1082, M58 Ondrejcin, J. Jā€ž degree, 450 Ondrejcin, R. S., degree, 810 O'Neal, C. R., degree, 815 O'Neal, Delia A., degree, 1558 O'Neal, Gloria J., appointment, 1112 " Oneal, Marcia J., degree, 1555 Oneal, Opal B., degree, 1250 O'Neil, Mrs. Thehna S., appointment, 269, 1105 O'Neill, Alice C , degree, 806 O'Neill, Edna, appointment, 321, 1160 O'Neill, Mabel I., appointment, 268, 1104 O'Neill, R. E., appointment, 1275 degree, 786 Ongman, Mrs. Evelyn M., appointment, 279,



Ongman, H. D., appointment, 124, 957 degree, 1539 resignation, 1S30 Onishi, S., degree, 1536 Ooka, S. T., degree, 1394 Opelt, R. W., degree, 1561 Openshaw, J. C , degree, 803 Operating rooms, Research and Educational Hospitals, appropriation, 521 budget, 2z8, 322, 1067, 1164 Operating tables, Veterinary Medicine, purchase, 1520 Operative Dentistry, budget, 219, 314, 105 s, 1151 Opferkuch, R. E., certificate, 1338 Ophthalmology, budget, 206, 309, 1042, 1146 clinical faculty, 357, 1186 Opoka, Wanda, appointment, 320, 1159 Oppenheimer, Audrey C , degree, 420 Opsahl, J, F., degree, 796 Optical equipment, Mining and Metallurgical Engineering, purchase, 1360