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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Occupational Therapy, budget, Medicine, 210, 310, 1042, 1146 Research and Educational Hospitals, 322 department established, 489 gift, funds, 554, 556, 1217, 1473 scholarship, Illinois Association for the Crippled, Inc., 547, 1210, 1467 Illinois Federation of Women's Clubs, 547, 1210, 1467 Ochi, H . , certificate, 488 Ockert, J. D . , degree, 810 O'Connell, M. V., degree, 417 O'Connor, B . G., appointment, 265, 1113 O'Connor, F. R., appointment, 281, 1117 O'Connor, R. E., degree, 826 O'Connor, T . M., appointment, 277, 1113 O'Connor, W . K., degree, 417 O ' D a i r , R. T . , degree, 1237 Odell, C. W . , appointment, 144, 692, 980, 1447 Odell, R. T . , appointment, 99, 932 leave of absence, 779 Oden, J. B y degree, 590 Oden, R. J. E . , appointment, 363, 1191 Odeneal, Josephine, appointment, 10, 1307 Odoxn, Jerrilene, degree, 4 2 3 O'Donnell, D . P . , appointment, 298, 1134 O'Donnell, E . T . , degree, 1540 O'Donnell, J., appointment, 313, 1150 O'Donnell, L. J., degree, 818 O'Donnell, T . E . , appointment, 153, 988 O'Donnell, Thelma K., degree, 582 Odontonie formation, research, gift, 1217 Oehmke, C. M . , appointment, 256, 1093 Oehmke, G. J., appointment, 280, 1116 Oehmke, M r s . Virginia W . , appointment, 1124 Oehring, T . S-, certificate, 488 Oelke, M r s . Bernice K., appointment, 1121 Oertel, R. C , degree, 452 Oesterling, Jane, .appointment, 73 declination, 404 Oestreich, W . H . , appointment, 331, 1173 Offenstein, Mary A., appointment, m i Office of Rubber Production, contract, change, '344 Officers, Board of Trustees, delegation of signatures, 6 0 1 , 1404 election, 600, 1404 Office Supply Storeroom, purchase, air-conditioning units, 712 envelopes, 466, 467, 614 examination books, 672, 1206 files, 671 order forms, 711 paper, 342, 343, 526, 557, 614, 768, 1263, 1305, 1466 paper napkins, 469 recording tape, 1305 Official Test Revolving Account, budget, 105, 272, 939, 1108 , 0 Offner, D . H . , appointment, 129, 9»4, I3»0, Offringa, R. J., degree, 1565 . Offset duplicator. Extension Service in Agriculture and Home Economics, purchase, 502 O'Flaherty, S. J., degree, 1555, ' 5 5 7 Oftedahl, C., appointment, 78 Ogata, K., degree, 1570 Ogilvie, J. T., fellowship, 1483 declination, 1487 Ogle, C. W . , degree, 798 Ogle, L., appointment, 1148 O g l e , M r s . Maude, appointment, 1102 O g l e , R. B., degree, 1534 Oglesby, E . V . , appointment, 170, 1 0 1 2 cancellation, 1280 O g r e n , R. E., appointment, 1456 ,, Ogrodny, Jeannette B., appointment, 324. " 0 0 O'Hair, R. C , certificate, 1490 O'Halleran, D . W . , degree, 1553 , O'HaUoran, Mrs. Lydia C , appointment, 3'»> "54 , „ O'Hara, J. L., degree, 798 1721 O'Hart, Maureen, appointment, 320, U 5 9 Ohio Chemical Co., gift, 553 purchase, 1305, 1416 Ohlendorf, L. F., degree, 1568 Ohler, E. A., appointment, 210, 1047, 1314 degree, 1569 Ohlgren, R. R., degree, 801 Ohlsen, C. E., Jr., degree, 1536 Ohlsen, M. M., appointment, 148, 980, 983 leave of absence, 1353 Ohlson, N . G., degree, 804 Ohlzen, R. E., appointment, 305, 1142 Ohman, J . E., degree, 590 Ohmite Manufacturing Co., contract, 1327 Ohnysty, B., Jr., appointment, 1380 degree, 1393 Ohnysty, Julia, degree, 1550 Ohr, Helen E . , degree, 806 Ohrvall, Mrs. Gretchen, appointment, n 63 Ohse, C. R., degree, 584 Oil, fuel, purchase, Aeronautical Engineering, 375 Aviation, 375 Physical Plant, 501 Oink, Ethel G., appointment, 250 resignation, 479 O'Kane, C. R., appointment, 364, 1192 O'Keefe, Dolores, appointment, 1108 O'Keefe, Philomena, appointment, 1160 O'Kelly, L. I., appointment, 8 3 , 916 Okita, T. Y., degree, 1567 Okubo, E . T., degree, 1555 Olander, C. F., Jr., degree, 820 Olander, R. L., degree, 801 Old Ben Coal Co., gift, 548, 1211, 1468 Oldberg, E., appointment, 205, 1040 member of advisory committee, 562 Oldfather, Margaret, appointment, 168, 183 resignation, 778 O'Leary, E. J., degree, 1283 Olech, E., appointment, 219, 1055 Oleck, A. R., appointment, 357, 1185 Oleksy, Mrs. Margaret H . , appointment, 242, 1081, 1275 Olenginski, L. S., degree, 1544 Oler, Ethel L. R., degree, 814 Oler, Mrs. G. Louise, appointment, 302 Oleszkiewicz, C. J., appointment, 333, n 74 Olfanos, Stella N . , appointment, 330, 1172 Olin, Ruth E., degree, 810 Olinger, Mrs. Beulah N . , appointment, 186, 1022, 1228 degree, 415 Olin Industries, Inc., gift, 1408 Western Cartridge D i v i s i o n , 549. ' 2 1 3 . 1469 Oliphant, C. P., certificate, 1507 Oliphant, W . J., certificate, 1329 Oliver, D . C , appointment, 2 8 1 , 1117 Oliver, G. A . , degree, 803 Oliver, J. V., appointment, 531. J I 9 2 Oliver, Jeanne, appointment, 1159 Oliver, M. J., degree, 587 Oliver, R. E . , appointment, 694, 1275 degree, 1282 Oliver, R. L., degree, 592 Oliver, R. P . , appointment, 73, 85, 6 9 1 , 699, 906, 919 Oliver, W . A . , appointment, 124, 691, 958, 1447 Oliver, W . P., appointment, 322, 1164 Oliver Machinery Co., purchase, 559 Oliveri, P . W . , degree, 806 Oliverio, Mrs. Josephine P . , appointment, 1142 Olivet, Margaret, appointment, 1143 Oliviero, Anita, appointment, 1109 Olkon, D . M., appointment, - 2\ 1, 1047 Oiler, A n n K., appointment, 446, » 4 5 ' degree, 582 Olney Agricultural Experiment Farm, sale, approved, 565 recommendation of Committee on Agriculture, 564 referred to Committee on Agriculture) 490
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