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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Merrimac, Katherine J., degree, 813 Merritt, C. D., appointment, 1135 Merritt, Eunice, appointment, 8, 319, 1158 Merritt, K. E., appointment, 279, 1115 Mersereau, Joanna H., appointment, 1106 Mershon, D. J., degree, 594 Merten, H. G., appointment, 242, 1081 Merutka, J-, degree, 597 Merwin, Betty, appointment, 305, 329, 1142, Merwin, J. C , degree, 412 Mescher, Mrs. Shirley M., appointment, 1133 Meserve, B. E., appointment, 81, 914 Mesker, L. J., appointment, 278, 1114 Messerall, H. E., degree, 1284 Messick, Mrs. Eleanore, appointment, 1121 Messick, R. E., degree, 812, 1544 Messinger, H. P., degree, 576 Messinides, H. C , degree, 1395 Messman, May C , appointment, 1128 degree, 584 Messmore, H. L., Jr., degree, 824, 1574 Metabolism, research, gift, 1213, 1215 Metalab Equipment Corp., contract, additions, 1346 purchase, 469. 557, 712, 853 Metallographic equipment, Mining and Metallurgical Engineering, purchase, 1206 Metallurgical Engineering, See Mining and Metallurgical Engineering. Metallurgical specimen equipment, Mining and Metallurgical Engineering, purchase, 1360 Metals, plasticity, research, contract, 560 Metcalf, J. R„ degree, 821 Metcalf, L. E., appointment, 145, 149, 692, 981 Metcalf, Marcia N., degree, 1396 Meters, Physics, purchase, 558 Methvin, Doris H., appointment, 873 degree, 793 fellowship, 402 Metropolitan Music Co., purchase, 467 Metta, V. C , degree, 579 fellowship, 1500 Mette, W. R., Jr., certificate, 842 degree, 813 Metter, Norma L., fellowship, i486 Metz, R. D., appointment, 281, 1117 Metz, R. P., degree, 1251 Metz, W. R., degree, 708 Metzger, F. R., appointment, 132, 967 Metzger, R. J., fellowship, 1278 Metzger, Roberta E., degree, 1387 Meunier, Juanita M., appointment, 873, 1088 degree, 820 Meunier, P. L., degree, 815 Mew, H. H., degree, 593 Meyer, Anna L., degree, 1393 Meyer, Mrs. Betty A., appointment, 255 Meyer, Betty C , degree, 820 Meyer, D. R., degree, 423 Meyer, Delores G-, appointment, 113 7 Meyer, Mrs. Doris M., appointment, 255, Meyer, E. P., degree, 588 Meyer, E. R., Jr., degree, 815 Meyer, E. S., degree, 810 Meyer, Esther, appointment, 202, 1037 Meyer, F. L., degree, 824, 1574 Meyer, F . M., degree, 1249 Meyer, Gabriele L., appointment, 315, " 5 3 Meyer, H. C , degree, 421, 1236 Meyer, H. L, appointment, 363, ! I 9 2 Meyer, H. J., degree, 1236 Meyer, J., appointment, 353, I l S l Meyer, Mrs. Julia, appointment, 397, I a 2 7 leave of absence, 47 Meyer, K. A., appreciation of services, resolution, 642 . Meyer, M. ET, associates of, gift, 1474 Meyer, M. M., degree, 579 Meyer, Marilyn J., degree, 1504 1092 1171 I709 Meyer, Mrs. Mary, appointment, 328, 1142 Meyer, N. H., degree, 1565 Meyer, Naomi, degree, 592 Meyer, R, D., appointment, 262, 1095 Meyer, R. E. t degree, 1246 Meyer, R. G., degree, 424 Meyer, R. H., degree, 798 Meyer, R. K., degree, 594 Meyer, R. P., appointment, 363, 1192 fellowship, 731 Meyer, Shirley C., degree, 813 Meyer, Mrs. Sophia A., appointment, 295 Meyer, W. J., Jr., degree, 796 Meyer, W. W., degree, 800 Meyers, A. A., degree, 1563 Meyers, Mrs. Beatrice K., appointment, 309, 1146 Meyers, C. Y., degree, 781 Meyers, E. A., degree, 829 Meyers, F., appointment, 843, 1014 Meyers, J. A., degree, 1567 Meyers, Lulu B., appointment, 270, 1106 Meyers, M. J., certificate, 1338 Meyers, Patricia A., appointment, 276, 1112 Meyerson, L., appointment, 692 Mican, R. G., degree, 1249 Mice, Medicine, appropriation, 655 Michael, E. D., Jr., appointment, 397, 697, 995 degree, 1535 Michael, G. T., degree, 588 Michael, G. W., appointment, 283, U19 Michael, R. F., appointment, 274, m o Michael, W. A., Jr., appointment, 1452 Michael, W. R., degree, 1558 Michaels, F. J., degree, 829 Michaels, J. L., degree, 1287 Michalicka, E. J., degree, 814 Michalova, Dagmar, appointment, 1528 degree, 1543 fellowship, 776 Michalowski, Mrs. Lois, appointment, 1101 Michalowski, R. A., degree, 1400 Michalski, G. W., degree, 808 Michalski, J. R., degree, 1567 Michel, H. A., certificate, 1338 Michel, W. E., degree, 802, 1542 Michelman, Patricia A., degree, 1555 Michels, C. J., appointment, 246 resignation, 732 Michels, G. L., degree, 1570 Michels, L., degree, 1552 Michna, C. J., degree, 820 Mick, R. B., degree, 804 Micka, J. A., degree, 1546 Microscopes, appropriation, Anatomy, 476 Chicago Undergraduate Division, 1259 Entomology, 23 Medicine, 366 purchase. Agronomy, 375 Animal Science, 524 Bacteriology, 30, 854 Chicago Undergraduate Division, 1305 Entomology, 374 Food Technology, 377, 612 Geology, 30, 341 Medicine, 374 release of funds, 434 Mining and Metallurgical Engineering, 375 Veterinary Medicine, 525, 612 Microtome, Animal Hospital, appropriation, MiddUemas, Jean, degree, 1555 Middlesworth, W., degree, 806 Middleton, Mrs. Mildred A., appointment, 265 Middleton, W. H., appointment, 206 resignation, 878 Middleton, W. J., fellowship, 678, 1481 declination, 683 Middle South Utilities, stock, purchase, 835 Middle West Soil Improvement Committee, contract, 713
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