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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1708 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Menefee, 1142 Meduna, L. J., appointment, 211, 1047 Meece, Mrs. Winifred L., appointment, 295, Meech, Ruth M., degree, 1349, 1538 Meehan, Marjorie, appointment, 361, 1190 Meek, Mabel F., appointment, 329, 1170 authority to sign name- of President of Board, 602, 1404 Meek, W. L., appointment, 674, 941, 948 Meeland, Emily £., appointment, 302, 1138 Meers, F. A., degree, 1396 Meers, Marilyn, appointment, 1170 Meeting, date, annual, 1402 Megginson, G. M., degree, 8x8 Meginnis, P. J., appointment, 477, 998 leave of absence, 1531 Megran, H. B., appointed trustee of Retirement System, 603 elected member of Executive Committee, 601, 1404 member of committees, 602, 603, 1405 Meheen, Homayoun, degree, 1540 Mehl, B., appointment, 644, 873 Mehlman, I. J., degree, 1558 Mehlman, J. S., appointment, 354, 1182 Mehr, R. I., appointment, 141, 691* 976 Meid, W. J., appointment, 123, 956 resignation, 1530 Meidinger, T. A., degree, 1558 Meiers, Mrs. Gertrude, appointment, 307, 1143 Meiners, J. H „ degree, 420 Meinert, W. F., degree, 1397 Meinkoth, H. J., degree, 593 Meisler, Yvette, degree, 1560 Meister, Mary A., degree, 806 Melahn, G. E-, degree, 803 Melahn, Sally L., degree, 806 Melby, L. R., fellowship, 678, 1481 Melby, Sylvia M., appointment, 674 Melcher, L., Jr., degree, 587 Melcher, L. E., degree, 59 l Meletsis, G. J-, appointment, 222, 1058 Melill, J., degree, 821, 1553 Melin, H., certificate, 1338 Melin, J. S., degree, 789 Mellis, R. T., appointment, 364 Mellon, D., appointment, 1137 Mellon, Mrs. Doris L., appointment, 1227, 1274, 1379 Mellor, Edna C , degree, 407 Mellow, E. W., degree, 450 Melman, A. M., certificate, 1490 Meloy, C. R., appointment, 243, 1082, 1458 Melrose, Barbara M., degree, 1387 Melson, Elizabeth R., appointment, 139, 690, 974, 1446 M els ted, S. W., appointment, 99, 933 Melton, W. R-, appointment, 1093 Meltzer, B., degree, 819 Meltzer, Mrs. Eleanor, appointment, 318, 1156 Memberships in organizations, budget, 68, Memon, A. A., degree, 452 Memon, R. M., degree, t i546 Men, Dean of, appropriations, balances reappropriated, 37 budget, 63, 262, 896, 1098 Menacker, Janet, degree, 1397 Menard County, soil maps, purchase, 1305 Mench, Lorraine, appointment, 319* 1158 Mencinsky, J., degree, 422 Mencoff, E. I., certificate, 603 Mendel, C. W., appointment, 80, 696, 913 leave of absence, 1334 Mendel Riley, purchase, 670, 671 Mendell, W. G., certificate, 1329 Mendelsohn, M. J., degree, 822, 1571 Mendelsohn, M. L., certificate, 1357 Mendelsohn, R. M., degree, 824, 1574 Mendelson, C. E., degree, 826 Mendelson. K. D. r degree, 801 Menees, T. O., Jr., degree, 1550 901 1131 Mrs. Florence, appointment, 305, Menefee, S. G» appointment, 104, 938 Meng, Donna J., appointment, 674 Menikheim, Virginia C , degree, 1385 Mennecke, C. A., degree, 802 Mensen, R. S., degree, 821 Mensendick, C. 1., appointment, 280, 1115 Men's Old Gymnasium, remodeling, contract, 638 Men's Residence Halls, appropriations, balances reappropriated, 1198 bonds, attorneys employed, 763, 1267 authority to award, 1343 authority to sign, 1343 award, 1356, 1362 bids, 1356 authority to secure, 763, 1267 redemption, 1341 refinancing, 134 r resolution authorizing issue, 1363 budget, 192, 303, 1027, 1139 expansion, appropriation, 763 architectural services, 367, 379* 54*» 1290 additional, payment, 1301 contracts, 763* 1290 authority to award, 1267 conditions, 1290 engineering services, steam service connection, 763 proposed, 367 revised program, 1267 steam service piping, contract, 1496 fire alarm evacuation signal system, contract, 344 Mentally handicapped children, preschool project, funds, gift, 550, 1470 Menter, Evelyn R., degree, 793 Mentzer, W. S., degree, 1246 Menzel, D. C., degree, 802 Menzel, D. W., degree, 1392 Mercer, G. E., appointment, 282 Mercer, Janine M., degree, 1396 Merchant, D. C , degree, 801 Merck & Co., Inc., contract, 668, 1305. 1464 change, 561, 1464 gift, 1210 purchase, 852, 1520 Merdinger, D. J., certificate, 1329 Meredith, K. E-, degree, 591 Meredith, P. A., appointment, 355, 1183 Merideth, H. V., Jr., degree, 592 Merker, B., certificate, 1329 Merkle, E. W., degree, 1549 Merkle, W. H., certificate, 41 Merlie, D. L., degree, 797 Merlini, A., fellowship, 681 Merlo, Jacqueline R., degree, 1396 Merrell, W . S., Co., gift, $52 Merriam, C. E., scholarship fund, gift, 12 n Merrick, C. E., degree, 1564 Merrick, J. W., appointment, 288 degree, 1568 Merricks, J. W., Jr., appointment, 364, H93 Merrifield, C. R-, Jr., appointment, 257, 1143 Merrifield, F. W., mttnber of advisory committee, 562 Merrifield, Jean, appointment, 260 Merrifield, Mrs. Jewelj appointment, 299 Merrifield, L. A., appointment, 300 degree, 802 Merrill, I. R., appointment, 920, 1375 degree, 1390 Merrill, Jane L.., degree, 825 Merrill, Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Beane, bond issue for Men's Residence Halls, 1356, 1362 Merrill, William McKinley, degree, 407 Merrill, William Meredith, appointment, 78, 694, 911, 1450 Merrill Foundation for Advancement of Financial Knowledge, Inc., gift, 1469
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