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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS M a n n , K. M., appointment, 102, 137 declination, 404 M a n n , L. G., degree, 451 M a n n , Mary S., degree, 1550 Mann, O. D . , Tr., degree, 821 M a n n , R. L., degree, 804 M a n n , S., degree, 581 M a n n , W . C , appointment, 1227 degree, 791 M a n n e r , G., appointment, 82, 916 Mannhardt, Billie J., degree, 1555 M a n n h e i m , B. F . , fellowship, 1352, i 4 8 6 M a n n i n g , G. B., degree, 420 Manning, J . B , , degree, 597 M a n n i n g , James J., degree, 787 M a n n i n g , John J., appointment, 355, 1184 M a n n i n g , Mrs. Martha W . , appointment, .258, 1095 Manning, T . A . , degree, 1572 Manno, Antoinette, appointment, 320, 1159 M a n o m e t e r , discovery, patent rights, release, 1325 M a n p o w e r problems, emergency, effect on higher education, report, 516 Manring, Jessie W . , degree, 1543 Mansfield, D . W . , degree, 1251 Mansfield, J. V . , appointment, 2 4 3 , 703, 1082, 1458 Mansfield, M . E . , appointment, 9 3 , 114, 120, 163, 927, 947. 953, 998 Mansfield, M r s . Martha C , appointment, 1095 Mansfield, R., contract, 1462 Manso, L., painting - , purchase, 711 Manson, R. L., degree, 1398 Manthei, E . C , engineering _ services^ Agricultural Engineering Building addition, 836 Auditorium sprinkler system, adjustment, 1495 minor construction projects, 608, 610 Stock Pavilion, 836 Talbot Laboratory addition, 849 water reclamation improvements, 529 Manthei, F. M . , contract, 1521 Mantles, General Chemical Stores, purchase, 671 Mantynband, R. A . , degree, 1398 Manuel, B . A . , appointment, 280, 1116 Manuell, Jean H . , degree, 1389 M a n u s , G. C , degree, 1248 M a n z , J. F . , certificate, 1330 Mapother, D . E . , appointment, 132, 967 M a p projector, Geography, purchase, 710 Mara, W . F . , degree, 1242 Maramba, L. R., degree, 1570 fellowship, 1315 Marans, Mrs. Jacqueline, appointment, 328 Maras, C. C , degree, 1571 Marbarger, J. P., appointment, 210, 224, 361, 1046, 1061 Marberry, C. E., appointment, 691 fellowship, 679 Marberry, M r s . Dorothy S., appointment, 1112 Marc, A . , appointment, 219, 1055 March, A. F . , degree, 1399 March, J. F-, appointment, 1184 Marchant Calculating Machine Co., purchase, 853 Marchello, Joretta A., degree, 1550 Marchetti, Mildred, appointment, 10, 1308 Marchetti, P . V-, appointment, 83, 698, 9 i 7 , 1454 Marchisio, M . , degree, 820 M a r c u s , A l m a , fellowship, 513, 77" Marcus, E . Elizabeth P., leave of absence, 574 resignation, 1233 M a r c u s , Iris J., degree, 820 M a r c u s , P., leave of absence, 779 M a r c u s , P . A . , degree, 588 M a r c u s , P . M . , appointment, 132, 477, 908 M a r c u s , R. E . , appointment, 207, 396, 4 4 « , 1043 Marder, S. H . , degree, 1398 170I Marek, F. J., appointment, 308, 1145 Marek, I . L., degree, 815 Marek, J. J., certificate, 842 Marek, V . L., degree, 1250 Marek, Warren, degree, 1563 Marek, W e s l e y , degree, 1563 Marek, W . T . , degree, 1250 Margoles, Jean, degree, 592 Margolin, Shirley M., degree, 817 Margolis, J., appointment, 1187 Margolis, Mildred, appointment, 319, 1158 Margraff, J., degree, 828 Marich, J. C., degree, 804 Marien, A . E . , appointment, 139 Marien, Camille D . , degree, 1242 Marienfeld, C. J., appointment, 4 4 6 , 1045, 1423, 1478 M a n m o n , Barbara, d e g r e e , 1555 Marinelli, Anne, appointment, 183, 1018 Marinelli, Ramona, appointment, 309, 1146 Marinello, S. J., certificate, 41 Marino, J. J., appointment, 6 7 4 , 1189 Marinopoulos, J. M., degree, 1552 Marion, P., degree, 424 Marion, W . M. f degree, 590, 1537 Maris, Mrs. S. Lucille, appointment, 286 Markel, J., degree, 586 Marketing, curriculum, revision, 490 fellows, 680 See also Business Organization and Operation. Marketing book, printing, 440 Marketing milk, study, contract, 1207 Markfield, S. B., degree, 591 Markham, R. L., degree, 1555 Markle, Mrs. Delores A . , appointment, 261 Markle, J. A . , degree, 820 Markle, John and Mary R., Foundation, gift, 553, 1216 Markovitz, A . , degree, 1539 Markovitz, M., appointment, 1184 Marks, T. E . , degree, 801 Marks, J. R., degree, 1572 Marks, K. L., degree, 1558 Marks, Margaret A . , degree, 1560 Marks, Mrs. N a n c y , appointment, 1143 Marks, Patricia J., degree, 1556 Marks, R. C , appointment, 331 Marks, Rachel B., appointment, 181, 1016 leave of absence, 479 Marksberry, Mary L., appointment, 396 resignation, 732 Markwalder, D . W . , degree, 797 Markwell, J. P . , degree, 1549 Marlatt, W . K., degree, 587 Marlowe, Henrietta, appointment, 328, 1170 Marlowe, M r s . Rachel C , appointment, 288, 1124 Marme, M . R., degree, 1570 Marnul, J. E . , degree, 1561 Marousek, M. A . , degree, 1574 Marovich, G. M., degree, 1547 Marquardt, Barbara A . , degree, 1564 Marquardt, J. F., degree, 804 Marquette Paper Corp., purchase, 557 Marquis, J. N . , degree, 421 Marr, J. A . , degree, 581 Marr, Lillian, appointment, 2 8 6 , 1123 Marr, V e l m a H . , degree, 785 Marriott, Clarice, appointment, 317, 1155 Marsden, J. T-, degree, 804 Marsh, E . R., certificate, 488 Marsh, J. O., Jr., appointment, 242, 510, i o 8 t Marsh, J. R., degree, 585 Marsh, M a r y E . , degree, 807 Marsh, N . C., appointment, 279, 1118 Marsh, R., appointment, 1010 Marsh, R. R-, appointment, 2 7 1 , 1107 Marsh, Ruby C , degree, 1550 Marshak, Blossom R., degree, 451 Marshall, A . E . , degree, 1571 Marshall, B . L., appointment, 279, 1115
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