UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 [PAGE 1603]

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Malan, R. C , degree, 590 Malawsky, Ida L„ degree, 806 Malcheff, G. K., degree, 820 Malcomson, R. W. f degree, 1395 Malda, Edith M., appointment, 212 Malecki, G. J., fellowship, 680 declination, 731 Malek, Mrs. Ruby B.f appointment, 1163 Malevitis, M. G., degree, 814 Malinsky, R. E., degree, 596 Malinsky, W. N., degree, 412 Mai kin, E. A., degree, 1555 Malkus, W. V. R., appointment, 247 resignation, 479 Mallary, Diane D., degree, 1556 Mallary, R. A., degree, 590 Mailer, O., degree, 1558 Malley, Constance A„ appointment, 1060, 1227 resignation, 1233 Mallinckrodt Chemical Works, contract, 1464 gift, 552, 1471 purchase, 852, 1520 Mallon, Mary C , appointment, 320, 1159 Mallory, Arenia C , degree, 407 Mallory, T. L., certificate, 1329 Mallow, R. W., degree, 813 Mallstrom, R. E-, degree, 806 Malm, W. P., appointment, 157, 161, 446* 991, 996 leave of absence, 647 Malmberg, J. H., degree, 583 Malmgren, W. H., degree, 1548 Malmstadt, H. V., appointment, 905, 1446 Malone, A. J., appointment, 216, 218 degree, 830 Malone, E. M., degree, 1549 Malone, Mrs. Gladys, appointment, 1166 Malone, Helen S., degree, 1537 Malone, Mrs. Nancy E., appointment, 1126 Malone, R. R., degree, 794 Maloney, J. E., appointment, 360, 1188 Maloney, J. J., Jr., degree, 411 Maloney, J. P., degree, 806 Maloney, M. T., certificate, 41 Maloney, T. R., degree, 1555 Malott, Helen L., degree, 816 Malottki, J. W., degree, 813 Malpractice insurance. Health Service staff, premium, appropriation, 434 Maltz, M. S., degree, 817 Mammoser, Mary, appointment, 306 Management, curriculum, revision, 490 fellows, 680, 1484 See also Business Organization and Operation. Mancuso, Mrs. Margie L., appointment, 2$4 Manczak, D. G., degree, 419 Mandel Bros., purchase, 30, 837 Mandelson, S-, degree, 1577 Mandeville, _M. J., appointment, 139, 396, 689, 974 MandrelL W., appointment, 293,, 1129 Mandt, Gertrude, appointment, 10, 1307 Manfredi, H., appointment, 730, 1048 Manfredi, H. E., degree, 1577 Manfredi, R. A., fellowship^ 1500 Mange, F. E„ degree, 781 Manilow, F. B., degree, 806 Manion, H. G., degree, 796 Mank, Barbara J., appointment, 262 Mankau, G. R„ degree, 1397 Manley, E. J., appointment, 160, 994 Manley, H. W., appointment, 257, 1093 Manley, Mrs. Margaret T., appointment, 1099 Mann, Mrs. Carolyn V., appointment, 296 Mann, Deonne, degree, 812 Mann, D. K., degree, 591 Mann, G. A., degree, 810 Mann, J. D., appointment, 291 Mann, J. R., certificate, 842

Maercker, I. A., degree, 1251 Maffris, S., degree, IS77 Maganini, R. J., degree, 834, 1574 Magaret, Ann, fellowship, 1231 Magata, G, J.f certificate, 1329 Magee, D. F., appointment, 203, 1038 degree, 1569 resignation, 1353 Magee, D. R., appointment, 1186 Magee, G. M., Jr., degree, 1552 Maggs Bros., Ltd., purchase, 32 Magid, E. B., degree, 810 Magill, A. M., degree, 810 Magill, Mrs. Carol, appointment, 1138 Magill, Elizabeth M-, appointment, 316, 1154 Magill Agency, purchase, 32 Maginot, J. J., degree, 588 Magmer, Mary M., degree, 812 Magnetic fields, instrument for measurement and control, discovery, patent application, 347 Magnon, Lucille M., degree, 1284 Magnor, W. T., certificate, 842 Magnus, E. S., degree, 1397 Magnuson, C. D., degree, 597 Magnuson, C. W., degree, 826 Magnuson, G. D., degree, 1391 Magnuson, L. A., degree, 1561 Magrill, Mrs. Dorothy B.7 appointment, 292 Magsamen, Mrs. Bernice, appointment, 1129 Magsamen, W. W., appointment, 1114 Maguire, J. T., appointment, 76, 693, 909 Mahaffey, Anna K., degree, 791 Mahaffey, J. C , appointment, 256, 1093 degree, 791 Mahar, Mary E., degree, 412 Maher, D. B., appointment, 357, 1186 Maher, F. T., appointment, 220, 510, 1057 Maher, R. J., certificate, 771 Mahon, Mrs. Eunice, appointment, 1144 Mahon, J., degree, 590 Mahoney, W. J., degree, 1236 Mahoney, W. T,, & Sons, contract, 763 addition, 864 Mahrt, Marjorie R., degree, 810 Maibenco, E., degree, 1558 Maiberger, H. J., degree, 597 Maier, E. A., fellowship, 681 declination, 683 Maier, H. A., certificate, 1330 Maier, R. H., degree, 1539 Mailing Center, addressing machine, purchase, 613 budget, 290, 1126 package tying machine, gift, 1471 tabs for addressograph plates, purchase, 30 Main, Marjorie W., appointment, 181, 698, 1016, 1454 Maina, R. A., degree, 1565 Mainous, B. H., appointment, 77, 694, 910 Mai re, L. E., appointment, 644, 1192 Maisch, Mrs. Wilraa W., appointment, 1101 Maisto, J., Jr., degree, 813 Majarakis, J. D., appointment, 214, 644, 1050, 1478 Majchrowicz, J. A., appointment, 1274 Majer, R. F., degree, 828 Majewski, R. F., degree, 591 Major, C. F., Jr., degree, 1397 Major, F. H., certificate, 41 Major requirements, history of art, 536 rhetoric and composition, 535 Majors, W. A., appointment, 271, 1107 Makart, C , appointment, 510, 1188 Makemson, C. E., degree, 424 Maki, W. M., degree, 588 Makk, L. W., degree, 418 Maksic, D., appointment, 530, 998, 999 Makuch, A. L., degree, 806 Makulec, A„ degree, 587 Malach, R. J., degree, 787