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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1696 BOARD O F T R U S T E E S Lipps, W. L., Jr., degree, 597 Lipschultz, H., certificate, 488 Lipschultz, R. B., degree, 1561 Lipsictz, G., degree, 1396 Lipton, E. L., appointment, 730, 1189 Liquid nitrogen plant, purchase and installation, appropriation, 482, 706 equipment, purchase, 483 Lis, E. F-, appointment, 208, 1045, 1074 Lisenby, Barbara I., degree, 817 Liska, K. J., degree, 828 Liss, B., certificate, 1507 Lissy, Romwalda L,, diploma, 1575 List, H. A., degree, 1251 Listener's fee, regulations, 1492 Liston, J. W., degree, 797 Liszek, J. T., degree, 811 Litherland, Mrs. Dorothy A., appointment, 139, 974 degree, 780 leave of absence, 514 Litigation, authority of Legal Counsel to enter appearance of Board in legal proceedings, 1402 Blackburn case, decision, 374 legal services, payment, 435 Chatkin case, decision, 664 legal services, 459 Hunter case, expenses, University's contribution, 603 University's appearance in court, 709 Kenny case, legal services, payment, 1258 report, 1257 water rates, professional services, 862 payment, 1361, 1493, 1513 Litle, L. O., appointment, 1448 Litman, S., appointment, 140, 975 Litt, Mrs. Lorraine A., appointment, 318, 114T Little, A. D., Inc., contract, 1207 Little, B. A., degree, 1538 Little, C. E., appointment, 1274 Little, D. P., degree, 814 Little, E. B., appointment, 241, 1080 Little, I. Y-, certificate, 488 Little, J. f Jr., degree, 804 Little, Mary L., appointment, 1021 degree, 1244 Little, W. W., certificate, 488 Littlefield, J. T., degree, 792 Littlefield, R. P., certificate, 1330 Littler, T. A., appointment, 279, IT 15 Littleton, A. C , appointment, 138, 974» 1445 Littleton, Emelda E., degree, 1556 Littleton, I. T., degree, 793 Littman, A., appointment, 1499 degree, 829 fellowship, 448 Littrell, J. E., appointment, termination, 1280 Littrell, J. H., appointment, 176, 1012 Li twin, D. F., degree, 422 Litz, F . A . , degree, 1552 Liu, Chang K., appointment, 446, 970 resignation, 1487 Liu, Chui-Hsun, degree, 1555 fellowship, 1485 Liu, Jennie C , degree, 781 «• fellowship, 513 Liu, Joanna K. Y., appointment, 1132 degree, 1559 Liu, R. C , appointment, 1120 Liu, Tung, degree, 1240 fellowship, 678, 1480 Liver, purchase, 615 research, gift, 551, 552, 553, 1216, 1471 Liveright, Mrs. Dorothy, appointment, 316, "53 Livermore, F . M., degree, 1564 Livermore, O., appointment, 247, 396, 702, 1077, 1085, 1458 Livermore, R. L., degree, 806 Livesay, G. R., degree, 1534 Lind, R. G., degree, 816 Linda hi, J. M., degree, 1565 Lindberg, O, H. f degree, 588 Lindblad, W . E., degree, 806 Lindelius, Elizabeth, appointment, 324 Lind ell, P. W. ( appointment, 1132 degree, 1559 Lindell, Phyllis A., degree, 1239 Linden, C. T., appointment, 35a, 1181 Linden, Lorraine V., degree, 1396 Lindenau, R. G., degree, 587 Linder, H. W., degree, 1250 Linder, J. A., degree, 818 Lindley, A. F., degree, 811 Lindley, C. E., degree, 1568 Lindquist, R. C., certificate, 1330 Lindquist, R. E., degree, 1552 Lindquist, R. F., certificate, 1329 Lindquist, R. J., Jr., degree, 422 Lindsay, D. £., appointment, 153, 988 Lindsay, J., appointment, 325, 1167 Lindsay, J. E., Jr., appointment, 213 termination, 479 Lindsay, M. G., degree, 412 Lindsay, Sarah J., degree, 1550 Lindsay, W. E., appointment, 299 Lindsay Light & Chemical Co., gift, 549, '468 Lindsey, Mrs. Audry, appointment, 151, 985 Lindsey, E. G., contract, 1203, 1493 adjustment, 1361, 1417. 1495, 1522 Lindsey, W. E., appointment, J135 Lindstrom, D. E., appointment, 84, 94, 688, . 918, 928 leave of absence, 1320 Lindstrom, G. W., degree, 596 Lindstrom, K. A., certificate, 842 Lindstrom, R. E-, degree, 418 Lindvall, C- M., degree, 1546 Line, R. M., appointment, 153, 988, 1445 Linen Service, Research and Educational Hospitals, budget, 227, 318, 1066, 1157 Linford, M. B., appointment, 111, 945 Ling, A. S. C , degree, 454 Lingle, K. H., certificate, 41 Link, A. J., Jr., degree, 824, 1574 Link, Beata A., appointment, 318, n 56 Link, Robert P., appointment, 7, 396, 988 Link, Roger P., appointment, 113, 164, 947, . 999 degree, 783 Link, W. A., appointment, 219, 1055 Link Aviation, Inc., purchase, 341 Linke, C. A., degree, 831, 1192 Linker, C. M., degree, 822 Linkhart, E. G., appointment, 183, 1018 resignation, 1280 Linkovskis, P., fellowship, 1482 Linkus, Mrs. Ruth, appointment, 305, 1141 Linn, M. B., appointment, 112, 945 Linn, O., member of advisory committee, 365, "95 Linsky, L., appointment, 81, 396, 697, 915 resignation, 404 Ljnsley, C. M., appointment, 99, 119, 932,952 Linson, Lenora, appointment, 10, 1307 Linton, D. R., degree, 819 Linton, G. A. t appointment, 477, 997 Linger, E., appointment, 181 resignation, 731 Lipe, D. M., appointment, 1054 Lipin, J. L., appointment, 396 degree, 1572 Lipman, D. U., degree, 1401 Lipman, E. A., appointment, 238, 244, 703, 1083, 1458 Lipman, Vivian C , degree, 1558 Lippincott, B. N., appointment, 302, 1138 Lippold, P . C , degree, 811 Lippold, R. W., appointment, 352, 1180 Lipps, Christine, fellowship, 682 declination, 731
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