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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Land, cont'd Taylor Street, property at 1720, 1722-24, and 1825, purchase, 1461 property at 1748-58, demolition, 1204 Wright Street, property at 501 South, purchase, 540 Landau, Charlotte, degree, 1547 Lande, M. J., appointment, 395, 1056 declination, 1279 degree, 830 fellowship, 401 Landen, A. R., certificate, 1329 Lander, H. B., appointment, 361, 1189 Landers, Joan B., degree, 820 Landers, L. K., degree, 412, 1283 Landes, J. L., appointment, 151, 986 resignation, 878 Landgren, J. F., certificate, 842 Landin, Mrs. Esther C , appointment, 261, 1098 Landin, J., appointment, 44, 80, 914, 1451 Landis, P. N., appointment, 75, 908, 1449 director of Athletic Association, 604 leave of absence, 1407 Landreth, Mrs. Ailene M., appointment, 259, 1124 1689 Landreth, Mrs. Helen O., appointment, 273, 1110 Landrey, E. E., Jr., degree, 596 Landrum, H. D., degree, 1537 Landsberg, Charlene P., degree, 1563 Landscape Architecture, budget, 155, 286, 989, 1123 Langemann, H., appointment, 1527 Langer, M. F., degree, 806 Langer, S. S., appointment, 1191 Langford, Patricia A., degree, 800 Langhaar, H. L., appointment, 133, 968 Langham, D. G-, degree, 585 Langham, M. R., degree, 1549 Langham, Shirley, degree, 1566 Langlois, J. A., degree, 1567 Langner, W. C , degree, 1561 Langston, H. T., appointment, 1407 Langton, Katherine M., degree, 1237 Language and Literature Studies, printing, 469 Lanier, L. H., appointment, 395, 916 Lankenau, F . N., degree, 1549 Lankford, H. J., degree, 423 Lankton, H. F„ degree, 818 Lanni, F., appointment, 872, 971 Lanphier, R. C , member of advisory committee, 36 Lansford, E. M., Jr., appointment, 1227 Lansford, W. M., appointment, 133, 701, 968, 1456 Lansky, L. M., fellowship, 682 declination, 683 Lanuti, F. L., degree, 1572 Lanzl, L. H., degree, 576 Laos, I., degree, 1557 LaPanse, E. F., degree, 424 Lapin, L., degree, 828 La Pine, A. S., & Co., purchase, 30, 374, 439, 440, 500, 525, 526, 767, 838, 852, 1343. 1360, 1520 Ryerson fellowships, gift, 33 regulations, 762 Landscaping, Animal Sciences Laboratory and Veterinary Medicine Building areas, contract, 1517 areas of new construction, contract, 1203 prevailing wage rates, schedule, 1204 Student and Staff Apartments, contract, 608 Landsman, Estelle, appointment, 310, 1148 Landsman, J. L., degree, 828 Lane, Ardelle, fellowship, 448, 1278, 1315, 1500 Lane, E. R., degree, 1553 Lane, F. C , appointment, 1445 degree, 789 Lane, Mrs. Helen, appointment, 322, 1164 Lane, J. N., degree, 824, 1574 Lane, Mrs. Jeannette, appointment, 321 Lane, O., insurance, purchased, 716 Lane, P. J., degree, 453 Lane, Mrs. Patricia, appointment, 1159 Lane, R. L., degree, 1558 Lane, R. R., degree, 155S Lane, Mrs. Rosa B., appointment, 1099 Lane, W. H., degree, 1565 Lanfranki, J., degree, 824, 1574 Lang, A. L-, appointment, 99, 932 Lang, J. M., appointment, 356, 1185 Langan, Mary E., fellowship, 681, 1484 Langan, R. E., degree, 580 Langas, J., degree, 801 Langdon, J. C , appointment, 395, 893 Langdon, V. L., degree, 802 Lange, A. E., certificate, 488 Lange, Audrey L., degree, 800 Lange, Audrey S., degree, 806 Lange, D. F., appointment, 278, 1114 Lange, G. R., degree, 1551 Lange, Margie L., appointment, 276 Lange, N. C., degree, 1553 Lange, Mrs. Patricia J., appointment, 1093 Lange, R. G., degree, 789 Lange, T. C , degree, 1566 Langebartel, D. L. A., degree, 420, 790 Langebartel, R. G., appointment, 907, 9<4, Langel, R. J., degree, 1390 LaPlante, Eme N., degree, 415 LaPlante, H. E., degree, 826 Lapp, Ada S., degree, 407 Lappe, R. J., degree, 410 Lappin, A. J., degree, 585 LaPrise, W. E., degree, 814 Lardner, E. D., degree, 824, 1574 Lardner, J., appointment, 317, 1155 Large, Dorothy, appointment, 311, 1148 Large, I. F., Jr., degree, 1242 Largen, R. J. R., degree, 421 Largent, H. C , degree, 412 LaRicolais, V. G. R., appointment, 509 Lariviere, Rose, appointment, 395, 702, 872, 1082 degree, 452 Larkin, T. J., Jr., degree, 1571 Larkin, W. E., Jr., degree, 1561 Larmoth, Jeanine L., degree, 1396 Laroche, L. R., degree, 581 LaRocque, Geraldine, appointment, 1274 Larrabee, W. E., degree, 817 Larrain, E. G., degree, 597 Larrance, C. N., degree, 1549 Larrowe, B. T., appointment, 530, 774 degree, 792 resignation, 878 Larrowe, V.' L., degree, 581 Larsen, Ann E-, degree, 812 Larsen, H., appointment, 70, 75, 903, 907, 1459 Larsen, H. A., degree, 1240 fellowship, 513 Larsen, Mrs. Helen K., appointment, 313, Larsen, Marie E., degree, 1247 Larsen, P., degree, 817 Larsen, R. P., appointment, 60, 83, 644, 893, 9i7 leave of absence, 879 Larson, A. Q., Jr., fellowship, 1352 Larson, Audrey J. L., degree, 819 Larson, B. L., appointment, 774, 938 Larson, B. O., appointment, 128, 963 Larson, C. M., appointment, 238, 248, 509, 704, 1077, 1087, 1457, 1458 Larson, E. J., degree, 817 1151
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