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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Koch, Faith C , appointment, 445, 1042 Koch, G. P., degree, 588 Koch, J. A., appointment, 303, 1139 Koch, Mrs. Marjorie, appointment, 1155 Koch, P. W., degree, 801 Koch, R. F., Jr., degree, 1555 Koch, R. H., degree, 412 Kochnuk, Irene M., degree, 1555 Kocolowski, W., degree, 804 Koe, Nancy C , degree, 1567 Koe, R. E., certificate, 1329 Koehler, B., appointment, 98, 932 Koehler, D. J., degree, 1549 Koehler, E. F., degree, 1565 Koehler, J. S., appointment, 132, 967 Koehnen, H. E., degree, 595 degree, 1388 Koeller, Mrs. Harriette L., appointment, 259, Koeller, R. C , degree, 410 fellowship, 678 Koenig, Doloris M. r appointment, 328, 1169 Koenig, F. J., appointment, 70, 903 Koenig, H. E., appointment, 127, 961, 1379, Koenig, H. L., degree, 801 Koenig, Mrs. Norma E., appointment, 1423 Koepke, B. F., degree, 422 Koepp-Baker, H., appointment, 44, 207, 235, 1043. " 7 3 Koeppe, Mrs. JoAnn, appointment, 1097 Koeppe, O. J., degree, 580 Koeppe, R. E., appointment, 395 degree, 450 Koerber, Mrs. Renee, appointment, 260 Koerber, W. B., degree, 423 Koerner, Marion, appointment, 311, 1149 Koester, L. J., Jr., appointment, 674, 968 Koffee, S. J., certificate, 1329 Kofoed, Jeanne D., degree, 577 Kofoed, Mrs. Martha, appointment, 205, 1040 Koger, Mrs. Alice D., appointment, 285, 1121 Koglin, N. A., degree, 818 Kohan, M. I., degree, 450 Kohl, Joan, appointment, 1142 Kohlbecker, Mrs. Billie L., appointment, 1122 Kohlbecker, E. E., degree, 1307 Kohlenberg, G. C , degree, 576 Kohler, O. M., Jr., degree, 1239 Kohlhagen, Edith B., degree, 1395 Kohlhase, M. E., certificate, 1357 Kohlman, L. C , Inc., contract, addition, 473 Kohlsdorf, M. F., Jr., degree, 423 Kohn, E. J., certificate, 488 Kohn, P., appointment, 395, 1038 degree, 450 resignation, 404 Kohn, Shirley L., degree, 415 Koijane, E. V., degree, 597 Koken, J. C , appointment, 44s, 914 Kokes, W. J., degree, 815 Kokontis, W., degree, 584 Kokum, J. S., degree, 1394 Kolar, G. F., appointment, 65, 898 Kolar, J. A., degree, 1247 Kolb, Helen, appointment, 328, 1169 Kolb, P., appointment, 77, 694, 910 leave of absence, 604 Kolf, R. J., certificate, 1507 Kolinger, W . A., degree, 588 Kolitsch, Catherine, appointment, 319, 1150 Kolker, S., degree, 423 Kolodziej, G. C , degree, 588 Kolstedt, Dolores, appointment, 1164 Kolstoe, O. P., appointment, 1448, 1477 Koltveit, A. J., degree, 1550 Komon, Mrs. Anna, appointment, 1164 Kompare, Shirley M., degree, 828 Koncza, L., degree, 1565 Kondzella, F. J. S., degree, 1249 Konecko, Stella, appointment, 9 Konecny, A. R., appointment, 130, 9°4 resignation, 1279 1423 1095 l685 Konecny, Mrs. Irma H., appointment, 268 Konzo, S., appointment, 129, 963 Koontz, C, H., appointment, 1226 Koontz, H. D., degree, 797 Kooperman, E. B., degree, 1251 Koopman, C., appointment, 306 Koopman, H. J., degree, 817 Kootz, S. M., gift, 1471 Kootz, S. M., Gallery, purchase, 711 Kopala, Frances A., appointment, 314, 1151 Kopecky, R. A.,_ degree, 799 Kopel, D., appointment, 692 Kopel, Rachel, resignation, 404 Kopp, M. A., degree, 595 Kopp, R. H., degree, 412 Koptik, R. C , degree, 828 Korach, A., degree, 1558 Koranda, F. L., appointment, 238, 243, 1077, Korb, Clare K., appointment, 304, 1140 Korber, W. J., degree, 815 Korenic, E. W-, degree, 818 Korer, Mrs. Jeanine, appointment, 1165 Koritz, Jo Anne, degree, 800 Koritz, L. A., member of advisory committee, Koritz, L. T., degree, 824, 1574 Korkowski, D. J., degree, 584 Kornacker, F. J., appointment, 1379 Kornblith, Lois S., degree, 592 Kornegger, Mildred A., degree, 1550 Kornfeld, E. L., degree, 1248 Korsgard, R. A., degree, 594 Korst, H. H., appointment, 129, 696, 872, 964, Korte, D. A., degree, 804 Kortkamp, E. W., appointment, 300, 1136 Kosanovich, G. L., degree, 1398 Kosatka, R, F., degree, 1392 Koshansky, Olga, degree, 1537 Kosinski, I. G., degree, 1394 Kosirog, Mrs. Clara, appointment, 333, 1175 Kosirog, L., appointment, 315, 1152 Koske, Mrs. Margaret, appointment, 316, 1154 Kosky, M. R., certificate, 842 Kosmala, R. L., degree, 1558 Kosowski, A., appointment, 268, 1104 Koss, Eleanor Iy degree, 1237 Kossuth, Irene C., appointment, 1170 Kost, Cassie E., appointment, 9, 1307 Kostalek, Mary E., appointment, 395, 1189, Kostecke, S. T., degree, 801 Kostelny, Ana, degree, 1547 Koster, M. T., degree, 809 Koster, P. S., degree, 1566 Koster, R. W., degree, 585 Kostial, Betty A., degree, 590 Kostka, Dolores B., degree, 1287, 1544 Kostka, Helen M„ appointment, 239, 1079, Kostoff, Mrs. Marjorie A., appointment, 280 Kostoff, P. C , degree, 804 Kostrufcala, J. G., appointment, 364, 1192, 137? Koteff, W., degree, 1397 Kotlarz, R. S., degree, 1287 Koucky, C. J., fellowship, 1529 Koucky, F. L., appointment, 1274 Koucky, J. D., appointment, 363, 1191 Koucky, R. W., degree, 810, 1396 Koumas, P. G., degree, 813 Koumoungis, Mrs. Margaret, appointment, 324, 1162 1274 1226 1226, 1452 1082 1195 Koval, J. P., degree, 1547 Kovaly, J. J., appointment, 872, 1226, 1477 Kovarik, Joanne L., appointment, 317 Kovec, Eleanor V., degree, 406 Koven, S. A., degree, 1399 Kowalik, E. C., degree, 806 Kowalski, J. W., degree, 585 Kowalski, L. F., appointment, 774, " 9 3
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