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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1684 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Knapp, C. G., appointment, 145. '49, 9 8 ° . 1448 Knapp, Leona M. P., degree, 1536 Knapp, M. J., degree, 823 Knapp, R. R., degree, 59s Knapper, A. F., appointment, 477, 975 Knauf, R. C , appointment, 176, 1012 termination, 1279 Knauss, R. G., degree, 155 2 Kneading and mixing machine, Animal Science, purchase, 669 Knebel, A. H., degree, 1396 Knecht, D. J., degree, 1248 Kneier, C. M., appointment, 82, 915 Kneip, T. J., degree, 1388 Knepper, N., appointment, 1452 Knetsch, Geraldine L., degree, 820 Knetsch, K. L., degree, 797 Kniering, R. F., appointment, 205, 509, 644 resignation, 778 Knight, A. A., appointment, 353, 1181 Knight, A. R., appointment, 126, 693, 960, 1448 Knight, Guyrena J., degree, 1237 Knight, J. ¥., appointment, 305, n 42 member of committee to hear charges against P. J. May, 605 Knight, Katherine G., resignation, 404 Knight, Mary J., degree, 814 Knight, R. L., degree, 801 Knight, V. A., degree, 813 Knights, Helen I., appointment, 288, 1125 Knipper, Mrs. Ann, appointment, 316, 1154 Knoblock, P. T., degree, 584 Knock, Frances E., appointment, 44s Knodell, J. D., Jr., appointment, 140, 445 certificate, 842 resignation, 573 Knodell, W. L., degree, 422 Knoebel, H. W., appointment, 1226, 1477 Knoedler, M., & Co., Inc., purchase, 1466 Knoll, F. T., Jr., degree, 1237 Knoop, Mrs. Mildred, appointment, 1132 Knop, I., appointment, 305, 1141 Knospe, W . H., degree, 806 Knott, J. E., degree, 1558 Knott, Marijo, appointment, 1113 Knowles, Elizabeth P., appointment, 183, 1018 Knowles, L. A., certificate, 1329 Knowles, L. E., degree, 821 Knox, E. G., appointment, 395 resignation, 778 Knudsen, Catherine, appointment, 317 Knudson, C. A., appointment, 77, 509, 6°4, 910 Klaersch, Marjorie E., degree, 806 Klage, E. H., appointment, n 13 Klahr, Helen C , appointment, n 65 Klamer, O. A., degree, 808 Klapperich, A. J., appointment, 247, 1086 Klare, G. R., appointment, 1350 KJarich, Pauline, appointment, 1170 Klass, D. L., degree, 809 Klassen, C. W., appointment, 361, 1191 Klassen, Helen, appointment, 310, 1147 Klassen, O. D., fellowship, 1231 resignation, 1279 Klassen, P. P., appointment, 244, 703, 1083, 14S8 Klatt, W. R., degree, 819 Klaumann, Doris C , appointment, 872, 1042 declination, 1233 Klausmeyer, Mrs. Doris, appointment, 1118 Klautsch, R. E., degree, 8oz KJauzek, R. E., degree, 1398 Klavan, B., appointment, 216, 1053 Klawans, A. H., appointment, 356, 1185 Klay, J. J., degree, 1567 Klebe, Mrs. Arlie A., appointment, 1112 Kleboe, J. E., degree, 588 Kleckner, W. C , degree, 1576 Klein, Betty L., degree, 1543 Klein, Cecily A., degree, 422 Klein, D. E., degree, 1566 Klein, D. M., degree, 420 Klein, C , degree, 1249 Klein, M. Jane, appointment, 64, 897 Klein, Ruth E., appointment, 255, 1092 Klein, S., appointment, 355. " 8 4 Klein, W. A., degree, 597 Klein, W. F., degree, 597 Kleinebrahn, P. H., degree, 1563 Kleiner, G„ appointment, 141, 976, 1447 Kleinerman, D., certificate, 41 Kleinman, B., certificate, 1329 Kleinschmidt, E. E., resignation, 404 Kleinschmidt, W. H., appointment, 774. I l 8 4 Kleinsmith, Ruth A., degree, 812 Kleis, R. W., appointment, 1226 Klemm, J. W., degree, 1393 Klensch, R. J., degree, 1248 Klette, Ina R. M., degree, 784 Klette, K. L., degree, 79s Klettka, Violet, appointment, 314, 1152 Klevans, Sylvia, appointment, 309, 1145 Kley, M. W., appointment, 674 Klibansky, M., certificate, n 78 Kliewer, Mary, degree, 415 Kligerman, C., appointment, 1350 Klimek, A. F., degree, S97 Klimek, E. J., degree, 589 Kline, T. G., degree, 1244 Kling, C. E., appointment, 282, 1118 Kling, J. W., degree, 1283 Klingbiel, Donna R., degree, 796 Klingel, A. B., appointment, 160, 995, 1497 Klingele, J. J., degree, 1400 Klingele, K. H., degree, 822 Klinger, A. D., degree, 1572 Klinger, M., degree, 587 Klinke, W. R., degree, 1394 Klitenick, E. F., degree, 824, 1573 Klitzing, M. R-, degree, t286 Klitzing, V. C , appointment, 258, 1094 Klockner, Mrs. Neva B., appointment, 268, 1104 Klose, Mrs. Mary M., appointment, 1175 Kloske, L. A., certificate, 41 Kloss, Frances, degree, 412 Kluczynski, Cecelia P., degree, 420 Klussendorf, J. R., degree, 1567 Kmak, W. S., degree^ 452 Knable, Mrs. Dawn £ , appointment, 324 Knable, N., appointment, 1314, 1350 Knap, J. E., degree, 579 fellowship, 678 Knapp, Betty D., degree, 784 Knudson, E. C , appointment, 248, 701, io86_ Knudson, G. L.,- degree, 804 Knudson, H. D., degree, 1564 Knudson, Mrs. Mildred L., appointment, 303 Knudtzon, K. F., appointment, 1527 Knuerr, W. V., Jr., degree, 1239 Knuppel, B. B., degree, 798, 1568 Knuppel, Mrs. Julia D., appointment, 1273, 1449 Knuppel, Ruth, appointment, 319 Knuti, L. L., appointment, 144, 148, 150 resignation, 404 Knutson, Ruth E., appointment,*™, 1308 Kobak, A. J., appointment, 356, 1185, 1314 Kobernus, A. D., degree, 585 Kobernus, Mrs. Joann, appointment, 304 Kobes, H. R., appointment, 235, 360, 1045, 1073 authority to sign name of President Board, 602, 1404 Kobialka, A. H., degree, 815 Kobosky, E-, degree, 588 Kobrin, H., fellowship, 401, 448, 1278 Koc, Lavergne, appointment, 319, 1141 Kocal, L. F., degree, 806 Kocan, P., certificate, n 78 Koch, D. F., Jr., degree, 1536 of
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