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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS l68l Kaufman, J. D . , appointment, 357, 1185 Keirs, R. J., resignation, 46 K a u f m a n , M . E . , degree, 1541 Keiserman, Pearle, appointment, 3 2 1 , 1159 K a u f m a n , Marguerite S., appointment, 674, Keister, Valada M . , appointment, 257, 1094 1020 Keith, B., appointment, 1141 K a u f m a n , R. I . , degree, 822 Keith, D i a n e L., degree, 806 K a u f m a n , T . L., degree, 797 Keith, G. S., appointment, 153, 689, 988 K a u f m a n , W . H . , degree, 826 Keith, M. Helen, appointment, 102, 936 K a u f m a n n , H . H . , degree, 1574 Keith, W . M., appointment, 395, 989 K a u f m a n n , J., degree, 795 Keithley, C. D . , degree, 785 K a u f m a n n , M. K., degree, 1572 Kell, B. M., degree, 587 K a u f m a n n , O. W . , appointment, 395, 940 Kell, W . G.j appointment, 140, 975 K a u l f e r s , W . V., appointment, 144, 693, 980, declination, 1233 1447 degree, 1532 Kautz, C. A . , degree, 821 Kellar, W . J . , degree, 804 Keller, A. E . , degree, 1394 K a v a n a u g h , M r s . Veronica, appointment, 316, Keller, C. L., Jr., appointment, 1452 1154 Keller, J. R., degree, 417 Kavensky, H . H . , degree, 1548 Keller, Lois, appointment, 1154 Kawa, M r s . Betty J., appointment, 313 Keller, Mildred E . , appointment, 1273 Kawabe, Martha M., degree, 1576 K a y , Dolly, gift, 1219 degree, 416 Keller, Rae L., degree, 807 Kay, J. W - , degree, 1248 Keller, S. P., appointment, 445, 644 K a y , L. O., certificate, 41 Keller, Virginia B., degree, 407 K a y , N . H . , degree, 806, 1237 Kelley, C. H . , Jr., degree, 1401 Kay, R. J., degree, 1398 Kelley, Cornelia P., appointment, 75, 6 9 3 , 908, K a y e , Virginia M., degree, 1395 1449 Kaynor, T . S., degree, 818 Kelley, Dorothy J., appointment, 164 Kayser Bros., purchase, 344 Kelley, F . J., degree, 586 Kaytor, A . J., degree, 1247 Kelley, Grace B . , degree, 793 Kazalla, G., degree, 806 Kelley, J. R., degree, 798 Kazlo, F. H . , degree, 580 Kelley, J. T., degree, 1283 Kazmierski, Irene C , degree, 815 Kelley, K., degree, 597 Keach, Barbara A., appointment, 295, 1131 Kelley, Mary K., appointment, 290, 1126 K e a g l e , F . , appointment, 395 Kelley, P. K. J., degree, 810 degree, 784 Kelley, R. L., certificate, 41 Keagle, Marjorie E . , appointment, 1106 Kelley, V W . , appointment, m , 945 K e a n e , K. W . , degree, 788 Kelley, W y l m a J., appointment, 288 fellowship, 1479 Kelley-Koett Manufacturing Co., purchase, K e a n e , M r s . Margaret B . , appointment, 445, 936, 949 1359 resignation, 1502 Kellogg, J. S., appointment, 217, 1054 Kellogg, K., appointment, 156, 696, 990 Kearby, G. G., degree, 1549 Kellogg, M. K., appointment, 1378, 1499 Kearney, B. F., certificate, 1329 Kellogg, W . K., Foundation, grant, support of K e a r n e y & Trecker Corp., purchase, 611 project to strengthen educational broadKearns, C. W . , appointment, 77, 910 casting, 765 Kearns, J, J., appointment, 360, 1188 Kelly, A . P., Jr., appointment, 644, 1192 K e a t i n g , Dolores F., appointment, 305, 1141 Kelly, Mrs. Alice, appointment, 321, 1164 Keating, E. J., degree, 813 Kelly, Catherine A., appointment, 1169 Keating, Mary, appointment, 312, 1148 Kelly, D . V , degree, 1561 K e a t i n g , O. A., appointment, 302, 1138 Kelly, F. B., appointment, 3 5 3 , 1181 Keck, Charlotte, appointment, 395, 920, 981 Kelly, F. B., Jr., appointment, 360 degree, 1246 Kelly, G. R., degree, 1392 Keck, R. M . , legal services, payment, 1258 Kelly, Georgiana, appointment, 9 Keck, W . , degree, 802 Kelly, H . R., degree, 822, 1571 Keebler, Lois E-, degree, 800 Kelly, J. C , appointment, 351, 395, 6 9 9 , 920, K e e f e , M r s . Charlotte J., appointment, 1170 1455 K e e f e , D . G., d e g r e e , 420 Kelly, J. Robert, appointment, 156, 990, 1452 K e e f e r , Elizabeth J., degree, 418 leave of absence, 1408 K e e g a n , T. J., appointment, m 8 Kelly, James Robert, certificate, 41 K e e h a n , R. 5?., certificate, 1329 Kelly, K. A., degree, 1558 Keehner, R. A „ degree, 1399 Kelly, Kathleen E . , degree, 417 Keel, Marcia D . , appointment, 2 8 3 , 1119 Kelly, Patricia F . , appointment, 1097 K e e l e y , D . F . , degree, 1557 Kelly, R. A . , appointment, 44, 95, " S , 928, K e e n , D . R., degree, 7 9 8 949 K e e n , Maria E . , appointment, 674 Kelly, R. E . , degree, 820 K e e n e r , C. A . , appointment, 126, 693, 900, Kelly, T . L., fellowship, 1231, 1500 1448 Kelly, W . E . , degree, 590, 1548 K e e n e y , Margaret H . , appointment, 843, 1042 Kelow, Barbara, appointment, 305, 1142 K e e n e y , M r s . Nadyne E . , appointment, 292 Kelso, Ruth, appointment, 75, 908 Keesal, A . B . , degree, 1562 Kelz, T . , degree, 814 Keesey, Jacquoline, degree, 1560 » Kemmerer, D . L., appointment, 141, 691, 976 Keethler, J., appointment, 1113 letter, referred to Committee on General Keeton, R. W . , appointment, 204, 1039 Policy, 772 Keezell, D . B., degree, 1540 Kemmerer, H . R., appointment, 395, 9 4 6 , 95« K e f a l a s , G. P . , degree, 792 Kemner, T . B., Jr., degree, 1400 K e g l e y , R. M . , degree, 1562 Kemp, E . L., appointment, 198, 113s Kefie, E . E . , degree, 1245 Kemp, E . L., Jr., degree, 1551 Kehl, L. J., degree, 1248 Kemp, Gladys, appointment, 328, 1170 Kehlet, A . B . , degree, 800 Kemp, J. D . , degree, 1533 Kehnl, Ruth, appointment, 9 Kemp, Reva, appointment, 308, 1141 K e i l m a n , Marilyn M . , degree, 808 Kempa, J. W . , degree, 820 K e i m , J. T . , degree, 589 Kein, Burnell E . , degree, 1558
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