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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1672 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Hyer, Mary F., appointment, 326, 1168 l Hygiene, budget, summer session, 695, 145 Hyland, Mary J., appointment, 260, 1096 Hyland Electric Supply Co., purchase, 711, r 344 ^ „ Hylander, D. P., degree, 410 Hylbert, W. J., appointment, 261, 1097 Hylden, H. E„ certificate, 41 Hyler, Wtlla J., diploma, 1575 Hyman, J., & Co., contract, change, 865 Hyman, Lieselotte L., appointment, 1174 Hyman, S„ appointment, 354, 1182 Hymes, E. W., degree, 813 Hynes, S. R., degree, 1237 Hypertension, research, gift, 554, 1214, 1216, Hyre Electric Co., purchase, 32 Iacono, J. M., degree, 1539 Iben, I., appointment, 186, 1021 Ice, E. L., appointment, 301 Ice cream machines, installation on campus, contract, 1207 Icenogle, R. R., degree, 154$ Ice Skating Rink, refrigerating equipment, rehabilitation, appropriation, 845 roof repairs, appropriation, 1522 Ichiba, F., appointment, 1156 Ichiba, G., degree, 1576 Ichinokuchi, T-, certificate, 842 Ickes-Braun Greenhouse Manufacturing Co., contract, 470 Iddings, Dorothy M., appointment, 322, 1165 gift, 556 Ide, Kathleen H., degree, 806 Iden, C. S., appointment, 477. 1226 Idleman, A. E., degree, 578 Ieronimo, Felice, degree, 1571 Ieronimo, Mrs. Joyce, appointment, 1168 Ierulli, A. J., degree, 1572 Iglowitz, Helene E., degree, 592 Ignatius, H., degree, 824, 1574 Ikeda, Hannah, appointment, 477, 982, 1273 Ikenberg, Mrs. Maria E., appointment, 309, 1147 Iker, H. P., degree, 591 Iko, Keiji, degree, 802 Illi, T. R., appointment, 326, 1168 IIHana Construction Co., contraet, 26 purehase, 767* 854 Illini Achievement Fund, gift, 547, 548, 1467 Illini Airport, purchase, 342 Illini Center, budget, 67, 264, 900, 1100 lease, 764 Illini Forest Plantation, name approved, 1463 Illini Grove, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 1198 construction and equipment, appropriation, 470 funds, gift, 1211 improvement and development, appropriation, 639 contract, electrical work, 639 general work, 639 plumbing, 639 Illini Hall, electrical distribution system, improvements, contract, 493 release of funds, 519 remodeling, appropriation, 366 balances reappropriated, 39, 1x98 contract, adjustment, 713, 1465 Illini Hall area, storm drainage system, contract, 528 release of funds, 519 Illini Lumber Distributors, purchase, 32, 439) Soi, 614, 671 Illini Union, budget, 190, 301, 1025, 1137 fire alarm evacuation signal system, contract, 344 food service equipment, contract, 437 piano, rebuilding and reftnishing, 525 1217, 1472 Huntington, W. C , appointment, 124, 957 Hunziker, A. E., degree, 813 Hunziker, Beulah, appointment, 8 Huppert, W. W., decree, 802 Hurckes, Mrs. Lorraine S., appointment, 292 Hurckes, R. L., decree, 816 Hurley, J- D., certificate, 1329 Hurrelbrink, H. K., degree, 804 Hursh, R. K.., appointment, 122, 956 Hurst, Billie K., appointment, 1273 Hurst, Mrs. Mamie G., appointment, 1106 Hurst, Mary R., degree, 812 Hurst, R- E., degree, 1549 Hurt, Mrs. Alice S., appointment, 301, 1136, Hurt, Gloria J., degree, 1237 Hurt, J. H., Jr., degree, 813 Hurler, C. W „ degree, 788 Hurtig, Geraldine A., degree, 806 Hurwicz, L., appointment, 136, 140 leave of absence, 405 resignation, 1233 Hurwitz, Ruth, appointment, 311, 1146 Husbands, K. L., appointment, 394, 871 degree, 1535 Huselton, J. P., degree, 450 Huseman, Alma, appointment, 319* J I 5 8 Husmanflj Mary E. E., degree, 820 Husmann, R. A., degree, 1562 Huson, A. S., degree, 802 Huson, T. H., degree, 1573 Huspen, R. F., degree, 1549 Hussey, Mary A., appointment, 76, 693, 909, 1449 Huster, H. F., contract, 1264 Huston, E. L., degree, 1551 Huston, E. S., appointment, 1184 Huston, Mrs. Edna K., appointment, 284 Huston, Naomi F., degree, 1560 Huston, W. E., appointment, 299, 1135 Hustvedt, Mrs. Eunice U., appointment, 329 Hutcheson, Ruth, degree, 1390 Hutchings, V. Z., degree, 826 Hutchinson, J., appointment, 112, 946 Hutchinson, J. 0 . , degree, 1242 Hutchinson, J. W., degree, 587 Hutchinson, Mrs. Wanda R., appointment, Hutchison, Hutchison, Hutchison, Hutchison, 1104 ii37 Clair E., degree, 1394 E. R., degree, 812 Louise, appointment, 1160 Mrs. Marjorie, appointment, 3I7» Hutchison, R. N., degree, 824, 1574 Hutchison, W. A., appointment, 354, 1182 Hutson, E. R., appointment, 270, 1106 Hutson, Pearl R., degree, 586 Hutt, L. S., degree, 407 Huzar, Mrs. Eleanor G., appointment, 674, 906 Hwa, R. C , degree, 1552 fellowship, 1482 Hwang, Ding D., fellowship, 678 declination, 683 Hwang, Kao, appointment, 352, n 8 o Hyatt, G. C , certificate, 488 Hybert, R. R., degree, 595 Hybl, A. R., degree, 576 Hyde, J. S-, appointment, 644, 1499 Hyde, L. R., appointment, 263, 1099 Hyde, P. W., appointment, 1273 Hyde, Patricia L., degree, 820 Hyde, Mrs. Rita M., appointment, 288 Hyde, V- A., appointment, 155, 158, 989, 993, 1499 Hydraulic Engineering Laboratory, remodeling, appropriation, 654 balance reappropriated, 1197 Hydraulics of flow at bridges, study, contract, 864 change, 865
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