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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
i668 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Holzman, Mrs. A u d r e v B . , appointment, 330 Holzman, Naomi J., degree, 595 Home advisers, budget, 116, 949 participation in Retirement S y s t e m , 566 H o m e Economics, appropriations, balances reappropriated, 1197 budget, 108, 273, 9 4 2 , 1109 summer session, 695, 1451 furniture and equipment, appropriation, 340 gift, dishwasher, 551 prize, U n i t e d Spanish-American W a r Veterans, Department of Illinois A u x iliary, 548 research, 550 scholarships, Borden Company Foundation, I n c . , 1467 Gulf, Mobile, & Ohio Railroad Co., 1210, 1467 Kroger Co., 547. 1210 Sears-Roebuck Foundation, 548 purchase, Fade-ometer, 670 furniture, 710 kitchen cabinet, and sink units, 711 spectrophotometers, 30 remodeling, appropriation, 340 Home Economics Building, architectural studies, appropriation, 844 contract, 847 n e w , request, 504 H o m e Economics Cafeteria, budget, 9 4 4 , 1109 revolving account, i n , 273 H o m e Economics Education, budget, 145, 982 H o m e F i r e & Marine Insurance Co., insurance, purchase, I494> 1495 H o m e for Incurables, affiliation with College of Medicine, postponement, 1300 proposed, 562 H o m e furnishings courses, equipment, appropriation, 521 H o m e furnishings laboratory, furniture, purchase, 710 H o m e r , M a r g u e r i t e B., 593 H o n a t h , E . C-, Jr., degree, 801 H o n g , R., degree, 1572 H o n n , Marjorie L., appointment, 278, 1114 H o n n , S. D . , degree, 1549 Honnett, M . I . , certificate, 1329 Honorary degree, Alajouanine, T. A . , 1476, 1568 Honors, graduation, Education, 538 Honors D a y , appropriation, balance reappropriated, 1196 budget, 68, 901 Hooban, M r s , B e v e r l y P . , appointment, 1453 Hoobler, K. R., degree, 1247 Hood, E . L „ degree, 412 Hood, Elaine, degree, 1237 Hood, Geneveve M., degree, 791 Hood, J. F . , degree, 590, 1238 fellowship, 776 Hood, K. F . , degree, 1576 Hood, M r s . Mary E., appointment, n 70 Hood, P . M., degree, 1393 Hood, R. Z., degree, 1549 Hook, J. N . , appointment, 75, 147, 6 9 3 , 9 0 8 , 980, 0 8 4 Hooker, J. D . , degree, 1561 Hooks, B . , Jr., degree, 1563 Hooks, W . K., Jr., degree, 1572 Hooper, Evelyn J., degree, 810 Hooser, Betty J., appointment, 1097 Hoot, C. D . , degree, 1536 H o o v e r , B . , certificate, 1329 Hoover, D . H . , appointment, 141, 477 Hoover, H . A . , degree, 1558 H o o v e r , H . M . , appointment, 354 resignation, 478 Hoover, J. K., degree, 799 H o o v e r , K. R., degree, 813 Hoover, R. E . , degree, 1567 Hoover, W . J., appointment, 1378 Hopkins, B S., appointment, 72, 905 Holder, L, G. f degree, 419 Holdoway, M a r y A . , degree, 1556 Holhubner, F . J.. degree, 798 Holidays, nonacademic employees, 1432 policy, amendment, action deferred, 1517 proposed, 1514 Holinger, P . H . , appointment, 207, 1043 member of advisory committee, 562 Holl, J. W . , appointment, 394 degree, 794 Holl, Zelraa C., appointment, 255. 1092 Hollack, P. Ji, degree, 501 Holladay, M r s . D e e M . , appointment, 2 4 6 , 1085 Holladay, J. S., Jr., degree, 1558 Holland, Bette A . , appointment, 1098 Holland, J. C , certificate, 1338 Hollandbeck, M r s . Bonnie I . , appointment, 1102 Hollandbeck, R., degree, 1285 Hollander, M r s . Laura, appointment, 307 Holle, A . W . , degree, 423 Hollenbeck, H . B . , appointment, 7, 4 4 , 698, 1016, 1454 Hollender, A . R., appointment, 359, 1187 Hollander, M. H . , appointment, 362, 1190, 1273 Holleran, N . J., Inc., bid, 658 Hollerbach, P . G., degree, 804 Holley, G. H . , degree, 1562 Hollingsworth, Betty A . , degree, 806 Hoi lings worth, Janet, appointment, 1097 Hollister, W i l m a W . , degree, 1550 Hoilman, N . H . , degree, 1571 Holloway, F . L,, appointment, 394, 7 0 3 , 1082 Hollo way, Mrs. Joan P., appointment, 260 Holloway, M . D . , degree, 1559 Holloway, R. B . , degree, 1244 Holloway, W . D . , degree, 591 H o l l y , J. A., degree, 792 H o l m , Joy A . , degree, 1400 H o l m a n , Ruth N . , appointment, 11.21 Holmberg, R. C , degree, J 553 H o l m e s , C. V . , degree, 1544 Holmes, E . , degree, 828 Holmes, G. O., degree, 819 Holmes, Irene E . , degree, 592 H o l m e s , Marilyn L., degree, 593 Holmes, N a n c y R., appointment, 1100 H o l m e s , R. R., appointment, 394, 906 resignation, 1233 Holmes, R. W . , appointment, 356, 1185 H o l m e s , W . D . , degree, 801 Holmes, W._ E., fellowship, 1500 declination, 1502 Holmgren, R. J., degree, 821 Holonyalc, N . , Jr., degree, 792 Holoubek, M a n e , appointment, 1151 Holscher, R. H . , degree, 814 Holshouser, D . F . , appointment, 127, 644, 774, 962 Hoist, W . T., degree, 1554 Holt, A. S>, appointment, 136, 971 Holt, Alice E . , appointment, 185, 1021 Holt, C. C , degree, 785 Holt, M r s . Doris S., member of committees, 602, 6 0 3 , 1405 Holt, H . W . , appointment, 164, 1000 Holt, J. R., degree, 590, 1125 Holt, Joanne, degree, 1565 Holt, M r s . Mellie G., appointment, 276 Holthe, R. E . , degree, 586 fellowship, 512 Holtman, E . A . , appointment, 185, 1020 Hoitzclaw, H . F., Jr., appointment, 1527 H o l t z m a n , Jean A., degree, 812 Holtzman, N . N . , degree, 826 H o l t z m a n , R. H . , appointment, 394 degree, 1546 Hoi wick, Margaret F-, degree, 1556 Holwick, W . B., degree, 814 H o l z , H . A . , degree, 798
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