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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Hire, Mrs. Rose M., appointment, 1112 Hirons, S. S., degree, 1242 Hirsch, Betty, degree, 812 Hirsch, F. E., appointment, 360, 1188 Hirsch, H. M., degree, 575 resignation, 532 Hirsch, J. G., certificate, 1338 Hirsch, L. H„ certificate, 41 Hirsch, M. M., appointment, 739, 1047, 1226 resignation, 1487 Hirsch, P., degree, 1572 Hirsch, W. A., I l l , degree, 1552 Hirsch Tyler, Co., purchase, 1495 Hirschmann, J. H., appointment, 509, 1184 Hirsh, Mrs. Jeanne, appointment, n 25 Hirtzer, Mrs. Patricia L.., appointment, 293 Hiscock, £. H., appointment, 205 resignation, 731 Hiscocks, G. A., degree, 578 fellowship, 676 Hiscocks, Mrs. Valerie C , appointment, 1107 Hiser, H. W., degree, 821 Hislop, A. Q., degree, 587 Hiss, F. W„ appointment, 354, 1183 Histochemistry, research, gift, 554 Histology, budget, 218, 313, 1054, " 5 1 research, gift, 555, 1217 History, budget, 79, 266, 912, 1103 summer session^ 695, 1450 fellows, 680, 1484 Sachar prize, gift,_ 1211 History of art, curriculum, 536 major and minor requirements, 536 Hitch, T. D., degree, 797 Hitch, W. D., degree, 802 Hitch, Mrs; Winona, appointment, U31 Hitchen, R. L., degree, 424 Hite, Lillian, appointment, 1453 Hitt, W. H., degree, 1536 Hitzeman, R. L„ degree, 586 Hivon, Katharine J.f appointment, 351, 394, 943 Hixson, E. E., degree, 787 Hixson, Sylvia B., appointment, 260, 1096 Hlinka, E. A., degree, 424 Ho, C. H,, appointment, 1423 degree, 1388 Hoadley, L. E., degree, 801 Hoadley, Mary C , degree, 1550 Hoag, Mrs. Lois H., appointment, 263, 1099 Hoag, M. W.» appointment, 280, 1116 Hoban, T. J., appointment, 354, 1183 leave of absence, 646 Hobbs, Elizabeth, fellowship, i486 Hobbs, J. H., degree, 819 Hobbs, L. W., certificate, 1330 Hobbs, N. L., degree, 593 Hobson, Helen L., degree, 155° Hobson, W. R., degree, 798 Hoch, A. A., degree, 590, 1386 Hoch, C. L., appointment, 259 Hoch, Rita A., appointment, 729, 'OSS resignation, 1502Hdchmuth, Marie, appointment, 86, 699. 920 Hochschild, G. P., appointment, 80, 913 leave of absence, 879 Hochschild, Ruth H., degree, 786 fellowship, 680 resignation, 878 Hock, C. L., appointment, 1096 Hockett, W. A., degree, 1549 Hockey field, reconditioning, appropriation, 23 Hodam, Louise M., degree, 800 Hodge, Eleanor N., degree, 1242 Hodge, Fern, degree, 1565 Hodge, H., certificate, 1254 Hodgell, M. R., appointment, 394. 93i. 949 Hodges, Mrs. Marie, appointment, n 6 3 Hodgkins, D. O., degree, 597 Hodgson, F. M., degree, 577 Hodgson, Ruth A., appointment, n o resignation, 878 1667 Hodgson, T. F., appointment, 1378 Hoefle, R. A., degree, 801 Hoefling, Frances, appointment, 319, n 58 Hoeft, N. R., degree, 1242 Hoehn, A. J., degree, 575 Hoehn, F. W., degree, 804 Hoelck, A. C , degree, r56s Hoelscher, G. W., member of advisory committee, 1196 Hoelscher, R. P., appointment, 128, 962 leave of absence, 604Hoelterhoff, F. W., degree, 1400 Hoeltge Bros., Inc., purchase, 669 Hoeltgen, M. M., appointment, 359, 1188 Hoeltje, W. C , degree, 138S Hoem, J. C , degree, 804 Hoen, A., & Co., purchase, -1305 Hoener, Voroihy H., degree, 1238 Hoerr, Phyllis J., degree, 1564 Hoerrmann, F. J., degree, 1551 Hoersch, V. A., appointment, 81, 696,. 914, 1452 Hoertz, A. E., Jr., degree, 14QO Hof, R. S., degree, 597 Hofbauer, D„ lease, 1361 Hofer, J. C , degree, 786 Hoff, D. R., degree, 1557 Hoff, Mrs. Lucille, appointment, 318, 1157 Hoffing, Mrs. Betty R., appointment, 332 Hoffman, C. J., degree, 575 Hoffman, C. W., fellowship, 1484 Hoffman, Constance J., degree, 1557 Hoffman, E. L., Jr., fellowship, 1484 Hoffman, H. A., degree, 422 Hoffman, H.-K., appointment, 361, 1190 Hoffman, Henrietta. L., degree, 586 Hoffman, J. H., certificate, 1329 Hoffman, J. W., appointment, 127, 963. Hoffman, R. A., certificate, 488 Hoffman, R. M., degree, • 1558 Hoffman, R. T., degree, 591 Hoffman,. R. V., Jr., appointment, 44, 360, 1188, 1378: Hoffman, R. W., degree, 798 Hoffman, Mrs. Ruth, appointment, 306 Hoffman, S. J., appointment, 360, 1189 Hoffman, W. J.f degree, 820 Hoffman, W. S-, appointment,.361, 1190 Hoffman Electric Co., contract, 650, 1312 Hoffman-LaRoche, Inc., gift, 552, 1471 Hoffmann, C. W., degree, 1536 fellowship, 680 Hoffmeister, D. F., appointment, 87, 88, 921 leave of absence, 1408 Hofstetter, H. E., degree, S87 Hogan, J. D., appointment, 154, 689, 989 leave of absence, 1531 Hogan, W. J., degree, 1572 Hogan, W. T., degree, 1576 Hogberg, R. A., degree, 1251 Hogg, M. W., appointment, 976. 1226 resignation, 1352 Hognestad, E., appointment, 135, 394, 9°9 Hohenboken, A. K., member of advisory committee, 1194 Hohlman, R. J., certificate, 41 Hohman, W. F., degree, i s f o Hohn, F. E., appointment, 81, 696, 914 Holt, L., degree, 824, 1574 Hokada, G. S., certificate, 41 Holabird and Root and Burgee, architectural services, Life Sciences Building, 474 Physical Plant Service Building, 43», 609 Holaday, A. G., appointment, 75, 908 Holaday, J. W., degree, iS4i Holbert, J. R., member of advisory committee, 1194 Holbrook, J. D., appointment, 293 Holcomb, J. I., Manufacturing Co., purchase, 711 Holden, Mrs. MargaTet G., appointment, 329, 1171
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