UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 [PAGE 1569]

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Hill, H. E., appointment, 167, 289, 69s. tooa,

1125, 1451

Hicks, R. C , appointment, 1096 Hicks, R. G., degree, 410 Hieken, M. H., degree, 1552 Hieronymus, T. A., appointment, 95, 871, 929, 949 Hieser, H., certificate, 1357 Hieser, Lucile, appointment, 109, 119, 943, 952 leave of absence, 1503 Hiett, E. L., certificate, 488 Higgens, H. G., Jr., appointment, 1254 Higgins, Charna C , degree, 590 Higgins, E. A., degree, 1398 Higgins, H. H., degree, 1546 Higgins, J. V., degree, 784 Higgins, Mary E. J., degree, 596 Higginson, G. D., appointment, 83, 50S, gi6, 1454 Higher education, effect of emergency manpower problems, report, 516 state board, legislation, proposed, 716 structure of state tax-supported system, study, report, 516, 634 Highet, R. D., degree, 586 Highland, F. D., degree, 577 Highlander, J. L., degree, 1538 High school education program, survey, contract, 1207 High School Guidance Conferences, budget, 67, 899 High School Testing Revolving Account,

budget, 986, 1122

Highsmith, June E., degree, 811 Highsmith, L. B., degree, 422 Highway bridge impacts, study, contract, 378 Highway bridges, study, contract, 769 change, 769, 1495 Highway drainage, study. contract, change, 865 Highway problems, study, contract, change,


Higman, D. G., appointment, 1452 degree, 578, 1534 Higman, Mrs. K. Betty, appointment, 295 Higuchi, Y., degree, 1545 Hikido, Mae K., appointment, 309, 1146 Hildebrand, Minna, -appointment, 327, 1169 Hildebrandt, V. D., appointment, 131, 966 Hildreth, D. L., degree, * 422 resignation, 646 Hildreth, Mrs. Marjorie M., appointment, 271,

272, 1108

Hileman, D. G., appointment, 1003 degree, 793 resignation, 1352 Hileman, D. L., degree,. 1364 Hileman, Mrs. Shirley A., appointment, 301 Hilf, J. H., Jr., degree, 815 Hilfman, Ruth I., appointment, 327 Hilgard Lumber Co., purchase, 712 Hilgeman, I. C , certificate, 842 Hilker, Gloria L., appointment, 239, 570, 1079, 1273 Hilkevitch, B_ H., appointment, 353, 1182 Hill, A. F., degree, 577 Hill, Alice A., appointment, 258, 1094 Hill, B. W., appointment, 129 degree, 415 - resignation, 573 Hill, C. R., appointment, 350, 393, 692, 982, 985 Hill, D„ appointment, 325, 1167 Hill, D. M., degree, 828 Hill, D. R., degree, 580 Hill, Mrs. Deane W., appointment, 184, 1019 resignation, 1334 Hill, E. J., Jr., appointment, 364 resignation, 573 Hill, E. Z., degree, 823 Hill, Edna, appointment, i t , 1308 Hill, G. A., degree, 1549 Hill, G. E.,- degree, 797 Hill, G. G., degree, 592

Iris, appointment, 317, 1154 J. E., degree, 1394 J. G„ degree, 821 J. M., degree, 1572 L. C , degree, 821 L. J., Jr., degree, 1248 L. L., appointment, 393, 965 Mae W., degree, 1250 Marie, appointment, 290 Phyllis J., appointment, 1527 R. D-, appointment, 132, 967 R. E., degree, 414 R. W., fellowship, 1500 Mrs. Rosemary F., appointment, 644, 906, 1273 Hill, S. L., degree, 818 Hill, Sydney S., degree, 1554 Hill, T. H., degree, 798 Hill, V. L., degree, 1399 Hill, W. G., appointment, 155, 696, 990, 1452 Hill, W. V., degree, 823 Hill, Y. M., degree, 575 Hillebrand, H. N., appointment, 75, 908 Hiller, Alma E., appointment, 352, 1180 Hiller, E. T., appointment, 84, 918 Hillman, H. F., degree, 1394 Hillyard, E. L., degree, 412 Hilsabeck, Lois E., degree, 1250 Hilst, P. A., certificate, 842 Hilton, B. W., Jr., degree, 1553 Hilton, H. H., appointment, 122, 688, 956 degree, 783 Hilvety, N., degree, 1249 Hilyer, G. P., Jr., degree, 417 Himelhloom, Y., degree, 1558 Himes, Doris A., degree, 1247 Hinchcliff, K. H., appointment, 97, 119, 393, 930, 948, 052 Hinchman, Helen N-, degree, 582 Hincke, W. G., degree, 1284 Hinckley Implement House, purchase, 712 Hinde, J. E., degree, 1552 Hinderhter, Mrs. Alice L., appointment, 1112 Hinderliter, H. R., degree, 798 fellowship, 775, 1479 declination, 878 Hindmarsh, Joanne, degree, 1556 Hinds, W. R., appointment, 329, 1171 Hindsley, M. H., appointment, 155, 157, 696, 990, 992 invention, patent rights, release, 765 Hindsley, Marilyn L., degree, 1252 Hinebaugh, M. E., degree, 802 Hines, E., Lumber Co., purchase, 837 Hines, H. P., certificate, 1330 Hines, Mrs. Janet L., appointment, 267, 1103 Hines, Margaret N., appointment, 477 Hines, Mrs. Mary D., appointment, 1175 Hines, R. H., degree, 1387 fellowship, i486 Hines, R. W., degree, 1399 Hinkle, R. S-, degree, 820 Hintnan, R. L., degree, 1533 fellowship, 6yyt 678 Hinrichs, E. A., & Co., purchase, 440 Hinrichs, Marie A., appointment, 65, 898,

1527 ,.

Hill, Hill, Hill, Hill, Hill, Hill, Hill, Hill, Hill, Hill, Hill, Hill, Hill, Hill,

Hinshaw, W. W., appointment, 300, 1136 Hintermeister, D. A., appointment, 1477 degree, 585 Hintermeister, G. G.t degree, 1393, 1568 Hinton, R. A., appointment, 394, 929, 948 degree, 452 Hinton, R. W.. appointment, 265, 1101 Hintz, A. E. C , degree, 817 Hintz, Mrs. Gladys M., appointment, 392 Hippie, Mrs. Eleanor K., appointment, 243, 1081, 1457 Hiram Walker & Sons, Inc., contract, 769 change, 1306