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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1658 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Guon, J., degree, 1557 Gupta, R. K., degree, 410 Gurevitz, H., degree, 810 Guriel, A. M., degree, 418 Gurolnick, H. W., certificate, 1338 Gurolnick, W. R., degree, 1557 Gurthet, R. A., degree, 1399 Gurvey, J. A., appointment, 354, 1183 Guse, J. F., degree, 819, 1544 Gustafson, B. A., degree, 1561 Gustafson, C. W., degree, 1243 Gustafson, H. C , degree, 1566 Gustafson, L. M., appointment, 84, 917, 1225 Gustafson, R. D., degree, 1393 Gustafson, W., appointment, 323 Gustafson, W. A., appointment, 356, 1184 Gustin, Wanda, degree, 412 Guthrie, Bernice B., degree, 408 Guthrie, C. D., degree, 806 Guthrie, F. E., degree, 1385 Guthrie, Marjorie V., degree, 793 Guthrie, Rosamond, appointment, 1097 Gutnayer, J. M., appointment, 245 Gutowsky, Barbara S., degree, 1237 Gutowsky, H. S., appointment, 43, 72, 871, 905, 1499 Guttman, N., degree, 1239 Guy, Barbara A. t degree, 1558 Guy, C. C , appointment, 362, 1191 Guy, Mrs. Clementyne, T., appointment, 286, Guy, G. V., appointment, 644, 871 Guzel, Bernice, appointment, 306 Gwaltney, Versa, appointment, 1170 Gyarfas, K., appointment, 361, 1226, 1272, 1377 Gygax, Virginia P., degree, 828 Gymnasium Annex, remodeling, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 1198 contract, adjustment, 865 restoration, contract, adjustment, 669 Gynecology, See Obstetrics. Haag, Haas, Haas, Haas, Haas, Haas, C. A., degree, 1561 Catherine, appointment, 320 D. V., degree, 798 Eleanor E., degree, 1550 J. S., appointment, 206, 1042 L. L., appointment, 213, 393, I0491122 Groves, Mrs. Helen M., appointment, 1139 Groves, Margie L., degree, 800 Groy, H. D., degree, 1401 Groziak, M. M., degree, 797 Grubaugh, R. L., degree, 415 Grubb, G. R., & Co., contract, 378 purchase, 838 Grubb, Maxine, appointment, 393, 1018 Grubensky, J. A., degree, 1551 Grubgeld, Mrs. Jane S., appointment, 341, 701, 1080 Grubgeld, L. E., fellowship, 447, 1278 Gruen, W., appointment, 393, 1225, 1313 Gruesbeck, Maryalice, appointment, 10, 1307 Grueter, R. M., degree, 416 Grulee, C , appointment, 360, 1189 Grumley, Barbara A., degree, 1245 Grundman, Rose A., appointment, 221, 1058 Grunnet, R. D., degree, 584 Grunsfeld, E. A., appointment, 508 gift, 549 Grunwald, M. F., appointment, 216, 1053 Grupe, Rhoda, appointment, 312, 1150 Gruss, Sarah E., appointment, 1165 Grussing, Mrs. Evelyn A., appointment, 270, 1106 Grzegorzak, W. T., degree, 420 Grzybek, J. P., degree, 1558 Gschwendtner, Martha J., degree, 1393 Gualtieri, S. J., degree, 1554 Guarino, Mrs. Helen S., appointment, 1162 Gubbins, V. B., degree, 597 Gucker, R. A., degree, 819 Gudgel, I. F., appointment, 274, m o Guemmer, G. E., appointment, 359, 1188 Guerin, J. F., certificate, 842 Guevrekian, G., appointment, 153, 988 Gugerty, E. R., degree, 417 Guggenheim, J. S., Memorial Foundation, gift, 553, 1469 Gugich, G., Jr., degree, 806 Guha, S., fellowship, 1479 Guia-Monasterio, A. E., degree, 418, 792 Guilinger, J. W., degree, 798 Guillemin, V., Jr., appointment, 204, 225, 3 6 1 , 1039, 1046, 1061 discovery, patent rights, releasej 458 Guillou, J. C , appointment, 124, 958 Guiner, A., appointment, 1527 Guiney, Mrs. Theresa L., appointment, 287 Gulder, Ruth F., degree, 816 Gulf, Mobile, fit Ohio Railroad Co., gift, 1210, 1467 Gulf Research & Development Co., contract, change, 769 Gulf State Utilities, stock, purchase, 835 Gulick, J. T., degree, 828 Gullett, H. L., Jr., degree, 1549 Gullette, C. C , appointment, 77, 910, 1450 Gullette, D. A., degree, 1562 Gulley, H. E., appointment, 74, 86, 699, 907, 920, 1455 Gulley, R. E. E., degree, 822, 1571 Gum, Mrs. Wanda N., appointment, 244, 703, 1083 leave of absence, 1383 Gumbiner, S. H., appointment, 205, 1225 Gunderson, C. O., degree, 804 Gunderson, M. W., certificate, 1329 Gundlock, Mrs. Gladys, appointment, 1170 Gungen, G. S., degree, 423, 789 Gunhouse, Mrs. Betty, appointment, 1094 Gunhouse, T. J., degree, 1568 Gunn, R. D., degree, 1554 Gunnerson, D. E., degree, 818 Gunning, Mrs. Clarabelle, appointment, 294, 1131 1226 Gunsalus, Carolyn F., appointment, 1333 Gunsalus, I. C , appointment, 71, 903 discovery, patent rights, release, 1196 Gunther, A., appointment, 354, 1182 Haas, Mrs. Mary P., appointment, 1105 Haas, Nancy J,, degree, 1564 Haas, R. E., Jr., degree, 1399 Haas, W. F., degree, 812, 1546 Haase, E., appointment, 205, 774, 1041, 1378 Haase, Frances L., degree, 1386 Habberton, W., appointment, 74, 907 Haberski, R. J., degree, 794 Habib, S. H., degree, 1553 Hack, G. D., degree, 1243 Hack, R. A., degree, 816 Hack, R. W., appointment, 357 resignation, 572 Hackbarth, T. E., degree, 828 Hackenbroch, LaVergne C., degree, 407 Hacker, D. M., degree, 1576 Hacker, R. F., degree, 1549 Hackerson, Mrs. Margaret W . , appointment, 259 Hackett, Mrs. Jessie E„ bequest, 372 Hackett, R. P., appointment, 247, to86 member of committee to hear charges against P. J. May, 605 Hackett Farms, lease, 1306. Hackleman, J. C , appointment, 98, 119, 932, 952 leave of absence, 1503 Hackman, Marilyn P., degree, 1556 Hackman, Martha L-, appointment, 186, 1022 resignation, 1352 Haddad, F. S., appointment, 1193
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