UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 [PAGE 1559]

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BOARD O F T R U S T E E S Green, Mary M., degree, 577 Green, P. D., degree, 804 Green, P. M., appointment, 138, 974, 1268, 1339 resignation, 1233 Green, R., appointment, 363, 1192 Green, R. C , degree, 422 Green, R. E., degree, 1549 Green, R. M„ degree, 816 Green, S. H., degree, 422 Green, W, D., appointment, 257, 1093 authority to sign name of President of Board, 602, 1404 Green, W. E., Jr., degree, 1565 Green, W. K., degree, 787 Green, Mrs. Zella U., appointment, 266, 1103 Greenaway, Mrs. May G., appointment, 313,


Grant Hospital, affiliation with College of Medicine, approved, 388 Graper, Mabel, appointment, 11 Graphotype, Research and Educational Hospitals, purchase, 502 Grass Instrument Co., purchase, 525, 558, 1494 Grassadoma, S. T„ degree, 15 53 Grassel, E. E., degree, 420 Grasselli Chemical Co., purchase, 852 Grassi, J., degree, 594 Gratzinger, M., appointment, 393, 1272 Gravenhorst, A. D., degree, 1399 Graver Tank and Manufacturing Co., purchase, 501 Graves, C. M., appointment, 272, 1109 Graves, D. W., appointment, 183, 184 resignation, 777 Graves, Mrs. Ernest E., lease, 1464 Graves, J. R., degree, 597 Gravley, Evelyn J., diploma, 1575 Gray, A. E., degree, 1561 Gray, C , painting, purchase, 711 Gray, Mrs. Clarice, appointment, 1096 Gray, D. L., appointment, 1125 degree, 1554 Gray, E., appointment, 353, 1182 Gray, E, J., appointment, 265, 1102 Gray, Edna R., appointment, 109, 120, 942, 953 Gray, F., appointment, 327, 1108 Gray, G. G., degree, 1562 Gray, G. S., degree, 594 Gray, H. E., appointment, 694, 1449 Gray, H. L. R., degree, 1397 Gray, H. M., appointment, 140, 975 leave of absence, 405 member of committee to hear charges against Robert Taylor, 1293 Gray, Harriette A., contract, 1464 Gray, Marian C , degree, 1393 Gray, Mary D., degree, 1544 Gray, Mildred D., degree, 812 Gray, Nancy A., degree, 812 Gray, P. H., appointment, 272, 1108 Gray, R. L., degree, 595 Grayhael, E. Joanne, degree, 808 Graybar Electric Co., Inc., purchase, 526, 558, 670, 851, 1344 Greaney, T. P., degree, 586 Greanias, B. G., degree, 1401, 1548 Greanias, J. G., degree, 419 Greathouse, L. A., appointment, 272, 1108 Grebner, F. W., Jr., degree, 587 Greby, N. J., degree, 1576 Greco, Eileen W., degree, 785 Gredler, Mrs. Jewel Y., appointment, 1121 Greeley, P. W., appointment, 362, 1191 member of advisory committee, 562 Green, A. B., degree, 581 Green, A. G., appointment, 1349 Green, Mrs. Betty H., appointment, 1128 Green, Birdie M., degree, 1561 Green, Mrs. Carolyn H., appointment, 259 Green, D., Jr., certificate, 1329 Green, Dons E., appointment, 301, 1138 Green, Eileen E., appointment, 283 Green, Evelyn, appointment, 329, 1171 Green, F. S., appointment, 164, 1000 degree, 797 Green, G. C., Jr., degree, 1574 Green, H., degree, 796 Green, H. A., degree, 1559 Green, H. I., degree, 1247 Green, I. L., degree, 805 Green, L. R-, degree, 1572 Green, Morns, appointment, 208, 1045, 1477 degree, 1247 Green, Myron, degree, 824, 1574 Green, M. D., degree, 581 Green, M. R., appointment, 1272

Greenbaum, Joyce H., degree, 817 Greenberg, Ann, degree, 808 Greenberg, D. H., degree, 1572 Greenberg, J. S., fellowship, 681 declination, 683 Greenberg, Janice R., degree, 824, 1574 Greenberg, Mrs. Judith Y., appointment, 269 Greenberg, L., degree, 822, 1571 Greenberg, M. D., degree, 591 Greenberg, N. H., degree, 810 Greenberg, P. T., degree, 594 Greenblatt, E., degree, 1558 Greene, C. D., degree, 410 Greene, Carolyn A., degree, 817 Greene, Florence, appointment, 324, 1163 Greene, J. M., certificate, 1337 Greene, Lois D., appointment, 359, 1187 Greene, P. C , appointment, 237, 244, 1076,

1083, 1272

Greene, R. F., appointment, 1225 certificate, 771 Greene, Ruth A., degree, 590 Greene, Ruthe H., degree, 592 Greenebaum, Jean E., degree, 592 Greenfield, J. E., degree, 1549 Greenfield, P., appointment, 1527 Greenfield, W. D., degree, 1551 Greenhill, Mrs. Dorothy D., appointment, 312,


Greenhouse, Botany, repairs and alterations, appropriation, 521 Drug Plant Experiment Station, construction, contract, 470 plant breeding, improvements in heating system, appropriation, 520 Greenlee, D. W., degree, 412 Greenman, M., degree, 1554 Greenman, Vivian, appointment, 318, 1156 Greenspan, P. S., certificate, 1254 Greenspon, S. A., appointment, 208, 1044 Greenstein, J. S., degree, 584 Green Street, parking lot at 1108 West, contract, 29, 847 addition, 464 utility easement, grant, 1207 property at 1103 West, purchase, 1325 property at 1112 West, purchase, 348 property at 1114 West, purchase, 348 Green Street Apartments, See Student and Staff Apartments. Greensweig, B., certificate, 842 Greenwald, A. L., appointment, 1272 Greenwald, E. S., degree, 1400 Greenwald, S., degree, 817 Greenwald, V., certificate, 1329 Greenwood, B. J., Jr., degree, 1241 Greenwood, E. H., certificate, 1337 Greenwood, F. L., appointment, 73 declination, 403 Greenwood, Leona S., appointment, 29a, 1x26 Greenwood, Mrs. Virgil L., appointment, n o resignation, 403 Greer, L. f Jr., degree, 1236