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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1650 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Gifts, cont'd fellowship to a foreign student in architecture, 1468 Mooney memorial scholarship fund, 555, 1218 Gibbs, R. B,, degree, 1563 Gibbs, R. E., degree, 822, 1571 Gibson, C , appointment, 1142 Gibson, D. M., appointment, 393 fellowship, 877 resignation, 878, 1279 Gibson, F. W., degree, 823 Gibson, G. G., appointment, 393 resignation, 572 Gibson, G. L., Jr., degree, 1401 Gibson, H. D., fellowship, 1352 Gibson, Marjorie, appointment, 337, 1169 Gibson, R., appointment, 141, 976 Gibson, R. E., degree, 826 Gibson, R. J., certificate, 842 Gibson, W. A., appointment, 7, 43, 917 resignation, 15 30 Gican, Mrs. Linua, appointment, 320, 1155 Giddings, N. C , appointment, 393 Gielow, H. L., degree, 592 Gierke, Mrs. Elaine H., appointment, 1165 Gies, R. J., appointment, 1173 Giese, Dorothy E., degree, 800 Gieseke, W. K. H., appointment, 79, 694 Gieseking, J. E., appointment, 98, 932 Giesler, Marjorie J., appointment, 264* n 00 Giffin, G. D., degree, 1552 Gifford, C. K., appointment, 294, 1131 Gifford, Mrs. Cornelia S., appointment, 331 Gifford, Grace M., appointment, 261, 1097 Gifford, Mrs. Mabel R., appointment, 1097 Gift funds, budget, summary, 56, 196, 889, 1031 Agriculture, 91, 924 Commerce, 137, 973 Communications, 1001 Dentistry, 214, 1051 Education, 143, 978 Engineering, 121, 954 Extension Division, 173, 1008 Fine and Applied Arts, 152, 987 Liberal Arts and Sciences, 70, 902 Library, 187, 231, 1022 Medicine, 200, 1036 Pharmacy, 222, 1059 Physical Education, 158, 093 Research and Educational Hospitals, 226, 1063 Small Homes Council, 180, 1015 Veterinary Medicine, 162, 997 Gifts, list, 547. 1210, 1467 Abbott Laboratories, 551, 1213, 1214, 1471 Advertising Executives Club of Chicago, 1210, 1467 Air Foundation, Inc., 1467 Allerton, R., 1210, 1214, 1467, 1471 Allied Chemical & Dye Corp., 548, 1468 Alpha Gamma Delta Sorority, 548 Alpha Phi Omega, Alpha Alpha Chapter, 1210 Occupational Therapy, 1473 Pediatrics Gift Fund, addition, 1219 Pediatrics Travel Fund, addition, 1219 Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, funds, 1473 White memorial fund, 1211 Armour & Co., 552, 1211, 1468, 1471 Armstrong, Mr. and Mrs. J. H., 551 Arthritis & Rheumatism Foundation, 1216, 1472 Art Institute of Chicago, 1214 Asthmatic Children's Aid, 554, 1216 Ayerst, McKenna, and Harrison, Ltd., 552 Barker, W. R., 555 Bauer & Black, 1215 Becker, Mrs. K., 1473 Berkelhamer family, 556, 1473 Berkman, B., 1219 Beverly Hills Junior Women's Club, 556 B'nai B'rith, Women's District Grand Lodge No. 6, 1211 Borden Co., 548, 553, 1216, 1467 Boudreau Trust Fund, 547 Bowman Dairy Co., 1215 Boyle, M. J., & Co., 550 Brisbane, S., 551 Bristol Laboratories, 552, 1215 Brook Hill Farms, Inc., 547, 1467 Brown, Mrs. Antoinette F., 1262 Brunner, J., Memorial Endowment for Research and Advancement in Engineering Education, 550 Bunn, B. H., 1471 Burdick Corp., 551 Burroughs Wellcome & Co., 552 California Co., 1468 Campus Chest, 547, 1467 Carr, G. R., 1210 Caterpillar Tractor Co., 1214 Ceco Steel Products Corp., 1467 Cerebral Palsy Association of Illinois, Inc., 1216 Champaign County Cerebral Palsy Fund, 1211 American Cancer Society, Inc., 550, 554, 1213, 1216 American Cyanamid Co., 548, 1165, 1167, 1213, 1215, 1469 American Gas Association, 550 American Heart Association, Inc., 554, 1216 American Hospital Supply Corp., 551 American Legion Auxiliary, Department of Illinois, 2467 American Medical Association, 554, 1472 American Red Cross, 1216 American Society of Heating and Ventilating Engineers, 554, 1216 Amurol Products Co., 1215 Anderson, Mrs. Margaret, 547 anonymous, adrenocorticotrophic hormone for use in hay fever research, 555 Anatomy teaching methods, improvement, 1218, 1473 Chandler research fund, addition, 1219 Clinical Science gift fund, 1219, 1473 Chapman Chemical Co., 1469 Chatham United Presbyterian Church, 1216 Chicago Farmers, 547* 1210 Chicago Heart Association, 554, 1472 Chicago Junior League, 554 Chicago Professional Colleges Women's Auxiliary, 1217 Chicago Rotary Club Women, 556, 1217, 1474 Christiansen family, 556 Christmas Neighbor's Club of Prairie Farmer Station WLS, 556 Ciba Pharmaceutical Products, Inc., 552 Cincinnati Chemical Works, Inc., 548, 1211 Class of 1950, 547 Clay Adams Co., Inc., 1471 Columbia-Southern Chemical Corp., 1469 Commercial Solvents Corp., 1213, 1468, 1471 Consolidated Cosmetics, 552 Cook County Forest Preserve District, 1213 Curtiss Candy Co., 550 Davis & Geek, Inc., 552, 1471 Decatur University Club, 548 Dow Chemical Co., 548, 1212, 1469 Dube, P. H., 1219 Duha, Mrs. Sophie, 1219 Du Pont, E. I., de Nemours & Co., 548, 1212, 1213 Duvick, N., 550 E, & J. Manufacturing Co., 1215
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