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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS General E n g i n e e r i n g D r a w i n g , appropriations, balances reappropriated, 37, 1107 b u d g e t , Chicago U n d e r g r a d u a t e D i v i s i o n , 3 4 6 . 3 3 2 . 1085, 1174 U r b a n a , 128, 2 8 0 , 9 6 2 , 1116 s u m m e r s e s s i o n , 604, 1450 General F a r m A p p l i a n c e Co., purchase, 670 General Foods, stock, sale, 835 General I n s u r a n c e Co., insurance, purchase, 3 2 , 1466 General Motors Corp., Chevrolet Division, gift, 133.' General P a v i n g Co., contract, 337 463, 528, 608, 650, 839 addition, 660, 708, 864 General P l a n i n g Mill Co., purchase, 1304 General P o l i c y Committee, Arcade Building, lease of restaurant space, 1503, 1525 Illini U n i o n Bookstore, consideration, 1270, 1523 law scholarships, 8 4 3 , 1220 letter of D . L . K e m m e r e r , Commerce cont r o v e r s y , report, 867 matters of Board policy, consideration, 772 letter of J. H . L y l e , broadcasts of Quincy H o w e , report, 866 matters of Board policy, consideration, 772 U N E S C O activities of President Stoddard, report, 867 m e m b e r s , 6 0 3 , 1405 policy and rules relating to nonacademic employees, amendment, 1517 t a x status of U n i v e r s i t y properties, 1270, 1331 u s e of U n i v e r s i t y premises for political meetings, 4 General P r o d u c t s Co., purchase, 526 General Radio Co., purchase, 341 General S t u d i e s , Division of, appropriations, balances reappropriated, 37 area for s t u d y o f stars and planets, construction, appropriation, 611 contract, 660 budget, 74, 2 6 6 , 907, 1102 s u m m e r s e s s i o n , 1450 Generator, Abbott P o w e r Plant, contract, 436, ,544 P h y s i c s , purchase, 3 4 1 , 611 Genetics, small animal building, contract, adj u s t m e n t , 1361, 1417 Genetti, B . K., d e g r e e , 1393 Genewitch, A . , degree, 1563 Geng, Dorothea, appointment, 1173 Gengler, D o r o t h y J., degree, 1537 G e n o v e s e , Lorraine, appointment, 309 Gent, W . R., certificate, 41 Gentes, E . F . , d e g r e e , 411 Gentry, D . L . , appointment, 140 degree, 1384 Gentry, R. E . , appointment, 250, 1094 Genung, E . N . , appointment, 265, 1101 Genung, M . W . , appointment, 297. i"34 GeograpBy, appropriations, balances reappropriated, 37, 1196 budget, 78, 266, 9 1 0 , 1102 s u m m e r session, 694, 1450 cartographic equipment, appropriation, 654 fellows, 6 8 0 , 1483 map projector, purchase, 710 storeroom, contract, adjustment, 866, i3oi> 1521 Geology, appropriations, balances reappropriated, 37, 38 budget, 78, 2 6 6 , 9 1 1 , H 0 2 . s u m m e r session, 694, 145° f e l l o w s , 6 8 0 , 1483 _ fellowship, gift, California Co., 1408 Illinois Clay Products Co., 549. ' 4 ° 8 N a t i o n a l L e a d Co., Baroid Sales Division, 549, 1468 Shell F e l l o w s h i p Committee, 540, 1*12 1649 Geology, cont'd purchase, kiln, 467 laboratory equipment, 467 microscopes, 30, 341 mineral specimens, 341 storage cases, 500, 1416 X-ray equipment, 710 remodeling, appropriation, 23 X-ray equipment, appropriation, 655 Georgacopulos, G. S., degree, 420 George, A. C , certificate, 603 George, Carol D . , degree, 1560 George, Etta J., degree, 805 George, Mrs. Frances E . W . , appointment, 271 degree, 578 George, J. F., degree, 801 George, J. R. H . , degree, 1567 George, Olive, appointment, 323, 1165 Georges, Helen, degree, 589 Georges, J., Jr., degree, 808 Georges, R. H . , degree, 1570 Georgia Power Co., bonds, purchase, 1291 Gephardt, Sarah L., appointment, 210, 229 declination, 403 Gerard, Margaret W . , appointment, 508, 1190 Gerardo, A. H., degree, 1243 Gerber, C. A . , appointment, 274, I n o Gerber, Charlotte C , degree, 1550 Gerchalk, J. G-, degree, 419 Gerdemann, J. W . , appointment, 100, 933 Gerdes, Carolyn L., appointment, 276, 1112 Gerhart, R. L., degree, 811 Gerichs, Charlotte L., appointment, 277, n 13 Gerlach, C. G., certificate, 1329 Gerlach, Elsie, appointment, 217, 1057 Gerlach, J. L., degree, 591 German, budget, 78, 266, 9 1 1 , 1103 summer session, 694, 1450 fellows, 680, 1483 Germano, Joan M . , degree, 817 Germino, D . L., fellowship, 1485 declination, 14S7 Gernon, Ellen A., degree, 8 1 1 , 1545 Gernon, G. D . , Jr., degree, 1285 Gerrie, C. L., Jr., degree, 594 Gersch, Mrs. Beatrice E . , appointment, 256, 1093 Gersey, Darlene L., degree, 589 Gershbein, L. L., appointment, 774, 1038 Gershon, J. S., degree, 797 Gerstein, M. M., degree, 815 Gerth, Betty, appointment, 1094 Gerth, Jean A . , appointment, 1119 Gerty, F. J., appointment, 211, 1047 member of advisory committee, 562 Gerut, S. J., degree, 1248 Gerzetich, R. M . , degree, 588 Gesner, Flora P., appointment, 1308 Getman, F a y e A., degree, 1249 Gettmann, R. A . , appointment, 75, 8 7 1 , 908 leave of absence, 684, 1407 Getty, A . H . , degree, 414 Getz, M. G., degree, 1248 Getz, Norma J., degree, 817 Getz, R. J., appointment, 2 7 3 , 1109 Ghandhi, S. K., degree, 782 Gher, Mrs. A n n e N . , appointment, 142, 977 Gher, R., Jr., degree, 1533 discovery, patent rights, negotiations, 1514 fellowship, 877, 1231 Ghinazzi, Bernice, appointment, 309, 1147 Gholson, W . R., degree, 4 " Gianflsi, C , degree, 1395 Gianasi, C. A . , appointment, 4 3 , 3S4, 1183 Gianturco, M . , fellowship, 1481 Gibala, E. S., degree, rs48 Gibb, R. D . , degree, 1247 Gibbons, J. E . , certificate, 1254 Gibbs, M r s . E r a a L., appointment, 2 1 1 , 1041 Gibbs, F. A., appointment, 2 1 1 , 1041, 1313 Gibbs, J. L., degree, 1571 Gibbs, P. G., appointment, 1225
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